





ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Xianjun-Pei

  • 副研究员,东南大学机械工程学院,2021.3-至今

  • 助理研究员,密歇根大学,2019.9-2020.12

  • 博士后研究员,密歇根大学,2018.8-2019.8

  • 研究员,斯伦贝谢道尔研发中心,2016.9-2018.7

  • 访问研究,斯伦贝谢道尔研发中心,2016.9-2017.3


  • 机器人学及应用(全英文)

  • 基础力学II(材料力学)

  • 机器人力学


 International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, International Journal of Fatigue, Thin-walled Structure,Engineering Structures, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Ocean Engineering, International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, Automation in Construction, Material Science of Engineering: A, Construction of Building Materials,Welding in the World 等期刊审稿人。


Lei, L., Xie, M., Lan, T., Jiang, W., Xie, X., Gu, T., & Pei, X*. (2025). Analytical solution for the structural strain parameter of power-law hardening materials to evaluate low-and high-cycle fatigue life of welded components. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 110824.

Xie, M., Wei, Z., Zhao, J., Wang, Y., Liang, X., & Pei, X*. (2024). Remaining useful life prediction of pipelines considering the crack coupling effect using genetic algorithm-back propagation neural network. Thin-Walled Structures, 204, 112330.

Weng, S., Meng, C., Deng, J., Zhao, L., Pei, X*., & Zhu, M*. (2024). Fatigue life assessment of Q345 steel fillet welded joints with competitive failure modes. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 298, 109913.

Zhang, T., Ma, X., Yang, B., Pei, X*., Ge, Z., & Jiang, W. (2024). An adaptive spherical indentation test integrating targeted testing scenarios, data acquisition, and model selection for uniaxial mechanical property predictions. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 212, 105365.

Liu, X. C., Ye, T., Li, Y. Z., Pei, X*. J., & Sun, Z. (2023). Quasi-in-situ characterization of microstructure evolution in friction stir welding of aluminum alloy. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 25, 6380-6394.

Xie, M., Zhao, J., & Pei, X*. (2023). Maintenance strategy optimization of pipeline system with multi-stage corrosion defects based on heuristically genetic algorithm. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 170, 553-572.

Zhang, T., Li, J., Yang, B., Pei, X*., & Jiang, W. (2023). An incremental indentation energy method in predicting uniaxial tensile properties of ferritic-austenitic dissimilar metal welds from spherical indentation tests. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 202, 104886.

Liu, X., Lei, L., Xing, S., Gu, T., Li, X., Zhao, S., & Pei, X*. (2023). A post‐processing procedure for predicting high‐and low‐cycle fatigue life of welded structures based on the master E–N curve. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, 46(9), 3387-3403.

Xie, M., Xing, S., Zhao, J., KARAKAŞ, Ö., Li, Y., & Pei, X*. (2022). Low-cycle fatigue design of welded offshore pipe components: A modern view on ASME B31 code. International Journal of Fatigue, 162, 106982.

Zhao, Z., Zhang, T., Song, W., Jiang, W., Wang, P., Xing, S., & Pei, X*. (2022). A data‐driven analysis for fatigue failure mode identification in load‐carrying fillet welded joint with mechanical data augmentation. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, 45(11), 3418-3435.

Wei, Z., Jin, H*., Pei, X*., & Wang, L. (2021). A simplified approach to estimate the fatigue life of full-scale welded cast steel thin-walled tubular structures. Thin-walled structures, 160, 107348.

Wang, P., Pei, X*., Dong, P., Yu, Y., & Li, X. (2020). Analysis of weld root fatigue cracking in load-carrying high-strength aluminum alloy cruciform joints. International Journal of Fatigue, 139, 105735.


Pei, X., Cao, Y., Gu, T., Xie, M., Dong, P., Wei, Z., ... & Zhang, T. (2024). Generalizing multiaxial vibration fatigue criteria in the frequency domain: A data-driven approach. International Journal of Fatigue186, 108390.

