


[1] Ye F, Zhang Z, Xia Z, Zhou Y,Zhang H, Monitoring and diagnosis of multi-channel profile data based onuncorrelated multilinear discriminant analysis[J], International Journal ofAdvanced Manufacturing Technology, 2019, 103 (9-12):4659-4669. (SCI)

[2] Wen H, Cong M, Wang G, Qin W,Xu W, Zhang Z, Dynamics and Optimized Torque Distribution Based Force/positionHybrid Control of a 4-DOF Redundantly Actuated Parallel Robot with TwoPoint-contact Constraints[J], International Journal of Control Automation andSystems, 2019, 17 (5):1293-1303. (SCI)

[3] Zhang H, Dai M, Zhang Z, Applicationof viscoelasticity to nonlinear analyses of circular and spherical dielectricelastomers[J], AIP Advances,20191, 9 (4). (SCI)

[4] Zhang H, Dai M, Zhang Z, Theanalysis of transparent dielectric elastomer actuators for lens[J], Optik,2019, 178:841-845. (SCI)

[5] Zhang H, Zhou Y, Dai M, Zhang Z,A novel flying robot system driven by dielectric elastomer balloon actuators[J],Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 2018, 29 (11):2522-2527.(SCI)

[6] Zhang H, Zhang Z, Phasetransitions of dielectric elastomers in a circular frame[J], Journal ofSoutheast University, 2017, 33 (4):387-390, (核心)

[7] Zhang H, Wang Y, Godaba H, KhooB,C, Zhang Z, Zhu J, Harnessing Dielectric Breakdown of Dielectric Elastomer toAchieve Large Actuation[J], Journal of Applied Mechanics Transactions ASME,2017, 84 (12) 121011 , (SCI)

[8] Yin D, F, Zhang Z, S, Designfabrication and kinematics of a bio-inspired robotic bat wing[J], Science ChinaTechnological Sciences, 2016, 59 (12):1921-1930. (SCI)

[9] He F, Zhang Z,Image blurkernel estimation based on Markov random field learning model[J], Journal ofSoutheast University (Natural Science Edition), 2016, 46 (6):1143-1148. (核心)

[10] He F, ZhangZ, Luo X, Zhao S, Parameter estimation method for blurred cell images fromfluorescence microscope[J], Optical Engineering,2016, 55 (10) 103102. (SCI)

[11] Chao Y, DaiM, Chen K, Chen P, Zhang Z, A novel gravitational search algorithm formultilevel image segmentation and its application on semiconductor packagesvision inspection[J], Optik, 2016, 127 (14):5770-5782. (SCI)

[12] Yin D,Zhang Z, Dai M, Effects of inertial power and inertial force on bat wings[J], ZoologicalScience, 2016, 33 (3):239-245. (SCI)

[13] Yin D,Zhang Z, The inertial power and inertial force of robotic and natural bat wing[J],Comptes Rendus Mecanique, 2016, 344 (3):195-207. (SCI)

[14] Chen K,Zhou Y, Zhang Z, Dai M, Chao Y, Shi J, Multilevel Image Segmentation Based onan Improved Firefly Algorithm[J], Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2016 ,1578056.(SCI)

[15] Zhang Z,Zhang L, Zhang ZS, Calculation of elliptic sphere profile error using thecombination of the DGA and the PSO algorithm[J], Jiliang Xuebao/ActaMetrologica Sinica, 2015, 36 (6):584-587. (SCI)

[16] He F, ZhangZ, An empirical study-based state space model for multilayer overlay errors inthe step-scan lithography process[J], RSC Advances, 2015, 5 (126):103901-103906.(SCI)

[17] Zhou Y,Zhang Z, Optimal maintenance of a series production system with twomulti-component subsystems and an intermediate buffer[J], Eksploatacja iNiezawodnosc-Maintenance and Reliability, 2015, 17 (2):314-325. (SCI)

[18] Gan S,Zhang Z, Zhou Y, Shi J, Joint optimization of maintenance buffer and spareparts for a production system[J], Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2015, 39 (19):6032-6042.(SCI)

[19] Chen P,Zhang Z, Dai M, Chen K, Sub-pixel extraction of laser stripe and itsapplication in laser plane calibration[J], Journal of Southeast University(English Edition), 2015, 31 (1):107-112. (SCI)

[20] Gao W, ZhangZ, Ji H, Zhou Y, Liu Q, Optimal quasi-periodic preventive maintenance policiesfor a repairable system with stochastic maintenance interval[J], Eksploatacja iNiezawodnosc-Maintenance and Reliability, 2015, 17 (3):389-397. (SCI)

