



[3] 孙桂芳,韩恩厚,王占栋,杨坤,陈明智。水下局部干法激光增材再制造技术。科学出版社,2024, 付印中。

[2] GF SunZD Wang, CS Liu, Y Lu.  Underwater Direct Metal Deposition. Published by Nanjing University Press. 2024, printing in progress.

[1] GF Sun, R Zhou.  Chapter 3: Mechanical properties improvement of metallic rolls by laser   surface alloying. In the Book Laser surface   engineering: Processes and applications. Edited by Jonathan Lawrence and David Waugh. Published by Woodhead Publishing Limited. 2015, 59-96.



(93)  ZD Wang, JY Jia, EK Wu, MZ Chen, GF Sun*EH Han.  Evaluation of hydrogen embrittlement susceptibility of underwater laser direct metal deposited 316L stainless steel. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy2024, 82: 858-871.

(92)  Y Hu, ZD Wang, MZ Chen, ZY Jia, KD Bi, GF Sun*Combination effects of laser heating and water cooling on the repair performance of Hastelloy C-276 by underwater laser direct metal deposition. Optics & Laser Technology2024, 180: 111534. 

(91) MZ Chen, ZY Jia, ZD Wang, C Xiang, JB Pu, GF Sun*, EH Han. Insights into the passivity and electrochemistry of CoCrFeMnNi high entropy alloy fabricated by underwater laser direct metal deposition. Corrosion Science2024237: 112289.

(90) QY Pi, R Li, B Han, K Yang, Y Hu, Y Shi, H Qi, W Li, KD Bi, GF Sun*. Predicting the porosity of as-built additive manufactured samples based on machine learning method for small datasetsOptics & Laser Technology2024, 177: 111203. 

(89)  R Li, B Han, ZD Wang, K Zhao, Y Shi, KD Bi, GF Sun*. Effects of TiC addition on the interface stability, microstructure and mechanical properties of IN718 fabricated by laser direct metal deposition: A combined experimental, DFT and MD study. Intermetallics, 2024, 168, 108268. 

(88)  K Yang, MZ Chen, K Zhao, ZY Jia, ZD Wang, RS Lu, GF Sun*Tailoring of the microstructure and mechanical properties of high nitrogen steel repaired by underwater laser direct metal deposition. Metallurgy and Materials Transactions: B2024, 55B: 1176-1192. 

(87)    K Yang, MZ Chen, K Zhao, ZY Jia, ZD Wang, H Qi, GF Sun*Research on gas pore formation and inhibition mechanism of high nitrogen steel during laser direct metal deposition. Optics & Laser Technology2024, 175: 110788. 

(86)    B Han, R Li, QY Pi, Y Shi, H Qi, GF Sun*, KD Bi. Deposit characteristics, morphology and microstructure regulation of single-track nickel-based alloy using quasi-continuous-wave laser direct energy deposition. Surface & Coatings Technology2024, 478: 130481.

(85)   MZ Chen, ZD Wang, EK Wu, K Yang, K Zhao, JJ Shi, GF Sun*, EH Han. Electrochemical passivation behavior and surface chemistry of 316L stainless steel coatings on NV E690 steel fabricated by underwater direct metal deposition. Corrosion Science2024,  229: 111882.

(84)   ZD Wang, MZ Chen, K Zhao, R Li, L Zong, SB Zhang, GF Sun*. Effect of different feedstocks on the microstructure and mechanical properties of HSLA steel repaired by underwater direct metal deposition. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2024, 314: 128935.

(83)   K Zhao, K Yang, MZ Chen, ZD Wang, EK Wu, GF Sun*. Optimization of process parameters for gas-powder flow behavior in the coaxial nozzle during laser direct metal deposition based on numerical simulation. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology2024, 130: 3967-3982.

(82)  ZD Wang, R Li, MZ Chen, K Yang, ZG Sun, XH Zhang, S Tang, GF Sun*. Enhanced wear and corrosion resistance of the laser direct metal deposited AISI 316L stainless steel by in-situ interstitial N alloying. Optics & Laser Technology2024, 171, 110381.


(81) K Yang, MZ Chen, ZD Wang, K Zhao, LX Yu, GF Sun*. Influence mechanism of underwater hyperbaric environment on the corrosion behavior of high nitrogen steel fabricated by underwater laser direct metal deposition. Materials Today Communications2023, 37, 107614.

