





20083月-201110月,美国VanderbiltUniversity 机械工程系,博士后;






1. 微纳尺度传热2. 计算机辅助机械设计3. 机电一体化

ACS Advances

International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer

International Journal of Thermal Sciences

Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids



Scientific Report



2008年度获得江苏省科技进步一等奖1 项,获奖人员排名:易红、陈云飞、倪中华、杨决宽、仇晓黎、王玉娟、幸研、顾兴中、毕可东。


Chenhan Liu*, PingLu*, Zhongzhu Gu, Juekuan Yang,Yunfei Chen, Bidirectional tuning of thermal conductivity in ferroelectricmaterials using e‑controlled hysteresis characteristic property, The Journal ofPhysical Chemistry C, 2020, 124, 26144-26152

Chenhan Liu*, PingLu*, Zhongzhu Gu, Juekuan Yang,Yunfei Chen, The effects of contact atom distribution at the interface on thephonon transport, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2020, 22, 27690-27697

Yu Zhao, Yi Tao,Kabin Lin, Juekuan Yang, Jingjie Sha*, Yunfei Chen*, Experimentalmeasurement of thermal conductivity along different crystallographic planes ingraphite, Journal of Applied Physics, 2020, 128, 045118

Zhiyong Wei*,Wenjing Ju, Kedong Bi, Juekuan Yang, Yunfei Chen*, Significantenhancement of thermal boundary conductance in graphite/Al interface by ionintercalation, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2020, 157:119946

Yi Tao, Chao Wu, HanQi, Chenhan Liu, Xiongyu Wu, Mengyi Hao, Zhiyong Wei*, Juekuan Yang*,Yunfei Chen*, The enhancement of heat conduction across the metal/graphite interfacetreated with a focused ion beam, Nanoscale, 2020, 12: 14838-14846

Yiwen Sun, JuekuanYang*, Uncertainty analysis of the thermal bridge method, InternationalJournal of Thermophysics, 2020, 41: 146

Chenhan Liu*, WeiSi, Chao Wu, Juekuan Yang, Yunfei Chen*, Chris Dames*, The ignoredeffects of vibrational entropy and electrocaloric effect in PbTiO3and PbZr0.5Ti0.5O3 as studied throughfirst-principles calculation, Acta Materialia, 2020, 191: 221-229

Quan Han, HaiyangChen, Wencong Yang, Yan Zhang, Juekuan Yang, Yunfei Chen*, Analysis ofreciprocating Oring seal in the pressure-balanced oil-filled wet-mate electrical connectors for underwaterapplications, Lubrication Science, 2019, 31(7): 335-345

Fangyu Zhou, JuekuanYang*, Shuxin Wang, Optimization of pneumatic network actuators withisosceles trapezoidal chambers, SAE International Journal of Materials andManufacturing, 2019, 12(3): 221-228

Juekuan Yang*, Long Kong, Bokang Mu, Hongze Zhang, YongLi, Weiyu Cao*, Measurement of intrinsic thermal conductivity of carbon fiberusing direct electrical heating method, Review of Scientific Instruments, 2019,90: 114902

Yang Zhao, Lin Yang,Chenhan Liu, Qian Zhang, Yunfei Chen, Juekuan Yang*, Deyu Li*, Kinkeffects on thermal transport in silicon nanowires, International Journal ofHeat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 137: 573–578

Lin Yang, QianZhang, Zhiyong Wei, Zhiguang Cui, Yang Zhao, Terry T. Xu, Juekuan Yang,Deyu Li*, Kink as a new degree of freedom to tune the thermal conductivity ofSi nanoribbons, Journal of Applied Physics, 2019, 126: 155103

Lin Yang, Yang Zhao,Qian Zhang, Juekuan Yang, Deyu Li*, Thermal transport through fishbonesilicon nanoribbons: unraveling the role of Sharvin resistance, Nanoscale,2019, 11: 8196–8203

Jianli Wang*,Hongmei Yu, Torsten Walbert, Markus Antoni, Cong Wang, Wei Xi, Falk Muench, JuekuanYang, Yunfei Chen, Wolfgang Ensinger, Electrical and thermal conductivitiesof polycrystalline platinum nanowires, Nanotechnology, 2019, 30: 455706

Zhiyong Wei*, FanYang, Kedong Bi, Juekuan Yang, Yunfei Chen, Tuning the interfacialthermal conductance via the anisotropic elastic properties of graphite, Carbon,2019, 144: 109-115

Hao Tang, XuejunYan, Yucheng Xiong, Kunpeng Dou, Yang Zhao, Jiansheng Jie, Xiaomeng Wang, QiangFu, Juekuan Yang*, Minghui Lu*, Dongyan Xu*, Quantum transportcharacteristics of heavily doped bismuth selenide nanoribbons, npj QuantumMaterials, 2019, 4(1): 1

