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[2] J. Li, J. Cheng, X. Hu, J. Liu, Y.Tian, G. Wu, L. Chen, Y. Zhang, G. Zhao*,Z. Ni*, A hazardous boundary of Poly(L-lactic acid) braided stent design:Limited elastic deformability of polymer materials, J Mech Behav Biomed Mater138 (2023) 105628.

[3] X. Hu, J. Li, J. Yang, J. Cheng, Y.Zhang, J. Lang, J. Liu, G. Zhao*, Z.Ni*, Focus on the crucial deformation region to adjust the comprehensiveperformance of poly (L-lactic acid) stent, Int J Biol Macromol  (2023) 123417.

[4] G.Zhao, B. Wang, X. Li, M. Liu, Y. Tian, J. Zhang, Y. Zhang, J. Cheng, J.Yang, Z. Ni, Evaluation of poly (L-lactic acid) monofilaments with highmechanical performance in vitro degradation, Journal of Materials Science57(11) (2022) 6361-6371.

[5]G. Zhao, S. Ma, X. Li, Y. Tian, G. Wu, Y. Zhang, J. Cheng, Z. Ni, Differentproperties of poly(L-lactic acid) monofilaments and its corresponding braidedsprings after constrained and unconstrained annealing, J Biomater Appl 37(3)(2022) 517-526.

[6]G. Zhao, Q. Liu, Y. Tian, J. Liu, J. Cheng, Z. Ni, Evaluation of mechanicalproperties of poly(L‐lactic acid) braided stents with axial stiffeners, Journalof Applied Polymer Science 139(23) (2022).

[7] G.Zhao, J. Liu, M. Liu, Y. Tian, J. Cheng, W. Liu, Z. Ni, Influence ofparameters on mechanical properties of poly (L-lactic acid) helical stents, JBiomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater 110(7) (2022) 1705-1712.

[8] B. Wang, M. Liu, J. Liu, Y. Tian, W.Liu, G. Wu, J. Cheng, Y. Zhang, G. Zhao*,Z. Ni*, Key Factors of Mechanical Strength and Toughness in OrientedPoly(l-lactic acid) Monofilaments for a Bioresorbable Self-Expanding Stent,Langmuir 38(44) (2022) 13477-13487.

[9] Q. Liu, M. Liu, Y. Tian, J. Cheng, J.Lang, Y. Zhang, G. Zhao*, Z. Ni*,Evaluation of resistance to radial cyclic loads of poly(L-lactic acid) braidedstents with different braiding angles, Int J Biol Macromol 218 (2022) 94-101.

[10] M. Liu, Y. Tian, J. Cheng, Y. Zhang, G. Zhao*, Z. Ni*, Mixed-braided stent:An effective way to improve comprehensive mechanical properties of poly(L-lactic acid) self-expandable braided stent, J Mech Behav Biomed Mater 128(2022) 105123.

[11] D. Deng, Y. Tian, M. Liu, J. Cheng,G. Wu, Y. Zhang, G. Zhao*, Z. Ni*,Enhanced mechanical properties of poly(L‐lactide) braided stent with six‐arm poly(L‐lactide‐co‐ε‐caprolactone)coating cross‐linked by hexamethylene diisocyanate, Polymers for AdvancedTechnologies 33(7) (2022) 2176-2183.

[12] G.Zhao, B. Wang, M. Liu, Y. Tian, G. Wu, Y. Zhang, J. Cheng, Z. Ni, A studyof the radial and bending performance for poly (L‐lactic acid) braided stentswith innovative runners, Polymers for Advanced Technologies 32(12) (2021)4690-4699.

[13] G.Zhao, M. Liu, D. Deng, Y. Tian, J. Cheng, G. Wu, Y. Zhang, Z. Ni, Effectsof constraint between filaments on the radial compression properties of poly(l-lactic acid) self-expandable braided stents, Polymer Testing 93 (2021).

[14]G. Zhao, X. Li, Y. Tian, G. Wu, Y. Zhang, W. Jiang, J. Yang, Z. Ni,Poly(l-lactic acid) monofilaments for biodegradable braided self-expandingstent, Journal of Materials Science 56(21) (2021) 12383-12393.

[15] Y. Tian, M. Liu, W. Liu, J. Cheng, G. Zhao, Preparation of a poly(L-lacticacid) braided stent with high radial force, Journal of Physics: ConferenceSeries 1885(3) (2021).

[16] Y. Tian, M. Liu, W. Liu, J. Cheng, G.Wu, T. Han, Y. Zhang, G. Zhao*, Z.Ni*, Effects of annealing temperature on both radial supporting performance andaxial flexibility of poly(L‐lactic acid) braided stents, Journal of AppliedPolymer Science 138(22) (2021).

[17] X. Li, Y. Tian, J. Zhang, J. Cheng,G. Wu, Y. Zhang, G. Zhao*, Z. Ni*,Effects of annealing constraint methods on poly(L‐lactic acid) monofilamentsfor application in stents annealing, Polymers for Advanced Technologies 32(6)(2021) 2378-2385.

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[19] Y. Tian, J. Zhang, J. Cheng, G. Wu,Y. Zhang, Z. Ni, G. Zhao*, Apoly(L‐lactic acid) monofilament with high mechanical properties forapplication in biodegradable biliary stents, Journal of Applied Polymer Science138(2) (2020).

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