“新质装备前沿讲堂”第四十九场:王晓林研究员— Data Integrated Maintenance Decision Making: Advances, Challenges, and Opportunities



Data analytics is gaining increasing application and making a profound paradigm shift in the maintenance research. I this talk, I shall try to review the state-of-the-art developments in data integrated maintenance decision-making, which highlights the integration of learning and optimization. Only studies that explore the interplay between two or three of the elements—data, model, and decisions—are covered, and they are categorized by how data are integrated in the maintenance decision-making process. Specifically, this talk shall cover four types of data integration methods, including learn-then-optimize, learn-or-optimize (online learning), learn-and-optimize (end-to-end decision making), and robust optimization. The challenges and opportunities in data integrated maintenance are also discussed. Finally, I shall showcase the benefit of integrating estimation and optimization by revisiting the classical periodic replacement policy from an operational statistics perspective. 


 王晓林,四川大学商学院副研究员、博士生导师,国家级青年人才、四川省高层次人才。曾任职于香港理工大学商学院,担任助理教授(研究)。东南大学工业工程学士、硕士,香港城市大学工业工程博士。研究方向为基于数据解析、随机建模和优化理论的可靠性提升、维修决策、质保分析和运营管理,近期合作研究也涉及可解释机器学习和在线强化学习算法设计与分析。主持国家自然科学基金2项、教育部人文社会科学研究基金1项。近年来,在European Journal of Operational Research, IISE Transactions和Manufacturing & Service Operations Management等高水平期刊发表论文20余篇。担任中国优选法统筹法与经济数学研究会工业工程分会理事、中国运筹学会随机服务与运作管理分会青年理事、《工业工程》青年编委、International Journal of Reliability and Safety编委,以及近40个SCI/SSCI期刊的匿名审稿人。

讲座时间:2024/12/06 14:00-15:30 (GMT+08:00)