Jianli Wang*,Chengkun Mao, Zhizheng Wu, Wei Xi, Yunfeng Zhao, Re Xia, Juekuan Yang,Yunfei Chen, Reduction of electrical conductivity in Ag nanowires induced bylow-energy electron beam irradiation, Journal of Physics and Chemistry ofSolids, 2019, 124: 89-93

Zhiyong Wei*, FanYang, Kedong Bi, Juekuan Yang, Yunfei Chen, Tunable anisotropic thermal conductivityand elastic properties in intercalated graphite via lithium ions, The Journalof Physical Chemistry C, 2018, 122(3): 1447-1455

Xiaomeng Wang#,Juekuan Yang#, Yucheng Xiong, Baoling Huang, Terry T Xu, DeyuLi, Dongyan Xu*, Measuring nanowire thermal conductivity at high temperatures, MeasurementScience and Technology, 2018, 29(2): 025001

Jianli Wang*,Zhizheng Wu, Chengkun Mao, Yunfeng Zhao, Juekuan Yang, Yunfei Chen, Effectof electrical contact resistance on measurement of thermal conductivity and Wiedemann-Franzlaw for individual metallic nanowires, Scientific Reports, 2018, 8(1): 4862

Chenhan Liu, WeiyuChen, Yi Tao, Juekuan Yang, YunfeiChen*, Transient and steady state heat transport in layered materials frommolecular dynamics simulation, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2018, 121: 72-78

Yucheng Xiong, Hao Tang,Xiaomeng Wang, Yang Zhao, Qiang Fu, JuekuanYang, Dongyan Xu*, Significantly enhanced thermal conductivity of indiumarsenide nanowires via sulfur passivation, Scientific Reports, 2017, 7(1): 13252

Zhiyong Wei*, WeiyuChen, Zhen Chen, Kedong Bi, Juekuan Yang,Yunfei Chen*, Phonon filtering for reduced thermal conductance inunconventional superlattices, Applied Physics Express, 2017, 10(8): 085801

Yi Tao, Chenhan Liu,Weiyu Chen, Shuang Cai, Chen Chen, Zhiyong Wei, Kedong Bi, Juekuan Yang, Yunfei Chen*, Mean free path dependent phononcontributions to interfacial thermal conductance, Physics Letters A, 2017,381(22): 1899-1904

Qian Zhang, ZhiguangCui, Zhiyong Wei, Siang Yee Chang, Lin Yang, Yang Zhao,  Yang Yang, Zhe Guan, Youfei Jiang, JasonFowlkes, Juekuan Yang, Dongyan Xu,Yunfei Chen, Terry T. Xu*, Deyu Li*, Defect Facilitated Phonon Transportthrough Kinks in Boron Carbide Nanowires, Nano Letters, 2017, 17(6): 3550-3555

Chunwei Zhang, WeiyuChen, Yi Tao, Weiwei Zhao, Shuang Cai, Chenhan Liu, Zhenhua Ni, Dongyan Xu,Zhiyong Wei, Juekuan Yang, KedongBi, Yunfei Chen*, Electron contributions to the heat conduction acrossAu/graphene/Au interfaces, Carbon, 2017, 115: 665-671

Jiashu Sun, Juekuan Yang, Yandong Gao, Dongyan Xu,Deyu Li*, Reference channel-based microfluidic resistance sensing for singleyeast cell volume growth measurement, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 2017,21(3): 33

Zhiyong Wei, FanYang, Kedong Bi, Juekuan Yang,Yunfei Chen*, Thermal transport properties of all-sp2three-dimensional graphene: Anisotropy, size and pressure effects, Carbon,2017, 113: 212-218

Weiyu Chen, Juekuan Yang*, Zhiyong Wei, ChenhanLiu, Kedong Bi, Yunfei Chen*, Axial tensile strain effects on the contactthermal conductance between cross contacted single-walled carbon nanotubes, Journalof Applied Physics, 2017, 121(5): 054310

Lin Yang, Yang Yang,Qian Zhang, Yin Zhang, Youfei Jiang, Zhe Guan, Matthew Gerboth, Juekuan Yang, Yunfei Chen, D. GregWalker, Terry T. Xu, Deyu Li*, Thermal conductivity of individual siliconnanoribbons, Nanoscale, 2016, 8:17895-17901

Jian Ma, Qian Zhang,Yin Zhang, Lei Zhou, Juekuan Yang,Zhonghua Ni*, A rapid and simple method to draw polyethylene nanofibers withenhanced thermal conductivity, AppliedPhysics Letters, 2016, 109: 033101

Wenhua Zhang, Juekuan Yang*, Dongyan Xu*, A highpower density micro-thermoelectric generator fabricated by an integratedbottom-up approach, Journal of MicroelectromechanicalSystems, 2016, 25(4): 744-749

Hao Tang, YuchengXiong, Fengshuo Zu, Yang Zhao, Xiaomeng Wang, Qiang Fu, Jiansheng Jie, Juekuan Yang*, Dongyan Xu*, Length-dependentthermal transport in one-dimensional self-assembly of planar π-conjugatedmolecules, Nanoscale, 2016, 8(23):11932-11939

