


华为价值火花奖 2024

江苏省教学创新大赛 二等奖 2024

东南大学第31届青年教师授课竞赛 二等奖 2023

2021 College of Engineering Outstanding DoctoralStudent Award,2021/04



Featured Article2021/02

论文“Cavitation CausesBrain Injury” 被期刊Physics of Fluids 评选为最佳论文


Featured Article2020/12

论文“How to Deform an EggYolk? On the Study of the Soft Matter Deformation in a Liquid Environment” 被期刊Physics of Fluids 评选为最佳论文


Meeting Highlights,2020/11

学术报告How to deform an egg yolk? The Mechanism ofConcussive Brain Injury”被美国物理协会流体分会 (73rd AnnualMeeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Chicago, U.S., Virtual, Nov.21-23, 2020.)评选为推荐报告


Most Enthusiastic Presenter2020/11

美国机械工程学会(2020 ASME InternationalMechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition),最佳演说奖,网络会议,美国


First Place of Technical Excellence in E-Week Graduate Poster Competition,2020/02



Advancesin Biotechnology Awards2019/11

美国机械工程学会(2019 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress &Exposition),生物技术进步奖,盐湖城,犹他州,美国


Lilly Teaching Conference Travel Fellowship2019/05

维拉诺瓦大学颁发,Lilly Conference(Bethesda, MD, US 2019)教育研讨会旅行奖学金


STLE Philadelphia Section Scholarship2018/08

美国摩擦与润滑工程师协会(Societyof Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers)奖学金


APS Student Travel Award2016/11

美国物理协会(American Physical Society, APS,)颁发,69th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics (Portland, OR,US 2016) 旅行奖学金