Pei, X., Li, X., Zhao, S., Dong, P., Liu, X., & Xie, M. (2022). Low cycle fatigue evaluation of welded structures with arbitrary stress-strain curve considering stress triaxiality effect. International Journal of Fatigue162, 106969.

Pei, X.,Ravi,S.K. Dong, P.*, Li, X., Zhou, X. A multi-axial vibration fatigue evaluation procedure for welded structures in frequency domain. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing (2022), 108516.

Pei, X., and Dong, P*. A selectively-coupled shear localization model for friction stir welding process window estimation. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture (2017), 123, 89-104.

Pei, X., Dong, P*. and Xing, S. A structural strain parameter for a unified treatment of fatigue behaviors of welded components. International Journal of Fatigue (2019), 124, 444-460

Pei, X., Dong, P* & Kim, M. H. A simplified structural strain method for low-cycle fatigue evaluation of girth-welded pipe components. International Journal of Fatigue (2020), 105732.

Pei, X. and Dong, P*. An analytically formulated structural strain method for fatigue evaluation of welded components incorporating nonlinear hardening effects. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures 42.1 (2019): 239-255.

Pei, X., and Dong, P*. The effects of kinematic hardening on thermal ratcheting and Bree diagram boundaries. Thin-Walled Structures. (2020), 107235

Pei, X., and Dong, P*. A universal approach to ratcheting problems of Bree Type incorporating arbitrary loading and material nonlinearity conditions. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, (2020), 104137.

Pei, X., and Dong, P*. Shear localisation modelling of friction stir weld formation process. Science and Technology of Welding and Joining 19.5 (2014): 416-426.

Pei, X., and Dong, P*. Modeling of banded structure in friction stir weld in strain rate–hardening materials of Zener–Hollomon type. The Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, (2015), 50(3), 175-189.

Pei, X. and Dong, P*. An Improved Friction Stir Shear Localization Model and Applications in Understanding Weld Formation Process in Alloy Ti-6-4. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2017): 1-14.









1.Dong,P., Song,S., Pei,X., Method for joining dissimilar metal parts for improved weldability, weld quality, mechanical performance.  HDP Ref. No. 2115-006461-US

2.Dong,P., X. Pei, Mei,J., A Unified Fatigue Life Evaluation Method for Welded Structures. HDP Ref.: 2115-007442-US-PS1 

裴宪军 统计学习与机械强度学;增材制造的数学原理;
Personal Introduction





ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Xianjun-Pei

Educational Background

Lei, L., Xie, M., Lan, T., Jiang, W., Xie, X., Gu, T., & Pei, X*. (2025). Analytical solution for the structural strain parameter of power-law hardening materials to evaluate low-and high-cycle fatigue life of welded components. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 110824.

Xie, M., Wei, Z., Zhao, J., Wang, Y., Liang, X., & Pei, X*. (2024). Remaining useful life prediction of pipelines considering the crack coupling effect using genetic algorithm-back propagation neural network. Thin-Walled Structures, 204, 112330.

Weng, S., Meng, C., Deng, J., Zhao, L., Pei, X*., & Zhu, M*. (2024). Fatigue life assessment of Q345 steel fillet welded joints with competitive failure modes. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 298, 109913.

Zhang, T., Ma, X., Yang, B., Pei, X*., Ge, Z., & Jiang, W. (2024). An adaptive spherical indentation test integrating targeted testing scenarios, data acquisition, and model selection for uniaxial mechanical property predictions. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 212, 105365.

Liu, X. C., Ye, T., Li, Y. Z., Pei, X*. J., & Sun, Z. (2023). Quasi-in-situ characterization of microstructure evolution in friction stir welding of aluminum alloy. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 25, 6380-6394.

Xie, M., Zhao, J., & Pei, X*. (2023). Maintenance strategy optimization of pipeline system with multi-stage corrosion defects based on heuristically genetic algorithm. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 170, 553-572.

Zhang, T., Li, J., Yang, B., Pei, X*., & Jiang, W. (2023). An incremental indentation energy method in predicting uniaxial tensile properties of ferritic-austenitic dissimilar metal welds from spherical indentation tests. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 202, 104886.