Hao Tang, KunpengDou, Yucheng Xiong, Feng Wang, Yang Zhao, Xiaomeng Wang, Qiang Fu, Juekuan Yang, Ni Zhao, Dongyan Xu*, Unusualthermal transport behavior in self-assembled fullerene nanorods, RSC Advances, 2016, 6: 67509-67513

Chenhan Liu, ZhiyongWei, Weiyu Chen, Kedong Bi, Juekuan Yang,Yunfei Chen*, Pressure effects on the thermal resistance of few-layer graphene,Physics Letters A, 2016, 380: 248-254

Chenhan Liu, ZhiyongWei, Jian Wang, Kedong Bi, Juekuan Yang,Yunfei Chen*, The contact area dependent interfacial thermal conductance, AIP Advances, 2015, 5: 127111

Zhiyong Wei*, BiaoLiu, Chenhan Liu, Kedong Bi, JuekuanYang, Yunfei Chen*, Cross-plane phonon transport properties of molybdenumdisulphide, Journal of Physics D: AppliedPhysics, 2015, 48: 465303

Zhiyong Wei*, Juekuan Yang, Kedong Bi, Yunfei Chen*, Phonontransport properties in pillared silicon film, Journal of Applied Physics, 2015, 118: 155103

Weiyu Chen, Juekuan Yang*, Zhiyong Wei, ChenhanLiu, Kedong Bi, Dongyan Xu, Deyu Li, Yunfei Chen*, Effects of interfacialroughness on phonon transport in bilayer silicon thin films, Physical Review B, 2015, 92(13): 134113

Juekuan Yang*, Hao Tang, Yang Zhao, Yin Zhang, Jiapeng Li,Zhonghua Ni, Yunfei Chen, Dongyan Xu*, Thermal conductivity of zinc blende andwurtzite CdSe nanostructures, Nanoscale,2015, 7(38): 16071–16078

Weiwei Zhao, YanleiWang, Zhangting Wu, Wenhui Wang, Kedong Bi, Zheng Liang, Juekuan Yang, Yunfei Chen*, Zhiping Xu*, Zhenhua Ni*, Defect-engineeredheat transport in graphene: A route to high efficient thermal rectification, Scientific Reports, 2015, 5: 11962

Ke Chen, YunlinQuan, Chunfeng Song, Nan Xiang, Di Jiang, DongKe Sun, Juekuan Yang, Hong Yi, ZhongHua Ni*, Accurate control of individualmetallic nanowires by light-induced dielectrophoresis: Size-based separationand array-spacing regulation, Sensors andActuators A: Physical, 2015, 225: 139-147

Hao Tang,XiaomengWang, Yucheng Xiong, Yang Zhao, Yin Zhang, Yan Zhang, Juekuan Yang*, Dongyan Xu*, Thermoelectriccharacterization of individual bismuth selenide topological insulatornanoribbons, Nanoscale, 2015, 7(15):6683-6690

Qiang Fu, Juekuan Yang*, Yunfei Chen, Deyu Li,Dongyan Xu*, Experimental evidence of very long intrinsic phonon mean free pathalong the c-axis of graphite, AppliedPhysics Letters, 2015, 106(3): 031905

Zhiyong Wei, Juekuan Yang, Weiyu Chen, Kedong Bi,Deyu Li*, Yunfei Chen*, Phonon mean free path of graphite along the c-axis, Applied Physics Letters, 2014, 104:081903

Juekuan Yang, Meng Shen, YangYang, William J. Evans, Zhiyong Wei, Weiyu Chen, Alfred A. Zinn, Yunfei Chen,Ravi Prasher, Terry T. Xu, Pawel Keblinski, Deyu Li*, Phonon Transport throughPoint Contacts between Graphitic Nanomaterials, Physical Review Letters, 2014, 112(20): 205901

Zhiyong Wei, Juekuan Yang, Kedong Bi, Yunfei Chen*, Modedependent lattice thermal conductivity of single layer graphene, Journal of Applied Physics, 2014, 116:153503

Min Chen, Juekuan Yang, Yandong Gao, Yunfei Chen,Deyu Li*, Molecular Dynamics Studies of Homogeneous and Heterogeneous ThermalBubble Nucleation, Journal of HeatTransfer, 2014, 136: 041502

Jian Wu, XiaomengWang, Minhua Chen, Dongyan Xu*, JuekuanYang*, Estimation of temperature coefficient of resistance formicrofabricated platinum thermometers in thermal conductivity measurements of one-dimensionalnanostructures, Measurement Science andTechnology, 2014, 25(2): 025008

Xiaohui Lin*,Chibin Zhang, Jun Gu, Shuyun Jiang, JuekuanYang, Poisson-Fokker-Planck model for biomolecules translocation throughnanopore driven by electroosmotic flow, ScienceChina Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 2014, 57(11): 2104-2113

Jiapeng Li, YanZhang, Juekuan Yang, Kedong Bi, ZhonghuaNi, Deyu Li, Yunfei Chen*, Molecular dynamics study of DNAtranslocation through graphene nanopores, PhysicalReview E, 2013,87: 062707

