



[1]  Liu, X., Wu, C., Padhy, G.K. Characterization ofplastic deformation and material flow in ultrasonic vibration enhanced frictionstir welding. (2015) Scripta Materialia, 102, pp. 95-98.

[2]  Liu, X., Sun, Z. Numerical simulation of vortex- friction stir welding based on internal friction between identical materials. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2022,185, 122418.

[3]  Liu, X.C., Sun, Y.F., Nagira, T., Ushioda, K., Fujii,H. Evaluation of dynamicdevelopment of grain structure during friction stir welding of pure copperusing a quasi in situ method. (2019) Journal of Materials Science andTechnology, 35 (7), pp. 1412-1421.

[4]  Liu, X.C., Sun, Y.F., Morisada, Y., Fujii, H. Dynamics of rotationalflow in friction stir welding of aluminium alloys. (2018) Journal ofMaterials Processing Technology, 252, pp. 643-651.

[5]  Liu, X., Zhen, Y., Shen,Z., Chen, H., Li, W., Guo, W., Yue, Z. A Modified Friction Stir Welding Process Based on Vortex Material Flow.(2020) Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering (English Edition), 33(1), 论文编号 90.



  • Liu X, Lei L, Xing S, et al. A post‐processing procedure for predicting high‐and low‐cycle fatigue life of welded structures based on the master E–N curve[J]. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, 2023, 46(9): 3387-3403.

  • Liu X, Luo J, Bao W, et al. Improved Mechanical Properties of SUS304/AA5083 Dissimilar Joint by Laser Ablation Pretreatment in Vortex-Friction Stir Lap Welding[J]. Crystals, 2023, 13(9): 1336.

  • Liu X C, Ye T, Li Y Z, et al. Quasi-in-situ characterization of microstructure evolution in friction stir welding of aluminum alloy[J]. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2023, 25: 6380-6394.

  • Liu X C, Li W T, Zhou Y Q, et al. Multiple effects of forced cooling on joint quality in coolant-assisted friction stir welding[J]. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2023, 25: 4264-4276.

  • Wang, Q., Liu, C., Wang, H., Yin, K., Yu, Z., Wang, T., ... & Liu, X. (2023). Laser-Heat Surface Treatment of Superwetting Copper Foam for Efficient Oil–Water Separation. Nanomaterials13(4), 736.

  • Liu X, Li W, Zhen Y, et al. Effect of Process Parameters on Weld Quality in Vortex-Friction Stir Welding of 6061-T6 Aluminum Alloy[J]. Materials, 2023, 16(2): 873.

  • Liu X C, Wang Q, Pei X J, et al. Microstructural evolution of 6061-T6 aluminum alloy in vortex-friction stir welding[J]. Materials Characterization, 2023, 195: 112544.

  • 刘小超, 倪中华, 崔远驰, 等. 基于工件与外部可消耗工具摩擦的焊接技术研究进展[J]. 焊接学报, 2022, 43(7): 14-27.

  • Pei, X., Li, X., Zhao, S., Dong, P., Liu, X., & Xie, M. (2022). Low cycle fatigue evaluation of welded structures with arbitrary stress-strain curve considering stress triaxiality effect. International Journal of Fatigue162, 106969.

  • Liu, X.Zhen,Y., Chen,H., Shen,Z. Study on process characteristics of friction stir welding based on vortex material flow using 6061-T6 aluminum alloy. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2022, 119(7-8), pp. 5025–5034.

  • Liu, X., Sun, Z. Numerical simulation of vortex- friction stir welding based on internal friction between identical materials. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2022,185, 122418.

  • Liu, X., Zhen, Y., He,X., Chen, H., Shen, Z. Vortex- friction stir welding process based on internalfriction between identical materials |基于同质摩擦的涡流搅拌摩擦焊工艺. Hangkong Xuebao/Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica, 2022, 43(2), 625012.

  •  Chen, H., Zhao, S., Nai, X., Miao, L., Shen, Z., Liu, X., Cao, J. Controlledspreading of melted fillers and precision micro-brazing based on a micro-scalebinary cooperative complementary interface design strategy.(2020) Ceramics International, 47 (15), pp. 21433-21442.

  • Shen, Z., Ding, Y., Guo, W., Liu, X. Li, W., Gerlich, A. Refill Friction Stir Spot Welding AlAlloy to Copper via Pure Metallurgical Joining Mechanism. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering (English Edition), 2021, 34(1), 75.

