



1.     Analysison Characteristic Impedance and E-Field Distribution of Wired StructuralBounded Wave Simulator

IEEETransactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility

2024| Journal article

DOI: 10.1109/TEMC.2023.3327724

CONTRIBUTORS: Yixing Gu; ZhongyuanZhou; Mingjie Sheng; Qi Zhou 

2.     RadiatedSusceptibility Assessment of Interconnected Systems Within Dual ReverberationChamber

IEEETransactions on Instrumentation and Measurement

2023 | Journal article

DOI: 10.1109/TIM.2023.3287255

CONTRIBUTORS: Peng Hu; ZhongyuanZhou; Xiang Zhou; Shiping Tang; Xiaotian Zhao; Yixing Gu

3.     Designof Transfer Impedance Measurement Fixture of EMI Gaskets Up to 18 GHz

IEEETransactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques

2023-09| Journal article

DOI: 10.1109/TMTT.2023.3253172

CONTRIBUTORS: MingjieSheng; Zhongyuan Zhou; Jinjing Ren; Yixing Gu; YangXiao; Qi Zhou; David Pommerenke

4.     UniversalStatistical Tradeoffs for Shielding Effectiveness Evaluation of ElectricallyLarge Enclosures in Reverberation Chambers

IEEETransactions on Instrumentation and Measurement

2022| Journal article

DOI: 10.1109/TIM.2022.3193170

CONTRIBUTORS: Peng Hu; ZhongyuanZhou; Xiang Zhou; Jinjing Ren

5.     AnAlgorithm for Fast Simulation of CW Illuminator

IEEETransactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility

2022-12| Journal article

DOI: 10.1109/TEMC.2022.3202568

CONTRIBUTORS: Qi Zhou; ZhongyuanZhou; Yixing Gu; Mingjie Sheng; Peng Hu; Yang Xiao

6.     OptimizedDesign of Illuminator With Nonuniform Loading

IEEETransactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility

2022-12| Journal article

DOI: 10.1109/TEMC.2022.3197821

CONTRIBUTORS: Qi Zhou; ZhongyuanZhou; Yixing Gu; Mingjie Sheng; Peng Hu; Yang Xiao

7.     Developmentof 10 MHz–1000 MHz small leadless electric field probe

Reviewof Scientific Instruments

2021-01-01| Journal article

DOI: 10.1063/5.0030004

CONTRIBUTORS: MingjieSheng; Zhongyuan Zhou; Yixing Gu; Peng Hu; YangXiao; Qi Zhou

8.     PerformanceEvaluation of Oscillating Wall Stirrer in Reverberation Chamber UsingCorrelation Matrix Method and Modes Within Q-Bandwidth

IEEETransactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility

2020-12| Journal article

DOI: 10.1109/TEMC.2020.2983981

CONTRIBUTORS: Zhongyuan Zhou; PengHu; Xiang Zhou; Jingkang Ji; Mingjie Sheng; PengLi; Qi Zhou

9.     ASimple and Effective Method for the Resonance Frequencies Identification of theComplex Cavities Within Reverberation Chamber

IEEEMicrowave and Wireless Components Letters

2020-08| Journal article

DOI: 10.1109/LMWC.2020.3008406

CONTRIBUTORS: Peng Hu; ZhongyuanZhou; Xiang Zhou; Jingkang Ji; Mingjie Sheng; PengLi; Zhou Qi

10.  Ambient InterferencesSuppressing for In-Situ Radiated Emissions Measurement Based on Array SignalProcessing and Adaptive Noise Cancellation

IEEETransactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility

2020-08| Journal article

DOI: 10.1109/TEMC.2019.2933918

CONTRIBUTORS: Zhongyuan Zhou; PengLi; Mingjie Sheng; Qi Zhou; Peng Hu