[21] Zhang ZS, Han YX, Zhou YF, et al. A novel absolute localization estimation of a target with monocular vision[J]. Optik, 2013,124(12): 1218-1223. (SCI)


[23 ]Zhang ZS, Gao WK, Zhou YF, et al. RELIABILITY MODELING AND MAINTENANCE OPTIMIZATION OF THE DIESEL SYSTEM IN LOCOMOTIVES[J]. Eksploatacja I Niezawodnosc-Maintenance And Reliability, 2012(4): 302-311. (SCI)

[24] Hao F, Shi JF, Zhang ZS, et al. Canny edge detection enhancement by general auto-regression model and bi-dimensional maximum conditional entropy[J]. Optik, 2014,125(15): 3946-3953. (SCI)

[25] Han YX, Zhang ZS, Chen F, et al. An efficient approach for shadow detection based on Gaussian mixture model[J]. Journal Of Central South University, 2014,21(4): 1385-1395. (SCI)

[26] Han YX, Zhang ZS. An efficient estimation method for intensity factor of illumination changes[J]. Multimedia Tools And Applications, 2014,72(3): 2619-2632. (SCI)

[27] Chen P, Dai M, Chen K, Zhang ZS et al. Rotation axis calibration of a turntable using constrained global optimization[J]. Optik, 2014,124(17): 4831-4836. (SCI)

[28] Chen P, Chen F, Han YX, Zhang ZS et al. Sub-pixel dimensional measurement with Logistic edge model[J]. Optik, 2014,125(9): 2076-2080. (SCI)

[29] Zhou YF, Zhang ZS, Lin TR, et al. Maintenance optimisation of a multi-state series-parallel system considering economic dependence and state-dependent inspection intervals[J]. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2013,111: 248-259. (SCI)


[31] Gan SY, Zhang ZS, Zhou YF, et al. Intermediate buffer analysis for a production system[J]. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2013,37(20-21): 8785-8795. (SCI)

[32] Zheng EL, Jia F, Zhang ZS. Dynamic modelling and response analysis of closed high-speed press system[J]. Proceedings Of the Institution Of Mechanical Engineers Part K-Journal Of Multi-Body Dynamics, 2012,226(K4): 315-330. (SCI)

[33] Zhang CF, Zhang ZS, Zhang QJ. Static and dynamic cyclic performance of a low-yield-strength steel shear panel damper[J]. Journal Of Constructional Steel Research, 2012,79: 195-203. (SCI)

[34] Zhang CF, Zhang ZS, Shi JF. Development of high deformation capacity low yield strength steel shear panel damper[J]. Journal Of Constructional Steel Research, 2012,75: 116-130. (SCI)

[35] Lu G, Yan JP, Zhang ZS, et al. Dissection of a Flexible Wing's Performance for Insect-Inspired Flapping-Wing Micro Air Vehicles[J]. Advanced Robotics, 2012,26(5-6): 409-435. (SCI)

[36] Han YX, Zhang ZS. Intensity correction method based on maximum likelihood estimation[J]. Electronics Letters, 2012,48(14): 829-830. (SCI)


[1] Jin B, Zhou R, Zhang Z, Dai M. UnsupervisedVideo Prediction Network with Spatio-temporal Deep Features[C], Proceedings of the2018 25th International Conference on Mechatronics and Machine Vision inPractice M2VIP 2018, 2019, 8600864. (EI)

[2] Lin H, Zhang Z, Guo Y, Ding Z, AConfigurable Data Acquisition System for Various Working Conditions[C], Proceedingsof the 2018 25th International Conference on Mechatronics and Machine Vision inPractice M2VIP 2018 ,2019,8600879. (EI)

[3] Miao Y, Zhang Z, Jia F, Dai M, Treatmentpillow for relieving snoring symptoms based on snore recognition[C], Proceedingsof the 2018 25th International Conference on Mechatronics and Machine Vision inPractice M2VIP 2018, 2019, 8600841. (EI)

[4] Bai ZQ, Dai M, Wei Q, Y, ZhangZS, An OEE Improvement Method Based on TOC[C], Proceedings of the 2018 25thInternational Conference on Mechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice M2VIP 2018,2019, 8600875. (EI)

[5] Jia F, Liu X, Wu J, Shi Y, Xu F, Zhang ZS, Research on Multi-AGV Autonomous Obstacle Avoidance Strategy Based onImproved A Algorithm[C], Proceedings of the 2018 25th International Conferenceon Mechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice M2VIP2018, 2019, 8600834. (EI)

[6] Jia F, Gu L, Guo X, Shi Y, Xu F,Zhang ZS, Topology and Size Optimization of a Gantry-type Industrial 3DPrinter's Beam[C], Proceedings of the 2018 25th International Conference onMechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice M2VIP 2018, 2019, 8600873. (EI)

