
Gavriel Salvendy


Guest Professor a Southeast University 2015 -- Elsevier John Wilson Award for major contributions to applied ergonomics presented by the International Ergonomics Association (IEA) 2015.


Honorary Professor of Tsinghua University 2014 -- Medal of Merit for Education awarded for Distinguished Service and Contribution to Education in China by Chinese government entities 2014.


The journals Ergonomics(2003) , Computers in Industry(2010) and Intelligent Manufacutring (2011) have published special issues in honor of Gavriel Salvendy.


John L. Imhoff Global Excellence Award for Industrial Engineering Education, presented by the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), 2008.


John Fritz Medal, presented by the American Association of Engineering Societies, 2007.  The award is referred to as the highest award in the engineering profession and is presented each year for scientific or industrial achievement in any field of pure or applied science.


Friendship Award presented by the Peoples Republic of China , 2006.  The award is the highest honor the Chinese government confers on foreign experts.


The Paul M. Fitts Education Award, The Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 2004


Outstanding Educators Award, International Ergonomics Association (IEA), 2003


Presidents Award, International Ergonomics Association (IEA), 2003


Great Wall Friendship Award, The Peoples Government of Beijing Municipality, 2003


Honorary Doctorate from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1995.  He is the fourth person in all fields of science and engineering in the 45 years of the Academy ever to receive this award for great contributions to the development of science and technology and for the great influence upon the development of science and technology in China .


Elected to the National Academy of Engineering, 1990.  He is the first member of either the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society or the International Ergonomics Association to be elected to the Academy.  He was elected for fundamental contributions to and professional leadership in human, physical, and cognitive aspects of engineering systems.


Founding Editor, Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing, 1989-present.


Founding Editor, International Journal on Human-Computer Interaction, 1988-present.


Founding Chairman, International Commission on Human Aspects in Computing, Geneva, Switzerland, 1986-1991.


Fellow of the following professional organizations:


International Ergonomics Association (IEA)


Institute of Industrial Engineers  (IIE)


American Psychological Association (APA)


Human Factors and Ergonomics Society


Ergonomics Society


Recipient, IIE - Joint Publishers Award, Book-of-the-Year (Handbook of Human Factors), 1988. Should go in.


Recipient, American Publishers Assoc. Award for the best book in Engineering (Handbook of Industrial Engineering) 1982.


Ergonomics Society, Honorary Fellow and Life Member


Recipient, Award for Excellence in Oral Presentation, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., 1980.


Recipient, 1979-80 and 1981-82 U.S. Government's Fulbright Distinguished Professor Award.


Recipient, American Institute of Industrial Engineers' Phil Carroll Achievement Award for Outstanding Contributions in Work Measurement and Methods Engineering, 1973.