  • Shen, Z., Li, W., Cai, Z., Wu, L., Liu, X. Role of Sleeve Design on Weld Formation of Refill Friction Stir Spot Welded Dissimilar Al Alloys|套筒设计对异种铝合金回填式搅拌摩擦点焊接头成形的影响.Jixie Gongcheng Xuebao/Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2021, 57(18).

  •  Liu, X., Zhen, Y., Shen,Z., Chen, H., Li, W., Guo, W., Yue, Z. A Modified Friction Stir Welding Process Based on Vortex Material Flow. (2020) Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering(English Edition), 33 (1), 论文编号 90.

  • Nagira, T., Liu, X.C., Ushioda, K., Fujii, H.Mechanism of grain structure development for pure Cu and Cu-30Zn with lowstacking fault energy during FSW. (2020) Science and Technology of Welding andJoining, 25 (8), pp. 669-678.

  •  LIU, X.-C., ZHEN, Y.-Q., SUN, Y.-F., SHEN, Z.-K., CHEN,H.-Y., GUO, W., LI, W.-Y. Local inhomogeneity of mechanical properties in stirzone of friction stir welded AA1050 aluminum alloy. (2020) Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China (English Edition), 30 (9), pp. 2369-2380.

  • Chen, H., Ren, X.,Guo, W., Shen, Z., Liu, X., Cao, J. Effects of glass compositionand joining parameters on microstructural evolution and mechanical propertiesof Al2O3/Cu joints brazed with Bi2O3-B2O3-ZnO glass. (2020) Journal ofManufacturing Processes, 56, pp. 735-745.

  • Liu, X., Sun, Y., Nagira,T., Ushioda, K., Fujii, H. Effect of Stacking Fault Energy on the Grain Structure Evolution of FCC Metals During Friction Stir Welding. (2020) Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters), 33 (7), pp. 1001-1012. 

  • Nagira, T., Liu,X.C., Ushioda, K., Fujii, H. Influences of temperature and Sn-addition onmicrostructural evolution of Ag during FSW. (2020) Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 25 (3), pp. 198-207.

  • Zhen, Y., Liu,X., Shen, Z., Chen, H. State-of-art of Experimental Characterization of Material Flow in Friction Stir Welding [搅拌摩擦焊材料流动的试验表征研究现状]. (2020) Jixie Gongcheng Xuebao/Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 56 (6), pp. 184-192.

  • Shen, Z., Li,W.Y., Ding, Y., Hou, W., Liu, X.C., Guo, W., Chen, H.Y., Liu, X.,Yang, J., Gerlich, A.P. Material flow during refill friction stir spot weldeddissimilar Al alloys using a grooved tool. (2020) Journal of ManufacturingProcesses, 49, pp. 260-270.

  • Ni, Y., Fu, L.,Shen, Z., Liu, X.C. Role of tool design on thermal cycling and mechanical properties of a high-speed micro friction stir welded 7075-T6aluminum alloy. (2019) Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 48, pp. 145-153.

  • Nagira, T., Liu,X.C., Ushioda, K., Iwamoto, Y., Ano, G., Fujii, H. Role of annealingtwinning in microstructural evolution of high purity silver during frictionstir welding. (2019) Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 24 (7), pp.644-651.

  • Shen, Z., Ding,Y., Chen, J., Fu, L., Liu, X.C., Chen, H., Guo, W., Gerlich, A.P.Microstructure, static and fatigue properties of refill friction stir spotwelded 7075-T6 aluminium alloy using a modified tool. (2019) Science andTechnology of Welding and Joining, 24 (7), pp. 587-600.

  • Chen, H., Ren, X.,Guo, W., Wan, M., Shen, Z., Liu, X., Feng, M. Microstructures andmechanical properties of brazed Al2O3/Cu joints with bismuth glass. (2019)Ceramics International, 45 (13), pp. 16070-16077.

  • Guo, W., Fu, L.,He, P., Lin, T., Wan, M., Hou, J., Wu, Y., Liu, X., Shen, Z. Air-brazedAl2O3 joint with a novel bismuth glass. (2019) Ceramics International, 45 (12),pp. 15213-15222.