Liu, X., Lei, L., Xing, S., Gu, T., Li, X., Zhao, S., & Pei, X*. (2023). A post‐processing procedure for predicting high‐and low‐cycle fatigue life of welded structures based on the master E–N curve. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, 46(9), 3387-3403.

Xie, M., Xing, S., Zhao, J., KARAKAŞ, Ö., Li, Y., & Pei, X*. (2022). Low-cycle fatigue design of welded offshore pipe components: A modern view on ASME B31 code. International Journal of Fatigue, 162, 106982.

Zhao, Z., Zhang, T., Song, W., Jiang, W., Wang, P., Xing, S., & Pei, X*. (2022). A data‐driven analysis for fatigue failure mode identification in load‐carrying fillet welded joint with mechanical data augmentation. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, 45(11), 3418-3435.

Wei, Z., Jin, H*., Pei, X*., & Wang, L. (2021). A simplified approach to estimate the fatigue life of full-scale welded cast steel thin-walled tubular structures. Thin-walled structures, 160, 107348.

Wang, P., Pei, X*., Dong, P., Yu, Y., & Li, X. (2020). Analysis of weld root fatigue cracking in load-carrying high-strength aluminum alloy cruciform joints. International Journal of Fatigue, 139, 105735.


Pei, X., Cao, Y., Gu, T., Xie, M., Dong, P., Wei, Z., ... & Zhang, T. (2024). Generalizing multiaxial vibration fatigue criteria in the frequency domain: A data-driven approach. International Journal of Fatigue186, 108390.

Pei, X., Li, X., Zhao, S., Dong, P., Liu, X., & Xie, M. (2022). Low cycle fatigue evaluation of welded structures with arbitrary stress-strain curve considering stress triaxiality effect. International Journal of Fatigue162, 106969.

Pei, X.,Ravi,S.K. Dong, P.*, Li, X., Zhou, X. A multi-axial vibration fatigue evaluation procedure for welded structures in frequency domain. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing (2022), 108516.

Pei, X., and Dong, P*. A selectively-coupled shear localization model for friction stir welding process window estimation. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture (2017), 123, 89-104.

Pei, X., Dong, P*. and Xing, S. A structural strain parameter for a unified treatment of fatigue behaviors of welded components. International Journal of Fatigue (2019), 124, 444-460

Pei, X., Dong, P* & Kim, M. H. A simplified structural strain method for low-cycle fatigue evaluation of girth-welded pipe components. International Journal of Fatigue (2020), 105732.

Pei, X. and Dong, P*. An analytically formulated structural strain method for fatigue evaluation of welded components incorporating nonlinear hardening effects. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures 42.1 (2019): 239-255.

Pei, X., and Dong, P*. The effects of kinematic hardening on thermal ratcheting and Bree diagram boundaries. Thin-Walled Structures. (2020), 107235

Pei, X., and Dong, P*. A universal approach to ratcheting problems of Bree Type incorporating arbitrary loading and material nonlinearity conditions. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, (2020), 104137.

Pei, X., and Dong, P*. Shear localisation modelling of friction stir weld formation process. Science and Technology of Welding and Joining 19.5 (2014): 416-426.

Pei, X., and Dong, P*. Modeling of banded structure in friction stir weld in strain rate–hardening materials of Zener–Hollomon type. The Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, (2015), 50(3), 175-189.

Pei, X. and Dong, P*. An Improved Friction Stir Shear Localization Model and Applications in Understanding Weld Formation Process in Alloy Ti-6-4. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2017): 1-14.


Professional Experience






Research Interests

1.Dong,P., Song,S., Pei,X., Method for joining dissimilar metal parts for improved weldability, weld quality, mechanical performance.  HDP Ref. No. 2115-006461-US

2.Dong,P., X. Pei, Mei,J., A Unified Fatigue Life Evaluation Method for Welded Structures. HDP Ref.: 2115-007442-US-PS1 

Refereed Journals
Other Professional Activities
Selected Publications
Research Projects
Patents and Applications