
Gavriel Salvendy




1. Dong, J., Fu, P., Rau, P., Stephanidis, C., and Salvendy, G.:Human-Computer Interaction (4th Edition), Beijing: Tsinghua Press, 2012,334pages (In Chinese).


2. Zhou,J. and Salvendy,G. (Editors):Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population: Design for Aging,Springer,2015,540 pages.


3. Zhou,J. and Salvendy, G. (Editors):Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population: Design for Everyday Life, Springer,544 pages.


4.Dong,J.,Fu,P.,Rau,P.,Stephanidis,C., and Salvendy,G.: Human-Computer Interaction (5th Edition),Beijing:Tsinghua Press,2016,329 pages (In Chinese).


5. Salvendy, G.(Editor) : Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomic, (4th edition), Hoboken NJ, John Wiley and Sons, 2012, 1732 pages.


6. Smith, M.J. and Salvendy, G.(Editors) :Human Interface and Management of Information, Part I, Heidelberg:Springer, 2011, 703 pages.


7. Salvendy,G. and Smith M.J.(Editors) : Human Interface and Management of Information, Part II, Heidelbery: Springer, 2011, 559 pages.


8. Salvendy,G., Karwowski, W.(Editors), Advances in Design for Cross-Cultural Activities. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press - A Taylor & Francis Company, 2010, 700 pages.


9.Salvendy,G., Kaber,D.B., Boy G., Karwowski, W.(Editors), Advances in Cognitive Ergonomics, Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press - A Taylor & Francis Company, 2010, 910 pages.


10. Salvendy,G., Vink P., Kantola J., Karwowski W.(Editors), Advances in Occupational, Social and Organizational Ergonomics. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press - A Taylor & Francis Company, 2010, 860 pages.


11. Karwowski, W., Salvendy, G.(Editors), Advances in Human Factors, Ergonomic, and Safety in Manufacturing and Service Industries, NewYork: CRC Press, 2010, 1231 pages.


12. Dong, J., Fu, L., Rau, P.L., Stephanitis C., and Salvendy, G. Human-Computer Interaction (3rd Edition), Beijing: Tsinghua Press, 2010, 251 pages (In Chinese).


13. Liao, H., Guo, Y., Savoy, A and Salvendy, G content preparation guidelines for the web and information appliances: cross cultural comparison, Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press - A Taylor & Francis Company, 2010, 192 pages.


14. Salvendy, G., and Karwowski, W.(Editors), Introduction to Service Engineering: Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons, 2010, 671 pages.


15. Smith, M.J., Salvendy, G. (Editors) . Human Interface and the Management of Information: Designing Information Environments. Heidelberg: Springer, 2009, 780 pages.


16.Salvendy, G., and Smith, M.J. (Editors). Human Interface and the Management of Information: Information and Interaction. Heidelberg: Springer, 2009, 920 pages.


17.Dong, J., Fu, L., Rau, P.L., and Salvendy, G. Human-Computer Interaction (2nd Edition), Beijing: Tsinghua Press, 2007, 226 pages.


18.Smith, M. J., and Salvendy, G (Editors). Human Interface and the Management of Information (Part I), Heidelberg : Springer, 2007, 1037 pages.


19.Smith, M. J., and Salvendy, G (Editors). Human Interface and the Management of Information (Part II), Heidelberg : Springer, 2007, 1169 pages.


20. Salvendy, G. (Editor): Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics (3rd edition), Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons, 2006, 1670 pages.


21. Dong, J., Fu, P., and Salvendy, G.: Human-Computer Interaction: User Centered Design and Evaluation, Beijing : Tsinghua Press, 2004, 204 pages.


22. Salvendy, G. (Editor): Handbook of Industrial Engineering: Technology and Operations Management, (3rd edition), Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, 2001, 2796 pages Translated and published in Chinese by Tsinghua Press, 2006


23. Smith, M. J., Salvendy, G., Harris, D., Koubek, R. J., (Editors): Usability Evaluation and Interface Design: Cognitive Engineering, Intelligent Agents and Virtual Reality, (Volume 1), London : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2001.


24. Smith, M. J., Salvendy, G. (Editors): Systems, Social and Internationalization Design Aspects of Human-Computer Interaction, (Volume 2), London : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2001.


25. Karwowski, W., Salvendy, G. (Editors): Design of Work and Organization, Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, , 1999.


26. Karwowski, W., Salvendy, G. (Editors): Ergonomics in Manufacturing: Raising productivity through workplace improvement, Dearborn, MI : Society of Manufacturing Engineers, , 1998, 538 pages.