Xiaohui Lin, ChibinZhang*, Juekuan Yang,Shuyun Jiang, Weisong Ren, Jun Gu, Nanofluids transport model based onFokker-Planck equation and the convection heat transfer calculation, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering,2013, 26(6): 1277-1284

Zhe Guan, TimothyGutu, Juekuan Yang, Yang Yang,Alfred A. Zinn, Deyu Li, Terry T. Xu*, Boron carbide nanowires: lowtemperature synthesis and structural and thermal conductivity characterization,Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2012,22: 9853-9860

Juekuan Yang, Yang Yang, ScottW. Waltermire, Xiaoxia Wu, Haitao Zhang, Timothy Gutu, Youfei Jiang, YunfeiChen, Alfred A. Zinn, Ravi Prasher, Terry T. Xu*, Deyu Li*, Enhanced andSwitchable Nanoscale Thermal Conduction Due to van der Waals Interfaces, Nature Nanotechnology, 2012, 7: 91-95

Juekuan Yang, Yang Yang, Scott W. Waltermire, Alfred A.Zinn, Terry T. Xu, Yunfei Chen, Deyu Li*, Measurement of the intrinsic thermalconductivity of a multi-walled carbon nanotube and its contact thermalresistance with the substrate, Small,2011, 7: 2334-2340

Juekuan Yang, Scott W. Waltermire, Yunfei Chen, Alfred A. Zinn,Terry T. Xu, Deyu Li, Contact Thermal Resistance between Individual Multi-WallCarbon Nanotubes, Applied Physics Letters,2010, 96: 023109

Xiaohui Lin*,Juekuan Yang, Yuanzheng Sun, ShuyunJiang, Ultra-short Laser Ablation of Dielectrics: Theoretical Analysis ofThreshold Damage Fluence and Ablation Depth, Applied Surface Science, 2009, 256: 130-135

Yanyan Ge, DongyanXu, Juekuan Yang, Yunfei Chen*,Deyu Li*, Ionic Current Through a Nanopore Three Nanometers inDiameter, Physical Review E, 2009, 80:021918

Yue Zhang, YunfeiChen*, Kedong Bi, JuekuanYang, Zhonghua Ni, Yujuan Wang, Interface Slip and the Buildup ofHydrodynamic Pressure in Nanoscale Bearings, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 2009, 404: 231-234

Yunfei Chen, Juekuan Yang, Xiaohui Wang, Zhonghua Ni,Deyu Li, Temperature Dependence of Frictional Force in Carbon NanotubeOscillators, Nanotechnology, 2009, 20:035704

Min Chen, YunfeiChen*, Wu Zhong, Juekuan Yang,Molecular dynamics simulation of ion transport in a nanochannel, Science in China Series E-TechnologicalSciences, 2008, 51: 921-931

Juekuan Yang*, Yujuan Wang, Yunfei Chen, GPU AcceleratedMolecular Dynamics Simulation of Thermal Conductivities, Journal of Computational Physics, 2007, 221: 799-804

Yanliang Zhang,Yunfei Chen*, Changmeng Gong, JuekuanYang, Ruiming Qian, Yujuan Wang, Optimization of Superlattice ThermoelectricMaterials and Microcoolers, IEEE, Journalof Microelectromechanical Systems, 2007, 16: 1113-1119

Yunfei Chen, DeyuLi, Kai Jiang, Juekuan Yang, XiaohuiWang, Yujuan Wang, Hydrodynamic Lubircation in Nanoscale Bearings under HighShear Velocities, The Journal of ChemicalPhysics, 2006, 125: 084702

Zhen Chen, Juekuan Yang, Ping Zhuang, Minhua Chen,Jian Zhu, Yunfei Chen*, Thermal Conductivity Measurement of InGaAs/InGaAsPSuperlattice thin films, Chinese ScienceBulletin, 2006, 51: 2931-2936

Kedong Bi, YunfeiChen*, Juekuan Yang,Yujuan Wang, Minhua Chen, Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Thermal Conductivityof Single-wall Carbon Nanotubes, PhysicsLetters A, 2006, 350: 150-153

Yunfei Chen*,Deyu Li, Jennifer R. Lukes , JuekuanYang, Yonghua Wu, Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Ar/Kr SuperlatticeNanowires, Physica B: Condensed MatterPhysics, 2004, 349: 270-280

Yunfei Chen*,Jennifer R. Lukes, Deyu Li, Juekuan Yang,Yonghua Wu, Thermal Expansion and Impurity Effects on Lattice ThermalConductivity of Solid Ar, The Journal ofChemical Physics, 2004, 120: 3841-3846

Juekuan Yang, Yunfei Chen*, Jingping Yan, Molecular dynamics simulation of thermalconductivities of superlattice nanowires, Sciencein China Series E-Technological Sciences, 2003, 46 (3): 278-286









