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2.       Hui Yu, Yun Chai, Aliya Tiemuer,Yuxuan Han, H.-Y. Wang*, Yi Liu*, Frequency upconversion luminescence:New frontiers in bioapplications, Coord. Chem. Rev., 2023, 496, 215379.

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7.       Zhu W.,Qian X., Wang J., Yu H., Liu W., Wang H.-Y.*, Liu Y.*, Near-infraredfrequency upconversion probes for monitoring glutathione S-transferase toevaluate acute liver injury. Sens. Actuators B: Chem.2021, 347,130640.

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9.        WangH.-Y., Kasianowicz J. J., Robertson, J.W.F., PosterL. D., and Ettedgui, J., A Comparison of Ion Channel Current Blockades Causedby Individual Poly (ethylene glycol) Molecules and PolyoxometalateNanoclusters.  The Euro. Phys. J. E.2019,42 (6),83.

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19.      Kasianowicz,J.J., Balijepalli, A.K., Ettedgui, J., Forstater, J.H., Wang, H.-Y., Zhang, H.,& Robertson, J.W.F.  Analyticalapplications for pore-forming proteins. Biochim.Biophy. Acta – Biomembran.2016, 1858, 593-606.

20.      Ying,Y.-L., Wang, H.-Y. Sutherland, T.C. & Long, Y.-T. Monitoring of anATP‐Binding Aptamer and its Conformational Changes Using an a-HemolysinNanopore. Small2011, 1, 87-94.

21.      Liu,Y., Ying, Y.-L., Wang, H.-Y., Cao, C., Li, D.-W., Zhang,W.-Q., & Long, Y.-T. Real-time monitoring of the oxidative response of amembrane–channel biomimetic system to free radicals. Chem. Commun.2013, 49, 6584-6586.

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23.       喻皓,汪海燕,龙亿涛基于LabVIEW的纳米通道单分子检测系统,授权专利号:ZL2010 2 0169643.6