“百年机械、智造未来”大师论坛第二十八场:Prof. Dan Xiao——Adaptive Magnetic Resonance Imaging using Neural Networks



Prof. Dan Xiao is an Associate Professor in Physics Department at the University of Windsor, Canada. She received her Ph.D. in Physics at the University of New Brunswick, Canada in 2013. She worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow and Research Scientist at UNB before joining UWindsor in 2017. Her research focuses on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) methodology development including novel data acquisition and reconstruction methods and unconventional MRI applications.


Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a powerful non-invasive imaging modality that provides high resolution images with rich soft tissue contrast. MRI experiments are traditionally conducted using a set of predefined radiofrequency and gradient pulses to acquire data in the reciprocal domain. The goal of these measurements is to detect variations among subjects. This means that the predefined parameter set may not be optimal for all scans. Real-time pulse sequence generation/optimization based on the individual subject can revolutionize MRI experiments. I will talk about our recent work employing machine learning to optimize MRI measurements in real-time based on the partially acquired data. The subject-specific adaptive scheme has the potential to offer the most effective and efficient MRI scans.

讲座时间:2023/11/27 9:00-10:30 (GMT+08:00)