杨决宽; 马旭; 一种非圆齿轮驱动的同步回转式压缩机, 2020-01-14, 中国, ZL 2019 10282616.5

杨决宽; 牟博康; 一种纵向热流法微米线导热系数测量装置, 2021-02-02, 中国, ZL 2019 1 0600729.5

Personal Introduction
Educational Background

Chenhan Liu*, PingLu*, Zhongzhu Gu, Juekuan Yang,Yunfei Chen, Bidirectional tuning of thermal conductivity in ferroelectricmaterials using e‑controlled hysteresis characteristic property, The Journal ofPhysical Chemistry C, 2020, 124, 26144-26152

Chenhan Liu*, PingLu*, Zhongzhu Gu, Juekuan Yang,Yunfei Chen, The effects of contact atom distribution at the interface on thephonon transport, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2020, 22, 27690-27697

Yu Zhao, Yi Tao,Kabin Lin, Juekuan Yang, Jingjie Sha*, Yunfei Chen*, Experimentalmeasurement of thermal conductivity along different crystallographic planes ingraphite, Journal of Applied Physics, 2020, 128, 045118

Zhiyong Wei*,Wenjing Ju, Kedong Bi, Juekuan Yang, Yunfei Chen*, Significantenhancement of thermal boundary conductance in graphite/Al interface by ionintercalation, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2020, 157:119946

Yi Tao, Chao Wu, HanQi, Chenhan Liu, Xiongyu Wu, Mengyi Hao, Zhiyong Wei*, Juekuan Yang*,Yunfei Chen*, The enhancement of heat conduction across the metal/graphite interfacetreated with a focused ion beam, Nanoscale, 2020, 12: 14838-14846

Yiwen Sun, JuekuanYang*, Uncertainty analysis of the thermal bridge method, InternationalJournal of Thermophysics, 2020, 41: 146

Chenhan Liu*, WeiSi, Chao Wu, Juekuan Yang, Yunfei Chen*, Chris Dames*, The ignoredeffects of vibrational entropy and electrocaloric effect in PbTiO3and PbZr0.5Ti0.5O3 as studied throughfirst-principles calculation, Acta Materialia, 2020, 191: 221-229

Quan Han, HaiyangChen, Wencong Yang, Yan Zhang, Juekuan Yang, Yunfei Chen*, Analysis ofreciprocating Oring seal in the pressure-balanced oil-filled wet-mate electrical connectors for underwaterapplications, Lubrication Science, 2019, 31(7): 335-345

Fangyu Zhou, JuekuanYang*, Shuxin Wang, Optimization of pneumatic network actuators withisosceles trapezoidal chambers, SAE International Journal of Materials andManufacturing, 2019, 12(3): 221-228

Juekuan Yang*, Long Kong, Bokang Mu, Hongze Zhang, YongLi, Weiyu Cao*, Measurement of intrinsic thermal conductivity of carbon fiberusing direct electrical heating method, Review of Scientific Instruments, 2019,90: 114902

Yang Zhao, Lin Yang,Chenhan Liu, Qian Zhang, Yunfei Chen, Juekuan Yang*, Deyu Li*, Kinkeffects on thermal transport in silicon nanowires, International Journal ofHeat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 137: 573–578

Lin Yang, QianZhang, Zhiyong Wei, Zhiguang Cui, Yang Zhao, Terry T. Xu, Juekuan Yang,Deyu Li*, Kink as a new degree of freedom to tune the thermal conductivity ofSi nanoribbons, Journal of Applied Physics, 2019, 126: 155103

Lin Yang, Yang Zhao,Qian Zhang, Juekuan Yang, Deyu Li*, Thermal transport through fishbonesilicon nanoribbons: unraveling the role of Sharvin resistance, Nanoscale,2019, 11: 8196–8203

Jianli Wang*,Hongmei Yu, Torsten Walbert, Markus Antoni, Cong Wang, Wei Xi, Falk Muench, JuekuanYang, Yunfei Chen, Wolfgang Ensinger, Electrical and thermal conductivitiesof polycrystalline platinum nanowires, Nanotechnology, 2019, 30: 455706

Zhiyong Wei*, FanYang, Kedong Bi, Juekuan Yang, Yunfei Chen, Tuning the interfacialthermal conductance via the anisotropic elastic properties of graphite, Carbon,2019, 144: 109-115

Hao Tang, XuejunYan, Yucheng Xiong, Kunpeng Dou, Yang Zhao, Jiansheng Jie, Xiaomeng Wang, QiangFu, Juekuan Yang*, Minghui Lu*, Dongyan Xu*, Quantum transportcharacteristics of heavily doped bismuth selenide nanoribbons, npj QuantumMaterials, 2019, 4(1): 1

Jianli Wang*,Chengkun Mao, Zhizheng Wu, Wei Xi, Yunfeng Zhao, Re Xia, Juekuan Yang,Yunfei Chen, Reduction of electrical conductivity in Ag nanowires induced bylow-energy electron beam irradiation, Journal of Physics and Chemistry ofSolids, 2019, 124: 89-93

