



1.Zhang Ning. Stability investigation of car-trailer combinations based on time-frequency analysis. Dissertation, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany, 2015.

Journal papers:

1.Zhang N*, Wu J, Li T, Zhao Z, Yin G*. Influence of braking on dynamic stability of car-trailer combinations[J].Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering. September 2020. doi:10.1177/0954407020959895

2.张宁,李田,殷国栋*,吴建华,赵子.转向系参数对汽车拖车组合系统稳定性的影响[J]. 中国机械工程, 2020, 31(21):2521-2528.

3.张宁,李田,马健,殷国栋*,.拖车系统车身摆振的非线性动力学分析[J],机械工程学报, 2019, 55(24): 127-136.

4.张宁*,殷国栋,陈南,弥甜,李鹏程.车辆动力学中的摆振问题研究现状综述[J],机械工程学报, 2017, 53(14):16-28.

5.Yin Guo-dong; Wang Zhen; Zhang Ning*; et al.; Improving stability and comfort of an in-wheel motor drive electric vehicle via active suspensions[J], International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems, 2019, 26(3-4): 494-514.

6.Zhang, Ning*; Xiao, Hong; Winner, Hermann. (2016) Nonlinearity-induced time-varying harmonic dynamic axle load and its impact on dynamic stability of car-trailer combinations[J]. Vehicle System Dynamics. 54 (6): 848-870.

7.Zhang, Ning*; Xiao, Hong; Winner, Hermann. (2016) A parameter identification method based on time-frequency analysis for time-varying vehicle dynamics[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering. 230 (1): 3-17.

Conference papers:

1.Wu J H, Zhao Z Q, Zhang N, et al. Systematic Investigation of Longitudinal Dynamics’ Influence on Dynamic Stability of In-Wheel Motor Driven Car-trailer Combinations[C], 2019 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, Hanoi, Vietnam, 2019.

2.Zhang N, Li T, Ma J, Yin G D. The mechanism research of body sway of car-trailer combinations considering steering system characteristics[C]. 26th International Association for Vehicle System Dynamics, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2019.

3.Zhang N, Wang X, Zhao Z Q, Zhuang W C, Yin G D. Investigation of the performance and potential of a novel trackless train with pneumatic tires[C]. 26th International Association for Vehicle System Dynamics, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2019.

4.Zhang, Ning*; Yin Guo-dong; Mi, Tian; et al. Analysis of Dynamic Stability of Car-trailer Combinations with Nonlinear Damper Properties [C], In Proceedings of IUTAM Symposium on Nonlinear and Delayed Dynamics of Mechatronic Systems, October 17-21, Nanjing, China, 2016.

5.Mi, Tian; Stepan, Gabor; Takacs, Denes; Chen, Nan*; Zhang, Ning. A Novel Shimmy Model of Electric Vehicle with Independent Suspensions [C], In Proceedings of IUTAM Symposium on Nonlinear and Delayed Dynamics of Mechatronic Systems, October 17-21, Nanjing, China, 2016.

6.Li, Peng-cheng; Chen, Nan; Chen, Jian-song; Zhang, Ning*. A State-of-Charge Estimation Method Based on an Adaptive Proportional-Integral Observer [C], In Proceedings of the 13th Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, October 17-20, Hangzhou, China, 2016.

7.Zuo, Jianjun; Chen, Nan*; Zhang Ning. The Optimization and Implementation of Experimental Modal Analysis based on a CNC Turret [C], In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Frontiers of Design and Manufacturing, August 10-12, Shenyang, China, 2016.

8.Xu, Liwei; Yin, Guodong*; Zhang, Ning. Flocking Cooperative Driving control of Four-wheel Independently Driving Electric Autonomous Vehicles considering Vehicular Dynamic Processes [C], In Proceedings of the 35th Chinese Control Conference, July 27-29, Chengdu, China, 2016.

9.Zhang, Ning*; Li, Peng-cheng; Yin, Guo-dong; et al. Application of Hilbert Transform in Vehicle Dynamics Analysis [C], In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety, July 10-12, Beijing, China, 2016.

10.Yin, Guo-dong*; Zhang, Cheng-jie; Zhang, Ning. The Torque Distribution and Anti-slip Regulation Control for Two-wheel Independent Drive Electric Vehicle [C], In Proceedings of the 28th Chinese Control and Decision Conference, May 28-30, Yinchuan, China, 2016.

11.Zhang, Ning*; Shao, Zhan-jun; Xiao, Hong; Winner, Hermann. Stability investigation of car-trailer combinations depending on damper properties. In Proceedings of 24th International Symposium on Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks, IAVSD, Graz, Austria, August 17-21, 2015.

12.Zhang, Ning*; Claus, Sebastian; Wang, Yang; Winner, Hermann. Analysis Methods for Time-Variant Harmonic Vehicle Dynamics Experiments. In Proceedings of 14th Internationale VDI Tagung, Reifen-Fahrwerk-Fahrbahn (14th International VDI Conference, Tyres-Chassis-Road), Hannover, VDI Berichte 2211, 273-286, October 22-23, 2013. (注:德国工程师协会VDI举办的德国汽车动力学领域的专业学术会议)