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[41] Y Zhang, QJiang, Q Tan, Y Liu, J Zhu, Wang J L*, Numerical analysison heat transfer of porous wick flat micro heat pipe under various operatingconditions, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 2024,157, 107842

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[39] Yi Liu, Rui Xu, Yanhui Zhang, Wang Jianli*, Shanhong Wan, Liuyang Bai,Moleculardynamics investigation of wear mechanisms in drilling motion for FeCrNiCoAlhigh-entropy alloy, Tribology International, 2024, 196: 109721(工程技术类,中科院1区TOP)

[38] ZhangYanhui, Xu Rui, Liu Y, Jiang Qinmeng, Li Qinyi, Liu Yingjun, Wang Jianli*, AnisotropicThermal Diffusivity Measurement of Thin Films: From a Few to Hundreds ofMicrons, Int J Heat Mass Transf. 2024, 227:125536 (工程技术类,中科院1区TOP)

[37] Liu Yi, Bai L,Pham  ST , Wang Jianli*, Wan Shanhong,Temperature dependence of energy dissipation during nanoscale wear of AISI 304L stainless steel. Wear,2024,538-539:205217 (工程技术类,中科院1区TOP)

[36] Xu Rui, Liu Yi, Jiang Qinmeng, Zhang Yanhui,  Wang Jianli*, Application of calibrated and reusable probes on a home-made scanning probe microscope platform. Review of Scientific Instruments 2024, 95: 013702

[35] Pengchao Chen , Rui Li , Kuan Fu, Zikang Zhong, Jialiang Xie , Jianli Wang , Jianjun Zhu, A cascaded deep learning approach for detecting pipeline defects via pretrained YOLOv5 and ViT models based on MFL data, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2024, 206: 110919 (工程技术类,中科院1区TOP)

[34] Wang Jianli*, Ren Chao, Ma Saifei, et al. Direct Measurement of In-Plane Thermal Conductivity of Suspended Thin Films Using a Novel 3ω Method, Int J Heat Mass Transf. 2024, 219:124870 (工程技术类,中科院1区TOP)

[33]Xu Rui, Liu Yi, Ren Chao, Wang Jianli*,et al. Design and Realization of Scanning Probe Microscope Based on a T-shaped High-aspect-Ratio Probe. Meas. Sci. Technol. 2024, 35: 015039

[32]陈羽,曾皓,朱建军,陈凯,王建立*. 基于贝叶斯算法的CPU散热片结构自动优化. 工程热物理学报,2023,44:720-725

[31]Yukun Xie, Saifei Ma, Haoyu Wang, Nan Li, Jianjun Zhu*, Jianli Wang*, Unsupervised clustering for the anomaly diagnosis of plunger lift operations. Geoenergy Science and Engineering 2023, 231:212305

[30]Mengya Cui, Ting Huang*, Zeyu Peng, Lingrong Xing, Zheng Zhou, Liang Guo, Jianli Wang, Jiejie Xu, Rongshi Xiao, High‐Efficiency and Low‐Intensity Threshold Femtosecond Laser Direct Writing of Precise Metallic Micropatterns on Transparent Substrate. Advanced Materials Technologies 2023, 8:2201610

[29] Hongsheng Sun, Haoran Chen, Yu Chen, Jianli Wang*, Thermal and Electrical Conductivities of Platinum/Iridium Microwires. 2023, 52(3):1-8

[28] Yu Chen, Hao Zeng, Jianli Wang*, Haoran Chen, Jianjun Zhu, Heat Transfer Performance of a Downhole Electric Tubular Resistive Heater. Appl Sci. 2022, 12: 9508

[27] Yi Liu, Rui Xu, Jianli Wang*, Shanhong Wan*, Liuyang Bai, Atomistic Insight into Flash Temperature During Friction. Int Commun Heat Mass Transfer 2022,138: 106317

[26] Yu Chen, Haoran Chen, Hao Zeng, Jianjun Zhu, Kai Chen, Zhenyu Cui, Jianli Wang* Structural Optimization Design of Sinusoidal Wavy Plate Fin Heat Sink with Crosscut by Bayesian Optimization, Appl Therm Eng. 2022, 213: 118755.