  • Liu, X.C., Sun, Y.F.,Nagira, T., Ushioda, K., Fujii, H. Evaluation of dynamic development of grainstructure during friction stir welding of pure copper using a quasi in situmethod. (2019) Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 35 (7), pp.1412-1421.

  • Liu, X.C., Sun, Y.F.,Nagira, T., Ushioda, K., Fujii, H. Strain rate dependent micro-textureevolution in friction stir welding of copper. (2019) Materialia, 6, 论文编号 100302.

  • Liu, X.C., Sun, Y.F.,Nagira, T., Ushioda, K., Fujii, H. Experimental evaluation of strain and strainrate during rapid cooling friction stir welding of pure copper. (2019) Scienceand Technology of Welding and Joining, 24 (4), pp. 352-359.

  • Guo, W., Fu, L.,He, P., Lin, T., Shen, Z., Liu, X.C., Wang, T., Wang, C.Low-temperature brazing of alumina ceramics with bismuth-borate glass in air.(2019) Materials Characterization, 149, pp. 158-164.

  • Liu, X.C., Sun, Y.F.,Nagira, T., Ushioda, K., Fujii, H. Correction to: Microstructure evolution ofCu–30Zn during friction stir welding (Journal of Materials Science, (2018), 53,14, (10423-10441), 10.1007/s10853-018-2313-5). (2018) Journal of MaterialsScience, 53 (15), p. 11130.

  • Liu, X.C., Sun, Y.F.,Nagira, T., Ushioda, K., Fujii, H. Microstructure evolution of Cu–30Zn duringfriction stir welding. (2018) Journal of Materials Science, 53 (14), pp.10423-10441.

  • Liu, X.C., Sun, Y.F.,Nagira, T., Fujii, H. Investigation of temperature dependent microstructureevolution of pure iron during friction stir welding using liquid CO2 rapidcooling. (2018) Materials Characterization, 137, pp. 24-38.

  • Liu, X.C., Sun, Y.F.,Morisada, Y., Fujii, H. Dynamics of rotational flow in friction stir welding ofaluminium alloys. (2018) Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 252, pp.643-651.

  • Liu, X.C., Sun, Y.F.,Fujii, H. Clarification of microstructure evolution of aluminum during frictionstir welding using liquid CO2 rapid cooling. (2017) Materials and Design, 129,pp. 151-163.

  • Liu, X.C., Wu, C.S.Elimination of tunnel defect in ultrasonic vibration enhanced friction stirwelding. (2016) Materials and Design, 90, pp. 350-358.

  • Liu, X., Wu, C., Zhong,Y., Gao, S. Thermo-mechanical behaviors and microstructure characteristics ofultrasonic vibration enhanced friction stir welding. (2015) Jixie GongchengXuebao/Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 51 (22), pp. 22-28.

  • Liu, X.C., Wu, C.S.Material flow in ultrasonic vibration enhanced friction stir welding. (2015)Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 225, pp. 32-44.

  • Liu, X.C., Wu, C.S., Padhy,G.K. Improved weld macrosection, microstructure and mechanical properties of2024Al-T4 butt joints in ultrasonic vibration enhanced friction stir welding.(2015) Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 20 (4), pp. 345-352.

  • Liu, X., Wu, C., Padhy,G.K. Characterization of plastic deformation and material flow in ultrasonicvibration enhanced friction stir welding. (2015) Scripta Materialia, 102, pp.95-98.

  • Shi, L., Wu,C.S., Liu, X.C. Modeling the effects of ultrasonic vibrationon friction stir welding. (2015) Journal of Materials Processing Technology,222, pp. 91-102.

  • Liu, X., Wu, C. Effect ofultrasonic vibration on microstructure and mechanical properties of frictionstir welded joint of 6061-T4 aluminum alloy. (2014) Hanjie Xuebao/Transactionsof the China Welding Institution, 35 (1), pp. 49-53.

  • Liu, X., Wu, C., Rethmeier,M., Pittner, A. Mechanical properties of 2024-T4 aluminium alloy joints inultrasonic vibration enhanced friction stir welding. (2013) China Welding(English Edition), 22 (4), pp. 8-13.

  • Liu, X., Wu, C., Zhang,H., Chen, M. Effect of ultrasonic vibration on the friction stir weld qualityof aluminium alloy. (2013) China Welding (English Edition), 22 (3), pp.12-17.