



17.J. Lang*, G. Zhao, Q. Wang, Z. Ni*, Q. Wu*. Pulsatile Soft Lubrication: How Fibrous Boundaries Facilitate Blood Flow. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2024. [SCI, JCR分区: Q2]

16.J. Lang, L. Wang, Q. Wu. Modeling of Periodical Shearing Flow in a Fibrous Space with Applications in Shear-induced Brain Injury. Physics of Fluids, 2024. [SCI, JCR分区: Q1]

15.J. Lang*, Q. Wang. Theoretical modeling of squeezing flow in porous media under arbitrary boundary velocity. Tribology International, 2024. [SCI, JCR分区: Q1]

14.J. Lang, Q. Wang, S. Tong. Investigation of Heat Source Layout Optimization by Using Deep Learning Surrogate Models. ASME Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2024. [SCI, JCR分区: Q3]

13.J. Lang, R. Nathan, D. Zhou, X. Zhang, B. Li, andQ. Wu. Cavitation Causes Brain Injury. Physics of Fluids, 2021, 33:031908. [选为最佳论文(Featured Article),SCI, JCR分区: Q1]


12.J. Lang, R. Nathan, and Q. Wu. Howto deform an egg yolk? On the Study of the Soft Matter Deformation in a LiquidEnvironment. Physics of Fluids, 2021, 33, 011903. [选为最佳论文(Featured Article), 被全球百余家主流以及科技媒体广泛报导, SCI, JCR分区Q1]

11.J. Lang, L. Wang, Q. Wu. Theoretical study ofoscillating squeezing flow through a porous medium. Tribology International,2021;162:107110. [SCI, JCR分区Q1]


10.J. Lang, and Q. Wu. Modeling of the Transient Cerebrospinal Fluid Flow underExternal Impacts. European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids, 2021, 87, 171–179. [SCI, JCR分区Q2]

9.D. Zhou, J. Lang, N. Yoo, Q. Wu,and B. Li. “Fluid guided CVD growth for large-scale monolayer two-dimensionalmaterials”. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020;12:26342–9. [共同一作, SCI, JCR分区Q1]

8.L. Zhu, J. Lang, D. Zhou, B. Li, and Q. Wu. “Fluid-assistedSorted Assembly of Graphene on Polymer”. Langmuir, 2020, 36, 20, 5608–5617. [SCI, JCR分区Q2]


7.J. Lang, R. Nathan, and Q. Wu. “Theoretical andExperimental Study of Transient Squeezing Flow in a Highly Porous Media”.Tribology International, 2019, 135C: 259-268. [SCI, JCR分区Q1]


6.J. Lang, R. Nathan, and Q. Wu. “Experimental Studyof Transient Squeezing Film Flow”. Journal of Fluids Engineering, 2019, 141(8):081110. [SCI, JCR分区Q2]

5.J. Lang, S. Santhanam, and Q. Wu. “Exact and Approximate Solutions for TransientSqueezing Flow”. Physics of Fluids, 29.10 (2017): 103606. [SCI, JCR分区Q1]


4.J.Muller, D. Middleton, M. Alizadeh, G. Zabrecky, N. Wintering, A. J. Bazzan, J.Lang,  C. Wu, D. Monti, Q. Wu,A. Newberg, and F. Mohamed.HybridDiffusion Imaging Reveals Altered White Matter Tract Integrity and Associationswith Symptoms and Cognitive Dysfunction in Chronic Traumatic Brain Injury. NeuroImage: Clinical 2021:102681. [SCI, JCR分区: Q1]


3.郎骥, 杨建刚, 曹浩. “可倾/固定密封内流体激振力计算与试验比较”. 机械工程学报. 2013; 49(3): 101-105. [EI]


2.郎骥, 杨建刚, 曹浩, 田永伟. “滑动轴承热效应分析及流场等效温度的合理确定”. 润滑与密封. 2012; 37(10): 70-73. [核心]


1.李志刚, 郎骥, 李军, 丰镇平. ”迷宫密封泄漏特性试验研究”. 西安交通大学学报, 2011, 45(3): 141-147. [EI]