[25] Zhenyu Cui, Kaizhuo Ji, Jianli Wang*, Optimization of vibro-noise in the pipeline system of centrifugal pump. 2022 

[24] Hongmei Yu, Yi Tao, Cong Wang, Yi Liu, Jianli Wang*, Yunfei Chen. The Effect of Size on the Thermal Conductivity of the Cu/SLG Interface. J. Eng. Thermophysics 2022, 43: 201-205

[23] Haoran Chen¸ Hongsheng Sun, Lu Chen, Yu Chen, Jun Chen, Xiaoli Qiu, Jianli Wang*, Simultaneous measurement of thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity of individual microwires by using a cross-wire geometry. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 2022, 93: 024901

[22] Jianli Wang*, Lu Chen, Cong Wang, Chengkun Mao, Hongmei Yu, Zhenyu Cui, Thermaland electrical  transport at nanosized metallic contacts: In thediffusive-ballistic region  at room temperature. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 2021,92: 015121 (Editor’s Pick)

[21] Yi Liu, Ling Li, Jianli Wang. A novel relation for heat flow using Maxwell thermoelectricity analogy. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer,2020,117:104745

[20] Shuyao Si, Jianli Wang, Jiejie Li, Wenqing Li, et al. Enhancing resistance to radiation hardening and radiation thermal conductivity degradation by tungsten/graphene interface engineering, J Neclear Mater. 2020, 152348

[19] Cong Wang, Zhengyu Cui, Hongmei Yu, Kai Chen,Jianli Wang*. Intelligent optimization design of shell and helically coiled tube heat exchanger based on genetic algorithm. Int J Heat Mass Trans. 2020, 120140

[18] Jian Xu, Jianli Wang*.Self-cleaningsmart city street lighting design research based on internet of thingstechnology. Advancesin Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2020, AISC 1026: 1044-1050 

[17]Jianli Wang*, Hongmei Yu, et al. Electrical and thermal conductivities of polycrystalline platinum  nanowires. Nanotechnology, 2019, 30: 455706

[16] Jianli Wang*, Chengkun  Mao, Zhizheng Wu, Xi Wei, Yunfeng Zhao, Juekuan Yang, and Yunfei  Chen, Reduction of electrical conductivity in Ag nanowires induced by low-energy electron beam irradiation, J Phys Chem Solids, 2019, 124:89

[15] Jianli Wang*, Yamei Song, Yufeng Zhang, et al. Effect of radial heat conduction on effective  thermal conductivity of carbon nanotube bundles, 2018, Science China Technological Sciences, 61: 1959

[14] Jianli Wang*, Zhizheng Wu, Chengkun Mao, Yunfeng Zhao, Juekuan Yang, and Yunfei Chen, Effect of  Electrical Contact Resistance on Measurement of Thermal Conductivity and Wiedemann-Franz Law for Individual Metallic Nanowires, Scientific Reports 2018, 8: 4862

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[11] Jianli Wang, Xing Zhang. Heat conduction in Nanofluids in : Microscale and Nanoscale Heat Transfer: Analysis, Design, and Application, Taylor and Francis, 2016(Book Chapter)

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[8] Jianli Wang*, Heng Wang, G J Snyder,Xing Zhang, Yunfei Chen, Characteristics of lattice thermal conductivity and carrier mobility of undoped PbSe-PbS solid solutions, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 

[7] Heng Wang, Jianli Wang, Xianlong Cao, G J Snyder, Thermoelectric alloys between PbSe and PbS with effective thermal conductivity reduction and high figure of merit, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2014, 2: 3169

[6] Chunwei Zhang, Weiwei Zhao, Kedong Bi, Jianli Wang, et al., Heat conduction across metal and nonmetal interface containing embedded graphene layers, Carbon, 2013,64: 61-66

[5] Jianli Wang, Re Xia, Jianjun Zhu, Xing Zhang, Yunfei Chen, Effect of thermal coarsening on the thermal conductivity of nanoporous gold, Journal of Materials Science, 2012, 47: 5013-5018

[4] Jianli Wang*, Sheng Li, Re Xia, Xing Zhang, Yunfei Chen, Thermal Conductivity of Nanoporous Gold Microwires at Different Annealing Temperatures, Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering, 2012, 10(1): 30-36

[3] Jianli Wang, Jianjun Zhu, Xing Zhang*, Yunfei Chen, Heat transfer and pressure drop of nanofluids containing carbon nanotubes in laminar flows, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2012, 44: 716-721

[2] Jianli Wang, Bai Song, Xing Zhang*, Yan Song, Gangping Wu, Simultaneous measurements of thermal properties of individual carbon fibers.International Journal of Thermophysics, 2011, 32: 974-983

[1] Jianli Wang, Xing Zhang*, Measurement methods and applications for thermophysical properties at micro/nanoscales, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 2011, 50(11): 11RC01-11RC05