(80)   R Li, B Han, K Zhao, ZD Wang, Y Shi, KD Bi, GF Sun*. Effects of TiC addition on the hot corrosion behavior of IN718 fabricated by laser direct metal deposition. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2023, 308: 128167.

(79)   K Yang, ZD Wang, MZ Chen, ZH Ni, H Qi, GF Sun*. How the underwater environment affects the melt pool solidification during underwater laser directed energy deposition of HNS steel? Journal of Manufacturing Processes2023, 101: 892-903.

(78)   MZ Chen, K Yang, ZD Wang, K Zhao, EK Wu, JJ Shi, H Qi, GF Sun*. Corrosion performance of  NV E690 steel and 316L stainless steel coating fabricated by underwater direct metal deposition. Corrosion Science2023, 219: 111232.

(77)   Q Chai, X He, Y Xing, GF Sun*. Numerical study on the collision effect of particles in the gas-powder flow by coaxial nozzles for laser cladding. Optics and Laser Technology2023, 163: 109449.

(76)   K Yang, MZ Chen, ZD Wang, H Qi, JD Bao, GF Sun*. Influence mechanism of underwater hyperbaric environment on nitrogen behavior, phase evolution, and mechanical properties of high nitrogen steel repaired by underwater laser direct metal deposition. Materials Science & Engineering A2023, 872: 144967. 

(75)   B Han, R Li, QY Pi, Y Shi, H Qi, KD Bi, GF Sun*. Prediction of deposit characteristics based on the discrete coaxial nozzle during laser direct metal deposition. Optics and Laser Technology2023, 158: 109385.

(74)   MZ Chen, K Yang, ZD Wang, SB Wang, EK Wu, ZH Ni, JZ Lu, GF Sun*. Underwater laser directed energy deposition of NV E690 steel. Advanced Powder Materials2023, 2, 100095.

(73)   LJ Lin, K Yang, MZ Chen, ZD Wang, EK Wu, KD Bi, Y Shi, GF Sun*. Effects of alloying elements X (Cr, Fe and Mo) on the interfacial properties of γ-Ni(110)/TiC(110) in TiC-particles reinforced NMCs: First-principles study. Optics and Laser Technology2023, 158: 108870.


(72)   肖燕陈明智卢轶吴二柯张艳孙桂芳*. 航空光电雷达电机换向器激光沉积再制造中国表面工程, 2022, 35(4): 223-231.

(71)       王占栋王世彬吴二柯毕可东倪中华孙桂芳*. 水下定向能量沉积修复钛合金电化学腐蚀特性研究中国激光, 2022, 49(14): 1402806.

(70)           R Zhou, GF Sun*. Laser alloying with Mn+Cr3C2 and Mn+NiCr-C for improved wear and corrosion resistance of stainless steel. Surface & Coatings Technology2022, 451: 129076.

(69)            K Yang, MZ Chen, ZD Wang, SB Wang, Y Lu, ZH Ni, GF Sun*. Evolutions of microstructure and mechanical property of high nitrogen steel repaired by underwater directed energy deposition technique. Materials Science & Engineering A2022, 857: 144077. 

(68)            SB Wang, ZD Wang, K Yang, MZ Chen, EK Wu, ZH Ni, GF Sun*. Investigation of on-site repair of 18Ni300 by underwater laser direct metal deposition technique. Journal of Manufacturing Processes2022, 80: 909-919. 

(67)            EK Wu, ZD Wang, K Yang, MZ Chen, SB Wang, Y Lu, ZH Ni, GF Sun*. Microstructure and mechanical properties of underwater laser deposition remanufactured 316LN stainless steel at a pressure of 0.3 MPa. Optics and Laser Technology2022, 155: 108394. 

(66)           ZD Wang, K Yang, MZ Chen, Y Lu, SB Wang, EK Wu, KD Bi, ZH Ni, GF Sun*. High-quality remanufacturing of HSLA-100 steel through the underwater directed energy deposition in an underwater hyperbaric environment. Surface & Coatings Technology2022, 437, 128370. 