[7] Zhang Z, Zhang Q, Jia F, Zhou Y,State of the art and key technology of soft-bodied robots[M], Mechatronics andMachine Vision in Practice,2018, 3:47-69

[8] He F, Zhang Z, Zhang Q, Zhou R,Shape sequence deformation model based structured matrix decomposition[C], 201724th International Conference on Mechatronics and Machine Vision in PracticeM2VIP, 2017, 2017-December:1-8. (EI)

[9] Zhou R, Yiming G, He F, Zhang Z,Multi-task learning from demonstration via embedded network[C], 2017 24thInternational Conference on Mechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice M2VIP,2017, 2017-December:1-6. (EI)

[10] Zhang Q,Dai M, Ding X, Zhang Z, Characterization of multi-cavity composite softpneumatic actuators[C], 2017 24th International Conference on Mechatronics andMachine Vision in Practice M2VIP, 2017, 2017-December:1-6. (EI)

[11] Zhang H,Dai M, Zhang Z, Xia Z, Dynamic patterns on a circular dielectric elastomer thinfilm[C], 2017 24th International Conference on Mechatronics and Machine Visionin Practice M2VIP, 2017, 2017-December:1-5. (EI)

[12] Zheng C,Dai M, Zhang Z, Hu Y, Guo Y, Real-time remote data acquisition and processmonitoring system for automatic filling line[C], 2017 24th International Conferenceon Mechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice M2VIP, 2017, 2017-December:1-5.(EI)

[13] Zhang Z,Zhang Q, Dai M, Ding X, Xia Z, Modeling of multi-cavity composite softpneumatic actuators[C], 2017 24th International Conference on Mechatronics andMachine Vision in Practice M2VIP, 2017, 2017-December:1-6. (EI)

[14] Fuyun H,Zhang Z, State space model and numerical simulation of overlay error formultilayer overlay lithography processes[C], 2nd International Conference onImage Vision and Computing ICIVC 2017, 2017,7984728:1123-1127. (EI)

[15] Zhang H,Wang Y, Zhu J, Zhang Z, Balloon actuators based on the dielectric elastomer[C],Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology,2017,7915436:654-658. (EI)

[16] Zhang Q,Zhang Z, A novel double-layer multi-channel soft pneumatic actuator that canachieve multiple motions[C], M2VIP 2016 - Proceedings of 23rd InternationalConference on Mechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice, 2016,7827343. (EI)

[17] Chao Y, DaiM, Zhang Z, Fast image acquisition and magnification of QFN plasticencapsulated packages[C], M2VIP 2016 - Proceedings of 23rd InternationalConference on Mechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice, 2016, 7827342. (EI)

[18] Hu Y, Dai M,Zhang Z, Zhang J, An algorithm of filling the mutational structure for FDMprototyping[C], M2VIP 2016 - Proceedings of 23rd International Conference onMechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice, 2016, 7827326. (EI)

[19] Zheng C,Dai M, Zhang Z, Hu Y, Intelligent control system of medical shadowless lampsbased on STM32[C], M2VIP 2016 - Proceedings of 23rd International Conference onMechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice, 2016, 7827327. (EI)

[20] Zhou R,Zhang Z, Peng K, Mi Y, Huang X, Humanoid action imitation learning via boostingsample DQN in virtual demonstrator environment[C], M2VIP 2016 - Proceedings of23rd International Conference on Mechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice,2016, 7827324

[21] Chao Y, DaiM, Chen K, Chen P, Zhang Z, Fuzzy entropy based multilevel image thresholdingusing modified gravitational search algorithm[C], Proceedings of the IEEEInternational Conference on Industrial Technology 2016-May, 2016, 7474845:752-757.(EI)

[22] Chen K,Zhang Z, Chao Y, He F, Shi J, Defects extraction for QFN based on texturedetection and region of interest selection[C], Lecture Notes in ElectricalEngineering, 2016, 393:119-126. (EI)

[23] Chen K,Zhang Z, Chao Y, Dai M, Shi J, Defects extraction for QFN based on mathematicalmorphology and modified region growing[C], 2015 IEEE International Conferenceon Mechatronics and Automation ICMA, 2015, 7237867:2426-2430. (EI)

[24] Zhang Z,Zhang Q, Jia F, Zhou Y, State of the art and key technology of soft-bodiedrobots[C], 22nd Annual International Conference on Mechatronics and MachineVision in Practice M2VIP 2015:75-96. (EI)

[25] Chen P,Zhang Z, Chao Y, Zhou Y, Comprehensive calibration of structured lightmeasurement system using planar chessboard[C],2015, Key Engineering Materials656-657:774-781. (EI)