Zhiyong Wei*, FanYang, Kedong Bi, Juekuan Yang, Yunfei Chen, Tunable anisotropic thermal conductivityand elastic properties in intercalated graphite via lithium ions, The Journalof Physical Chemistry C, 2018, 122(3): 1447-1455

Xiaomeng Wang#,Juekuan Yang#, Yucheng Xiong, Baoling Huang, Terry T Xu, DeyuLi, Dongyan Xu*, Measuring nanowire thermal conductivity at high temperatures, MeasurementScience and Technology, 2018, 29(2): 025001

Jianli Wang*,Zhizheng Wu, Chengkun Mao, Yunfeng Zhao, Juekuan Yang, Yunfei Chen, Effectof electrical contact resistance on measurement of thermal conductivity and Wiedemann-Franzlaw for individual metallic nanowires, Scientific Reports, 2018, 8(1): 4862

Chenhan Liu, WeiyuChen, Yi Tao, Juekuan Yang, YunfeiChen*, Transient and steady state heat transport in layered materials frommolecular dynamics simulation, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2018, 121: 72-78

Yucheng Xiong, Hao Tang,Xiaomeng Wang, Yang Zhao, Qiang Fu, JuekuanYang, Dongyan Xu*, Significantly enhanced thermal conductivity of indiumarsenide nanowires via sulfur passivation, Scientific Reports, 2017, 7(1): 13252

Zhiyong Wei*, WeiyuChen, Zhen Chen, Kedong Bi, Juekuan Yang,Yunfei Chen*, Phonon filtering for reduced thermal conductance inunconventional superlattices, Applied Physics Express, 2017, 10(8): 085801

Yi Tao, Chenhan Liu,Weiyu Chen, Shuang Cai, Chen Chen, Zhiyong Wei, Kedong Bi, Juekuan Yang, Yunfei Chen*, Mean free path dependent phononcontributions to interfacial thermal conductance, Physics Letters A, 2017,381(22): 1899-1904

Qian Zhang, ZhiguangCui, Zhiyong Wei, Siang Yee Chang, Lin Yang, Yang Zhao,  Yang Yang, Zhe Guan, Youfei Jiang, JasonFowlkes, Juekuan Yang, Dongyan Xu,Yunfei Chen, Terry T. Xu*, Deyu Li*, Defect Facilitated Phonon Transportthrough Kinks in Boron Carbide Nanowires, Nano Letters, 2017, 17(6): 3550-3555

Chunwei Zhang, WeiyuChen, Yi Tao, Weiwei Zhao, Shuang Cai, Chenhan Liu, Zhenhua Ni, Dongyan Xu,Zhiyong Wei, Juekuan Yang, KedongBi, Yunfei Chen*, Electron contributions to the heat conduction acrossAu/graphene/Au interfaces, Carbon, 2017, 115: 665-671

Jiashu Sun, Juekuan Yang, Yandong Gao, Dongyan Xu,Deyu Li*, Reference channel-based microfluidic resistance sensing for singleyeast cell volume growth measurement, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 2017,21(3): 33

Zhiyong Wei, FanYang, Kedong Bi, Juekuan Yang,Yunfei Chen*, Thermal transport properties of all-sp2three-dimensional graphene: Anisotropy, size and pressure effects, Carbon,2017, 113: 212-218

Weiyu Chen, Juekuan Yang*, Zhiyong Wei, ChenhanLiu, Kedong Bi, Yunfei Chen*, Axial tensile strain effects on the contactthermal conductance between cross contacted single-walled carbon nanotubes, Journalof Applied Physics, 2017, 121(5): 054310

Lin Yang, Yang Yang,Qian Zhang, Yin Zhang, Youfei Jiang, Zhe Guan, Matthew Gerboth, Juekuan Yang, Yunfei Chen, D. GregWalker, Terry T. Xu, Deyu Li*, Thermal conductivity of individual siliconnanoribbons, Nanoscale, 2016, 8:17895-17901

Jian Ma, Qian Zhang,Yin Zhang, Lei Zhou, Juekuan Yang,Zhonghua Ni*, A rapid and simple method to draw polyethylene nanofibers withenhanced thermal conductivity, AppliedPhysics Letters, 2016, 109: 033101

Wenhua Zhang, Juekuan Yang*, Dongyan Xu*, A highpower density micro-thermoelectric generator fabricated by an integratedbottom-up approach, Journal of MicroelectromechanicalSystems, 2016, 25(4): 744-749

Hao Tang, YuchengXiong, Fengshuo Zu, Yang Zhao, Xiaomeng Wang, Qiang Fu, Jiansheng Jie, Juekuan Yang*, Dongyan Xu*, Length-dependentthermal transport in one-dimensional self-assembly of planar π-conjugatedmolecules, Nanoscale, 2016, 8(23):11932-11939

Hao Tang, KunpengDou, Yucheng Xiong, Feng Wang, Yang Zhao, Xiaomeng Wang, Qiang Fu, Juekuan Yang, Ni Zhao, Dongyan Xu*, Unusualthermal transport behavior in self-assembled fullerene nanorods, RSC Advances, 2016, 6: 67509-67513