(65)           MZ Chen, K Yang, ZD Wang, SB Wang, Y Lu, ZH Ni, GF Sun*. Quasi-continuous-wave laser directed energy deposition on inclined NV E690 steel plates: melt pool and temperature evolution. Surface & Coatings Technology2022, 437, 128344. 

(64)           ZD Wang, SB Wang, K Yang, MZ Chen, KD Bi, ZH Ni, GF Sun*. In-situ SEM investigation on the fatigue behavior of Ti-6Al-4V ELI fabricated by the powder-blown underwater directed energy deposition technique. Materials Science & Engineering A2022, 838: 142783. 

(63)           GF Sun, ZD Wang, Y Lu, MZ Chen, K Yang, ZH Ni. Underwater laser welding/cladding for high-performance repair of marine metal materials: a review. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering2022, 35:5. 

(62)           ZD Wang, K Yang, MZ Chen, Y Lu, KD Bi, GF Sun*, ZH Ni. Investigation of the microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti-6Al-4V repaired by the powder-blown underwater directed energy deposition technique. Materials Science & Engineering A2022, 831: 142186. 

(61)           Q Yan, K Yang, ZD Wang, MZ Chen, GF Sun*, ZH Ni. Surface roughness optimization and high-temperature wear performance of H13 coating fabricated by extreme high-speed laser cladding. Optics and Laser Technology2022, 149: 107823.

(60)           CH Gu, Y Lu, MZ Chen, GF Sun*, ZH Ni*. A reweighting offset bin classification network for surface defect detection and location of metal components. Measurement2022, 187: 110166. 


(59)           K Yang, ZD Wang, MZ Chen, HF Lan, GF Sun*, ZH Ni. Effect of pulse frequency on the morphology, microstructure, and corrosion resistance of high-nitrogen steel prepared by laser directed energy deposition. Surface & Coatings Technology, 2021, 421: 127450. (SCI)

(58)           ZD Wang, GF Sun*, MZ Chen, Y Lu, SB Zhang, HF Lan, KD Bi, ZH Ni*. Investigation of the underwater laser directed energy deposition technique for the on-site repair of HSLA-100 steel with excellent performance. Additive Manufacturing2021, 39: 101884. (SCI)

(57)           Q Chai, C Fang, XL Qiu, Y Xing*, GF Sun*. Modeling of temperature field and profile of Ni60AA formed on cylindrical 316 stainless steel by laser cladding. Surface & Coatings Technology2021428: 127865. (SCI)

(56)           ZD Wang, GF Sun*, Y Lu, MZ Chen, HF Lan, KD Bi, ZH Ni*. High-performance Ti-6Al-4V with graded microstructure and superior properties fabricated by powder feeding underwater laser metal deposition. Surface & Coatings Technology2021408: 126778 (SCI)

(55)           Y Lu, GF Sun*, XF Xiao, WJ Ren, E Sprague, ZH Ni, J Mazumder. In situ monitoring of solidification mode, porosity and clad height during laser metal deposition of AISI 316 stainless steel. Journal of Manufacturing Processes2021, 68: 1705-1713. (SCI)

(54)   MZ Chen, Y Lu, ZD Wang, HF Lan, GF Sun*, ZH Ni*. Melt pool evolution on inclined NV E690 steel plates during laser direct metal deposition. Optics & Laser Technology2021, 136: 106745. (SCI)

(53)   王鹏飞杨坤陈明智王占栋卢轶孙桂芳*, 倪中华*. 倾斜基板激光熔覆GH3536熔池形貌的仿真与实验研究中国激光20211002121 (EI).


(52)    ZD Wang, GF Sun*, Y Lu, MZ Chen, KD Bi, ZH Ni. Microstructural characterization and mechanical behavior of ultrasonic impact peened and laser shock peened AISI 316L stainless steel. Surface & Coatings Technology2020, 385: 125403. (SCI)

(51)   Y Lu, GF Sun*, ZD Wang, BY Su, YK Zhang, ZH Ni. The effects of laser peening on laser additive manufactured 316L steel. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2020107: 2239-2249 (SCI) 


(50)           P Yang, GF Sun*, Y Lu, ZH Ni. Monitoring of optical emissions in laser cladding of 316L stainless steel. Applied Optics2019, 58: 8733-8742. (SCI).

