


Selected Publications:

[1] Y. F. Zhu*, et al., Janus acoustic metascreen with nonreciprocal and reconfigurable phase modulations. Nature Communications 12, 7089 (2021).

[2] Y. F. Zhu, et al., Fine manipulation of sound via lossymetamaterials with independent andarbitrary reflection amplitude and phase. Nature Communications 9, 1632 (2018). (ESI高被引)

[3] Y. F. Zhu, et al., Ultrathin acoustic metasurface-based Schroeder diffuser. Physical Review X 7, 021034 (2017).  (ESI高被引)

[4] Y. F. Zhu, et al., Systematic design and experimental demonstration of transmission-type multiplexed acoustic metaholograms. Advanced Functional Materials 31, 2101947 (2021).

[5] Y. F. Zhu (共一et al., Experimental demonstration of acoustic Chern insulators. Physical Review Letters 122, 014302 (2019). (ESI高被引)

[6] Y. F. Zhu (共一et al. Ultrabroadband and Reconfigurable Transmissive AcousticMetascreen, Advanced Functional Materials 2300752 (2023).