Chenhan Liu, ZhiyongWei, Weiyu Chen, Kedong Bi, Juekuan Yang,Yunfei Chen*, Pressure effects on the thermal resistance of few-layer graphene,Physics Letters A, 2016, 380: 248-254

Chenhan Liu, ZhiyongWei, Jian Wang, Kedong Bi, Juekuan Yang,Yunfei Chen*, The contact area dependent interfacial thermal conductance, AIP Advances, 2015, 5: 127111

Zhiyong Wei*, BiaoLiu, Chenhan Liu, Kedong Bi, JuekuanYang, Yunfei Chen*, Cross-plane phonon transport properties of molybdenumdisulphide, Journal of Physics D: AppliedPhysics, 2015, 48: 465303

Zhiyong Wei*, Juekuan Yang, Kedong Bi, Yunfei Chen*, Phonontransport properties in pillared silicon film, Journal of Applied Physics, 2015, 118: 155103

Weiyu Chen, Juekuan Yang*, Zhiyong Wei, ChenhanLiu, Kedong Bi, Dongyan Xu, Deyu Li, Yunfei Chen*, Effects of interfacialroughness on phonon transport in bilayer silicon thin films, Physical Review B, 2015, 92(13): 134113

Juekuan Yang*, Hao Tang, Yang Zhao, Yin Zhang, Jiapeng Li,Zhonghua Ni, Yunfei Chen, Dongyan Xu*, Thermal conductivity of zinc blende andwurtzite CdSe nanostructures, Nanoscale,2015, 7(38): 16071–16078

Weiwei Zhao, YanleiWang, Zhangting Wu, Wenhui Wang, Kedong Bi, Zheng Liang, Juekuan Yang, Yunfei Chen*, Zhiping Xu*, Zhenhua Ni*, Defect-engineeredheat transport in graphene: A route to high efficient thermal rectification, Scientific Reports, 2015, 5: 11962

Ke Chen, YunlinQuan, Chunfeng Song, Nan Xiang, Di Jiang, DongKe Sun, Juekuan Yang, Hong Yi, ZhongHua Ni*, Accurate control of individualmetallic nanowires by light-induced dielectrophoresis: Size-based separationand array-spacing regulation, Sensors andActuators A: Physical, 2015, 225: 139-147

Hao Tang,XiaomengWang, Yucheng Xiong, Yang Zhao, Yin Zhang, Yan Zhang, Juekuan Yang*, Dongyan Xu*, Thermoelectriccharacterization of individual bismuth selenide topological insulatornanoribbons, Nanoscale, 2015, 7(15):6683-6690

Qiang Fu, Juekuan Yang*, Yunfei Chen, Deyu Li,Dongyan Xu*, Experimental evidence of very long intrinsic phonon mean free pathalong the c-axis of graphite, AppliedPhysics Letters, 2015, 106(3): 031905

Zhiyong Wei, Juekuan Yang, Weiyu Chen, Kedong Bi,Deyu Li*, Yunfei Chen*, Phonon mean free path of graphite along the c-axis, Applied Physics Letters, 2014, 104:081903

Juekuan Yang, Meng Shen, YangYang, William J. Evans, Zhiyong Wei, Weiyu Chen, Alfred A. Zinn, Yunfei Chen,Ravi Prasher, Terry T. Xu, Pawel Keblinski, Deyu Li*, Phonon Transport throughPoint Contacts between Graphitic Nanomaterials, Physical Review Letters, 2014, 112(20): 205901

Zhiyong Wei, Juekuan Yang, Kedong Bi, Yunfei Chen*, Modedependent lattice thermal conductivity of single layer graphene, Journal of Applied Physics, 2014, 116:153503

Min Chen, Juekuan Yang, Yandong Gao, Yunfei Chen,Deyu Li*, Molecular Dynamics Studies of Homogeneous and Heterogeneous ThermalBubble Nucleation, Journal of HeatTransfer, 2014, 136: 041502

Jian Wu, XiaomengWang, Minhua Chen, Dongyan Xu*, JuekuanYang*, Estimation of temperature coefficient of resistance formicrofabricated platinum thermometers in thermal conductivity measurements of one-dimensionalnanostructures, Measurement Science andTechnology, 2014, 25(2): 025008

Xiaohui Lin*,Chibin Zhang, Jun Gu, Shuyun Jiang, JuekuanYang, Poisson-Fokker-Planck model for biomolecules translocation throughnanopore driven by electroosmotic flow, ScienceChina Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 2014, 57(11): 2104-2113

Jiapeng Li, YanZhang, Juekuan Yang, Kedong Bi, ZhonghuaNi, Deyu Li, Yunfei Chen*, Molecular dynamics study of DNAtranslocation through graphene nanopores, PhysicalReview E, 2013,87: 062707