(49)           GF Sun*, XT Shen, ZD Wang, MJ Zhan, S Yao, R Zhou ZH Ni. Laser metal deposition as repair technology for 316L stainless steel: Influence of feeding powder compositions on microstructure and mechanical properties. Optics and Laser Technology2019, 109: 71-83. (SCI).

(48)           Y LuGF Sun, XF Xiao, J Mazumder. Online stress measurement during laser aided metallic additive manufacturing, Scientific Reports, 2019, 9: 7630.

(47)           Y Lu, GF Sun*, ZD Wang, YK Zhang, BY Su, AX Feng, ZH Ni. Effects of electromagnetic field on the laser direct metal deposition of austenitic stainless steel. Optics and Laser Technology2019, 119: 105586

(46)           MJ Zhan, GF Sun*, ZD Wang, XT Shen, Y Yan, ZH Ni. Numerical and experimental investigation on laser metal deposition as repair technology for 316L stainless steel. Optics and Laser Technology2019, 118: 84-92.


(45)           GF Sun*, S Yao, ZD Wang, XT Shen, Y Yan, R Zhou ZH Ni. Microstructure and mechanical properties of HSLA-100 steel repaired by laser metal deposition. Surface & Coatings Technology2018, 351: 198-211. (SCI).

(44)           GF Sun*, ZD Wang, Y Lu, R Zhou, ZH Ni, X Gu, ZG Wang. Numerical and experimental investigation of thermal field and residual stress in laser-MIG hybrid welded NV E690 steel plates. Journal of Manufacturing Processes2018, 34: 106-120. (SCI)

(43)           ZD Wang, Y Lu, GF Sun*, ZH Ni. Effect of ultra-sonic peening on laser-arc hybrid welded NV E690 steel. Journal of Laser Applications2018, 30: 032403. (SCI).

(42)           R Zhu, YK Zhang, GF Sun*, XT Shen, P Li. Finite element analysis of surface roughness generated by multiple laser shock peening. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2018, 47: 33-38. (SCI)

(41)           AM Xiao, GF Sun*, ZP Tong, SY Dong, SX Yan, JZ Lu, YK Zhang. Effect of laser shock processing on microstructure, residual stress and wear-fracture behavior of laser deposited Fe-based alloy coating. Lasers in Engineering2018, 39: 175-194. (SCI)

(40)           R Zhou, ZP Tong, GF Sun*, ZH Ni, W Zhang. Microstructure and wear behavior of 38CrMoAl steel laser-processed with addition of MoS2 or WS2Lasers in Engineering2018, 41(1-3): 1-25. (SCI)

(39)           SK Zou, JF Wu, YK Zhang, SL Gong, GF Sun*, ZH Ni, ZW Cao, ZG Che, AX Feng. Surface integrity and fatigue lives of Ti17 compressor blades subjected to laser shock peening with square spots. Surface & Coatings Technology2018, 347: 398-406. (SCI).

(38)           BY Su, YK Zhang, GF Sun*, ZH Ni. Prediction of micro indentation depth of TC4 titanium alloy during laser shock processing. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 2018, 57, 122703-6. (SCI)

(37)           孙桂芳*陶丰姜波姬文宣牛牧遥沈旭婷医用不锈钢激光合金化铜钴合金的组织及其生物医学性能中国激光2018, 45: 1202008. (EI).

(36)           苏波泳孙桂芳*裴旭朱然倪中华冲击波动态船舶特性对激光喷丸残余应力场的影响中国表面工程, 2018, 31: 15-22. (EI)

(35)           吴俊峰邹世坤张永康孙桂芳*倪中华车志刚曹子文激光冲击强化TC17叶片前缘模拟件的抗FOD性能研究稀有金属材料与工程2018, 11: 3359-3364. (SCI)


(34)           GF Sun*, ZD Wang, Y Lu, R Zhou, ZH Ni. Investigation on microstructure and mechanical properties of NV E690steel joint by laser-MIG hybrid welding. Materials and Design2017, 127: 297-301. (SCI)

(33)           JF Wu, SK Zou, YK Zhang, SL Gong, GF Sun*, ZH Ni, ZW Cao, ZG Che, AX Feng. Microstructures and mechanical properties of β forging Ti17 alloy under combined laser shock processing and shot peening. Surface & Coatings Technology2017, 328: 283-291 (SCI).