27. Salvendy, G., Smith, M.J, and Koubek, R.J. (Editors): Design of Computing Systems: Cognitive Considerations, Amsterdam , The Netherlands: Elsevier Science Publishers, 1997, 879 pages.


28. Salvendy, G., and Smith, M.J. (Editors): Design of Computing Systems: Social and Ergonomic Considerations, Amsterdam , The Netherlands: Elsevier Science Publishers, 1997, 1027 pages.


29. Salvendy, G. (Editor): Handbook of Human Factors & Ergonomics, 2nd Edition, Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, 1997, 2137 pages.


30. Ozok, A., Salvendy, G. (Editors): Advances in Applied Ergonomics, Istanbul : USA Publishing, 1996, 1101 pages.


31. Salvendy, G., and Karwowski, W. (Editors): Design of Work and Development of Personnel in Advanced Manufacturing, Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, 1994, 591 pages.


32.arwowski, W., and Salvendy, G. (Editors): Organization and Management of Advanced Manufacturing, Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, 1994, 437 pages.


33. Salvendy, G., and Smith, M.J. (Editors): Human-Computer Interaction: Software and Hardware Interfaces, Amsterdam , Netherlands : Elsevier Science Publishers, 1993, 1145 pages.


34. Smith, M.J., and Salvendy, G. (Editors): Human-Computer Interaction: Applications and Case Studies, Amsterdam , Netherlands : Elsevier Science Publishers, 1993, 1062 pages.


35. Salvendy, G. (Editor): Handbook of Industrial Engineering, (2nd edition), Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, 1992, 2,800 pages.


36. Smith, M.J., and Salvendy, G. (Editors): Work with Computers: Stress, Health, Organizational and Management Issues, Amsterdam , Netherlands : Elsevier Science Publishers, 1989, 698 pages.


37. Salvendy, G., and Smith, M.J. (Editors): Designing and Using Human-Computer Interfaces and Knowledge Based Systems, Amsterdam , Netherlands : Elsevier Science Publishers, 1989, 900 pages.


38. Salvendy, G. (Editor): Cognitive Engineering in the Design of Human-Computer Interaction and Expert Systems, Amsterdam , Netherlands : Elsevier Science Publishers, 1987, 592 pages.


39. Salvendy, G., Sauter, S., and Hurrell, J. (Editors): Social, Ergonomic and Stress Aspects of Work with Computers, Amsterdam , Netherlands : Elsevier Science Publishers, 1987, 373 pages.


40. Majchrzak, A., Barfield, W., Chang, T.C., Eberts, R., and Salvendy, G., Human Aspects of Computer-Aided Design, London: Taylor & Francis, Ltd., 1987, 287 pages.


41. Salvendy, G. (Editor), Handbook of Human Factors, Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, 1987, 1898 pages.


 • Translated and published in Russian by Mir Publishers, 1991


 • Translated and published in Japanese by Dobun Shoin, 1989


 • Received the IIE-Joint Publishers Award for Best Book of the Year, 1988.  


42. Salvendy, G. (Editor), Human-Computer Interaction, Amsterdam , Netherlands : Elsevier Scientific Publishers, 1984 (XIII + 470 pages).


 • Translated and published in Japanese by Dobun Shoin, 1986


43. Salvendy, G. (Editor), Handbook of Industrial Engineering Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, 1982, (2128 pages).


 • Translated and published in Spanish by Editorial Limusa, 1991


 • Translated and published in Japanese by Japan Management Association, 1987


 • Translated and published in Chinese by Mechanical Industry Publishing Company, 1987


 • Reprinted in Taiwan  by Southeast Book Company, 1984


 • Received in the American Publishers Association Best Book Award in Engineering, 1982.  


44. Salvendy, G., and Smith, M.J., (Editors), Machine Pacing and Occupational Stress, London  : Taylor & Francis, Ltd., 1981, (x+374 pages).


 • Translated and published in Japanese by Dobun Shoin, 1983  


45. Salvendy, G., and Seymour, W.D., Prediction and Development of Industrial Work Performance, Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, 1973 (XII + 351 pages), 2001.  


46. Salvendy, G., Smith, M.J., Harris, D., Koubek, R.J., (Editors), Usability Evaluation and Interface Design: Cognitive Engineering, Intelligent Agents and Virtual Reality, London  : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2001 (1580 pages).


Journal Articles:


47. Yutao Baa, Wei Zhanga*, Bryan Reimerb, Yan Yangbc & Gavriel Salvendya (2015) The effect of communicational signals on drivers' subjective appraisal and visual attention during interactive driving scenarios, pages 1107-1118, Volume 34, Issue 11, Behaviour & Information Technology. DOI:10.1080/0144929X.2015.1056547.