Xiaohui Lin, ChibinZhang*, Juekuan Yang,Shuyun Jiang, Weisong Ren, Jun Gu, Nanofluids transport model based onFokker-Planck equation and the convection heat transfer calculation, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering,2013, 26(6): 1277-1284

Zhe Guan, TimothyGutu, Juekuan Yang, Yang Yang,Alfred A. Zinn, Deyu Li, Terry T. Xu*, Boron carbide nanowires: lowtemperature synthesis and structural and thermal conductivity characterization,Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2012,22: 9853-9860

Juekuan Yang, Yang Yang, ScottW. Waltermire, Xiaoxia Wu, Haitao Zhang, Timothy Gutu, Youfei Jiang, YunfeiChen, Alfred A. Zinn, Ravi Prasher, Terry T. Xu*, Deyu Li*, Enhanced andSwitchable Nanoscale Thermal Conduction Due to van der Waals Interfaces, Nature Nanotechnology, 2012, 7: 91-95

Juekuan Yang, Yang Yang, Scott W. Waltermire, Alfred A.Zinn, Terry T. Xu, Yunfei Chen, Deyu Li*, Measurement of the intrinsic thermalconductivity of a multi-walled carbon nanotube and its contact thermalresistance with the substrate, Small,2011, 7: 2334-2340

Juekuan Yang, Scott W. Waltermire, Yunfei Chen, Alfred A. Zinn,Terry T. Xu, Deyu Li, Contact Thermal Resistance between Individual Multi-WallCarbon Nanotubes, Applied Physics Letters,2010, 96: 023109

Xiaohui Lin*,Juekuan Yang, Yuanzheng Sun, ShuyunJiang, Ultra-short Laser Ablation of Dielectrics: Theoretical Analysis ofThreshold Damage Fluence and Ablation Depth, Applied Surface Science, 2009, 256: 130-135

Yanyan Ge, DongyanXu, Juekuan Yang, Yunfei Chen*,Deyu Li*, Ionic Current Through a Nanopore Three Nanometers inDiameter, Physical Review E, 2009, 80:021918

Yue Zhang, YunfeiChen*, Kedong Bi, JuekuanYang, Zhonghua Ni, Yujuan Wang, Interface Slip and the Buildup ofHydrodynamic Pressure in Nanoscale Bearings, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 2009, 404: 231-234

Yunfei Chen, Juekuan Yang, Xiaohui Wang, Zhonghua Ni,Deyu Li, Temperature Dependence of Frictional Force in Carbon NanotubeOscillators, Nanotechnology, 2009, 20:035704

Min Chen, YunfeiChen*, Wu Zhong, Juekuan Yang,Molecular dynamics simulation of ion transport in a nanochannel, Science in China Series E-TechnologicalSciences, 2008, 51: 921-931

Juekuan Yang*, Yujuan Wang, Yunfei Chen, GPU AcceleratedMolecular Dynamics Simulation of Thermal Conductivities, Journal of Computational Physics, 2007, 221: 799-804

Yanliang Zhang,Yunfei Chen*, Changmeng Gong, JuekuanYang, Ruiming Qian, Yujuan Wang, Optimization of Superlattice ThermoelectricMaterials and Microcoolers, IEEE, Journalof Microelectromechanical Systems, 2007, 16: 1113-1119

Yunfei Chen, DeyuLi, Kai Jiang, Juekuan Yang, XiaohuiWang, Yujuan Wang, Hydrodynamic Lubircation in Nanoscale Bearings under HighShear Velocities, The Journal of ChemicalPhysics, 2006, 125: 084702

Zhen Chen, Juekuan Yang, Ping Zhuang, Minhua Chen,Jian Zhu, Yunfei Chen*, Thermal Conductivity Measurement of InGaAs/InGaAsPSuperlattice thin films, Chinese ScienceBulletin, 2006, 51: 2931-2936

Kedong Bi, YunfeiChen*, Juekuan Yang,Yujuan Wang, Minhua Chen, Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Thermal Conductivityof Single-wall Carbon Nanotubes, PhysicsLetters A, 2006, 350: 150-153

Yunfei Chen*,Deyu Li, Jennifer R. Lukes , JuekuanYang, Yonghua Wu, Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Ar/Kr SuperlatticeNanowires, Physica B: Condensed MatterPhysics, 2004, 349: 270-280

Yunfei Chen*,Jennifer R. Lukes, Deyu Li, Juekuan Yang,Yonghua Wu, Thermal Expansion and Impurity Effects on Lattice ThermalConductivity of Solid Ar, The Journal ofChemical Physics, 2004, 120: 3841-3846

Juekuan Yang, Yunfei Chen*, Jingping Yan, Molecular dynamics simulation of thermalconductivities of superlattice nanowires, Sciencein China Series E-Technological Sciences, 2003, 46 (3): 278-286

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杨决宽; 马旭; 一种非圆齿轮驱动的同步回转式压缩机, 2020-01-14, 中国, ZL 2019 10282616.5

杨决宽; 牟博康; 一种纵向热流法微米线导热系数测量装置, 2021-02-02, 中国, ZL 2019 1 0600729.5

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