Professor Tan enjoys teaching and is dedicated to education. His research skills and interests are in the fields of structural dynamics, vibration, and control; systems analysis; and mechatronics. His current research is in advanced vehicle mobility solutions and autonomous/intelligent robotic systems. Prof Tan has many years of experience working on research problems with applications to automotive engineering (disc brake dynamics, advanced manufacturing) and civil engineering (moving loads on bridges, structural health monitoring of bridges). Details of research projects are found in the research page and general information in the faculty webpage. Professor Tan is a Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and was the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs in the College.
In this research, a novel theoretical framework for the time-varying displacement transmissibility is developed using a time-frozen technique. By applying the principle of fixed points from classical vibration absorber designs to the transmissibility functions, optimally tuned vehicle suspensions to mitigate bridge vibration are obtained. Case studies are presented for both passive and semi-active suspensions. It is shown that the tuning strategy depends only on a priori known structural parameters.Our research also shows that optimal suspension tuning can have significant effects on the frequencies of the coupled vehicle-bridge system, potentially leading to more robust identification techniques for structural health monitoring (SHM) of bridge systems. Novel research directions and opportunities in developing collaborative strategies and policies within the framework of connected and autonomous vehicles (CAV) will also be briefly discussed.
讲座时间:2023年8月8日 15:30(GMT+08:00)
讲座地点: 东南大学机械楼第一会议室327