48. Yutao Baa, Wei Zhanga*, QiJia Penga, Gavriel Salvendya & David Crundallb(2015), Risk-taking on the road and in the mind: behavioural and neural patterns of decision making between risky and safe drivers, Published online: 31 Jul 2015, DOI:10.1080/00140139.2015.1056236, Ergonomics


49. Yutao Baa,b, Wei Zhanga, , , Gavriel Salvendya, Andy S.K. Chengc, Petya Ventsislavovad (2015), Assessments of risky driving: A Go/No-Go simulator driving task to evaluate risky decision-making and associated behavioral patterns, Volume 52, January 2016, Pages 265274, Applied Ergonomics.


50. Ba, Y.T., Zhang, W., Salvendy, G., Cheng, A., and Ventsislavova, P. (2015). Assessments of Risk Driving: a Go/no-go Simulator Driving Task to Evaluate Risky Decision-making and Associated Behavioral Patterns. Applied Ergonomics (52, 265,274).


51. Ba, Y.T., Zhang, W., Peng, Q.J., Salvendy, G., and Crundall, D. (2015). Risk-taking on Road and in Mind: Behavioral and Neural Patterns of Decision-making between Risky and Safe Drivers. Ergonomics (in press).


52. Ba, Y.T., Zhang, W., Yang, Y., Bryan, R., and Salvendy, G. (2015). DriversSubjective Appraisal and Visual Attention during Interactive Driving Scenarios: the Effects of Communicational Signals. Behavior, Information & Technology (in press).


53. Wang, P., Rau, P.L. P., Salvendy, G., and Qie, N. (2015). Effect of Information Sharing and Communication on Drivers Risk Taking, submitted to Safety Science, 77, pp.123-132.


54. Li, H., Rau, P.L. P., Salvendy, G., Chen, C., Huebner D., & Frey, D. (2014). Effects of communication styles on acceptance of recommendations in intercultural collaboration. Journal of International Business and Cultural Studies, ( http://www.aabri.com/manuscripts/141874.pdf)


55.Wang, L., Rau, P.L. P., and Salvendy, G. (2013). Design guidelines of information technology products for Chinese older adults. Chinese Journal of Ergonomics, 19(3). pp.82-85. (in Chinese)


56. Zhang, T., Rau, P.L. P., Salvendy, G., and Zhou, J. (2012). Comparing low- and high-fidelity prototypes in mobile phone evaluation. International Journal of Technology Diffusion, 3(4), 1-19


57. Zhou, J., Rau, P.L. P., and Salvendy, G. (2014). Older adults' text entry on smart phones and tablets: Investigating effects of display size and input method on acceptance and performance. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 30(9), pp. 727739.


58. Zhou, J., Rau, P.L. P., Salvendy, G. (2014). Older Adultsuse of smart phones: An investigation of the factors influencing the acceptance of new functions. Behaviour & Information Technology. 33(6), pp. 552560.


59. Zhou, J., Rau, P.L. P., and Salvendy, G. (2014). Age-related difference in the use of mobile phones. Universal Access in the Information Society, 13(4), pp. 401-403.


60. Li, H., Rau, P.L. P., & Salvendy, G. (2014). The Effect of Mixed American-Chinese Group Composition on Computer-Mediated Group Decision Making. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, 24(4), pp. 428-443.


61. Kyeong-Ah Jeong, Robert W. Proctor and Gavriel Salvendy(2013), Smart-Home Interface Desing: Layout, Organization and Adapted to Americans and Koreans' coginitive Style, Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing and service industries, 23(4), 322-335.


62. Duan, J.Y.,Li, Z.Z., Salvendy, G.(2013) Risk illusioins in car following: Is a smaller headway always perceived as more dangerous? Safety Science, 53(1):25-33.


63. Jun, E., Landry, S., and Salvendy, G. (2013). Exploring the cognitive costs and benefits of using multiple-view visualizations. Behaviour & Information Technology, 32(8)824-835.


64. Jiyang Duan, Zhizhong Li, Gavriel Salveny. Automatic imitation of risky behavior: A study of simulated driving in China. Traffic injury prevention, 2012, 13(5):442-449.


65. Zhou, J., Rau, P.L.P., and Salvendy, G.(2012). Use and design of mobile devices for older people-a review and appraisal, Internationsl Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 28(12), pp. 799-826.


66. Violation and Safety Strategy. Industrial Engineering, 15(3), 136-141. (in Chinese)