(32)           朱然张永康孙桂芳*李普张胜标倪中华三维平顶光束激光冲击2024铝合金的残余应力场数值模拟中国激光2017, 44(8): 0802007. (EI)

(31)           JZ Lu, LJ Wu, GF Sun, Y Liu, CY Cui, XM Luo, KY Luo. Microstructural response and grain refinement mechanism of commercially pure titanium subjected to multiple laser shock peening impacts. Acta Materialia2017, 127: 252-266. (SCI)


(30)           GF Sun*, XY Fang, ZP Tong, ZH Ni, Y Lu. Effect of laser shock peening on aluminum alloy laser-welds. Surface Engineering2016, 32: 943-948. (SCI)

(29)           GF Sun*, ZP Tong, XY Fang, XJ Liu, ZH Ni, W Zhang. Effect of scanning speeds on microstructure and wear behavior of laser processed NiCr-Cr3C2-MoS2-CeO2 on 38CrMoAl steel. Optics & Laser Technology2016, 77: 80-90. (SCI)

(28)           Y. Lu, GF Sun, D.P. Wen, Y.K. Zhang, A.X. Feng. Effects of applying electric and magnetic fields on laser drilling. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2016, 84: 2293-2300 (SCI)

(27)           KY Luo, CY Wang, GF Sun, CY Cui, J Sheng, JZ Lu. Investigation and microstructural analyses of massive LSP impacts with coverage area on crack initiation location and tensile properties of AM50 magnesium alloy. Materials Science & Engineering A2016, 650: 110-118. (SCI)

(26)           KY Luo, X Jing, J Sheng, GF Sun, Z Yan, JZ Lu*. Characterization and analyses on micro-hardness, residual stress and microstructure in laser cladding coating of 316L stainless steel subjected to massive LSP treatment. Journal of Alloys and Compounds2016, 673: 158-169. (SCI)

(25)           李倩孙桂芳*, 卢轶张永康光纤激光水下切割1mm304不锈钢的实验研究中国激光2016, 43: 0602001-10 (EI).


(24)           GF Sun*, R Zhou, JZ Lu, J Mazumder. Evaluation of defect density, microstructure, residual stress, elastic modulus, hardness and strength of laser deposited AISI 4340 steel. Acta Materialia2015, 84: 172-189. (SCI)

(23)           GF Sun*, K Wang, R Zhou, AX Feng, W Zhang. Effect of different heat-treatment temperatures on the laser cladded M3:2 high-speed steel. Materials and Design2015, 65: 606-616. (SCI)

(22)           GF Sun*, K Wang, R Zhou, ZP Tong, XY Fang. Effect of annealing on microstructure and mechanical properties of laser deposited Co-285+WC coatings. Optics & Laser Technology2015, 66: 98-105. (SCI)

(21)           R Zhou, GF Sun*, CS Liu, XD Ren, K Wang, AX Feng, XP Bu. Effects   of yttrium on microstructure and wear properties of laser DMD Co-285+WC coatings. Lasers in Engineering2015, 31(3-4): 161-178. (SCI)


(20)           GF Sun*, YK Zhang, MK Zhang, R Zhou, K Wang, CS Liu, KY Luo. Microstructure and corrosion characteristics of 304 stainless steel laser-alloyed with Cr-CrB2Applied Surface Science2014, 295: 94-107. (SCI)

(19)           GF Sun*, R Zhou, YK Zhang, GD Yuan, K Wang, XD Ren, DP Wen. Microstructure evolution and lubricant wear performance of laser alloyed layers on automobile engine chains. Optics & Laser Technology2014, 62: 20-31. (SCI)

(18)           MK Zhang, GF Sun*, YK Zhang, CS Liu, XD Ren, AX Feng, W Zhang. Laser surface alloying of Cr-CrB2 on SUS 304 stainless steel. Lasers in Engineering2014, 27(3-4): 231-245. (SCI)

(17)           李鹏孙桂芳*, 张尉刘卫祥张永康张满奎不锈钢表面激光合金化Mn-Al2O3 强化层的组织及性能中国有色金属学报2012, 22(8): 2253-2259 (EI).


