
Gavriel Salvendy


2013-2014     National Research council's Committee to to Review FAA NextGen


2007-2009     National Research Council’s Panel on Army Research Laboratories


1999-2001     National Research Council Committee on NASA’s Human Factors Research


1996-1997     National Research Council Committee on Advanced Technology for Human Support in Space


1992-1994     National Research Council's Committee on Review and Evaluation of the Army Chemical Stockpile Disposal Program


1987-1995     Indiana Business Modernization and Technology Corporation, Committee on Artificial Intelligence


1985-1986     National Research Council's Committee on Effective Utilization of Advanced Manufacturing Technologies


1984-1985     State of Indiana , Committee on  Productivity Center  


1982-1985     Nuclear Regulatory Commission Subcommittee on Human Factors


1979-1980     Joint Engineering Council's Committee on Three Mile Island .


Member, National Academy of Engineering (NEA)


Fellow and Life Member, Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE):


1988-1989 Director, Work Methods and Measurement Division


1981-1986 - Director of Research, Work Methods and Measurement Division


1979-1981 - Editor, Work Methods and Measurement Division's Newsletter


1973 recipient of the Phil Carrol Award


Fellow, American Psychological Association (APA)


Honorary Fellow and Life Member, Ergonomics Society


Fellow, International Ergonomic Association (IEA)


Fellow, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society:


1984-1986   Chairman, Distinguished Foreign Colleague Award Committee


1974-1978   Member, National Training Committee


1976-1977   President, Indiana Chapter


1975-1976   Secretary, Indiana Chapter


1974-1975   Member, National Educational and Training Committees


1947-1975   Chairman Distinguished Lecture Series


1973-1974   Chairman, Liaison with Foreign Ergonomics Societies Committee


1972-1973   Member, National Advisory Committee to the President


1970-1971   President-Elect, Western New York Chapter


1969-1970   Vice President, Western New York Chapter


2016-2021   Professor, College of Engineering and Computer Science, University of Central Florida


2013-2016   Research Professor, Lousina State University


2011-Present  Chair Professor Emeritus and Former Head, Department of Industrial Engineering, Tsinghua University


2008-Present  Professor Emeritus, School of Industrial Engineering, Purdue University


2001-2011    Chair Professor and Head, Department of Industrial Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, P.R. China


1999-2008    Professor, School of Industrial Engineering  Purdue University


1984 - 1999  NEC Professor of Industrial Engineering   Purdue University (A private chair)


1977-1984   Professor, School of Industrial Engineering   Purdue University


1979.08 -1981.09  Fulbright Distinguished Professor,  Faculty of Mechanical Engineering   University of Belgrade , Yugoslavia


1978.09 – 1978.12  Visiting Professor, Leon Recanati Graduate   School of Business Administration Tel-Aviv University , Israel


1971-1977    Associate Professor School of Industrial Engineering  Purdue University


1968-1971    Assistant Professor Department of Industrial Engineering   State University of New York at Buffalo


1965-1968    Research Associate Department of Engineering Production University of Birmingham , England


1962-1964    Head, Department of Management Services Gunson's Sortex, Ltd. bLondon , England


1959-1962    Industrial Engineer, Various Manufacturing Industries Israel