(16)           GF Sun*, S Bhattacharya, GP Dinda, A Dasgupta, J Mazumder. Microstructure evolution during laser aided direct metal deposition of alloy tool steel, Scripta Materialia2011, 64: 454-457. (SCI)

(15)           GF Sun*, S Bhattacharya, GP Dinda, A Dasgupta, J Mazumder. Influence of processing parameters on lattice parameters in laser deposited tool alloy steel. Materials Science and Engineering: A2011, 528: 5141-5145. (SCI)

(14)           GF Sun*, R Zhou, P Li, AX Feng, YK Zhang. Laser surface alloying of C-B-W-Cr powders on nodular cast iron rolls. Surface & Coatings Technology2011, 205: 2747-2754. (SCI)


(13)           GF Sun, CS Liu, LJ Song, J Mazumder. Microstructure and wear behavior of laser-aided direct metal deposited Co-285 and Co-285 +WC coatings. Metallurgy and Materials Transactions: A2010, 41: 1592-1603. (SCI)

(12)           GF Sun*, YK Zhang, CS Liu, KY Luo, XQ Tao, P Li. Microstructure and wear resistance enhancement of cast steel rolls by laser surface alloying NiCr-Cr3C2Materials and Design2010,31(6): 2737-2744. (SCI)

(11)           GF Sun*, YK Zhang, CS Liu, P Li, XQ Tao. Microstructure and wear resistance enhancement of semi-steel rolls by laser surface alloying of NiCr-Cr3C2Lasers in Engineering2010, 19: 347-361. (SCI)

(10)           GF Sun*, YK Zhang, CS Liu. Effects of laser surface re-melting on the microstructure and hardness of laser deposited Co-285+WC coatings. Lasers in Engineering2010, 20: 9-20. (SCI)

(9)           JZ Lu, KY Luo, YK Zhang, GF Sun, YY Gu, JZ Zhou, XD Ren, XC Zhang, LF Zhang, KM Chen, CY Cui, YF Jiang, AX Feng, L Zhang. Grain refinement mechanism of multiple laser shock processing impacts on ANSI 304 stainless steel. Acta materialia,2010, 58(16): 5354-5362. (SCI)

(8)           HY Wang, DW Zuo, G Chen, GF Sun, XF Li, X Cheng. Hot corrosion behavior of low Al NiCoCrAlY cladded coatings reinforced by nano-particles on a Ni-base super alloy. Corrosion science2010, 52: 3561-3567. (SCI)

(7)           JZ Lu, KY Luo, YK Zhang, CY Cui, GF Sun, JZ Zhou, L Zhang, J You, KM Chen, JW Zhong. Grain refinement of LY2 aluminum alloy induced by ultra-high plastic strain during multiple laser shock processing impacts. Acta Materialia2010, 58: 3984-3994. (SCI) 

(6)           孙桂芳梁京陈岁元刘常升碳钢上激光辅助沉积Co-285 合金的组织与性能中国有色金属学报2010, 20(2): 274-281(EI).


(5)           孙桂芳刘常升陶兴启陈岁元高镍铬无线冷硬铸铁轧辊表面激光合金化的研究东北大学学报(自然科学版)2008, 29(6): 845-848 (EI).

Conference Proceedings

(4)           R Zhou, GF Sun*, KK Chen, YQ Tong. Effect of tempering on microstructure and mechanical   properties of cast iron rolls laser alloyed with C-B-W-Cr. 2014 Global Conference on Polymer and Composite Materials (PCM 2014)IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2014, 62: 012015-6. (EI)

(3)           GF Sun*, R Zhou, P Li, YK Zhang. Effects of processing parameters on the laser deposited Co-285 + WC coatings. Key Engineering Materials2011, 464: 568-571. (EI)

(2)           GF Sun, CS Liu, J Liang, JH Zhou, XQ Tao. Laser surface alloying of NiCr-Cr3C2 and C-B-W-Cr powders on nodular cast iron rolls. Advanced Materials Research2009, 79-82: 1459-1462. (EI)

(1)           GF Sun, CS Liu, GP Dinda, J Mazumder. Laser-Aided Direct Metal Deposition of Co-285. ICALEO, 27th International Congress on Application of Lasers & Electro-Optics, October 20-23, 2008. Pechanga Resort & Casino, Temecula, CA, USA. (ISTP)