

[1]   Jinyi Wu, Dongke Sun*, Wei Chen, Zhenhua Chai. A unified lattice Boltzmann - phase fieldscheme for simulations of solutal dendrite growth in the presence of meltconvection. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2024, 22 : 124958.SCI WOS:

[2]   Yuhong Zhao*, Hui Xing, Lijun Zhang,Houbing Huang, DongkeSun, Xianglei Dong, Yongxing Shen, Jincheng Wang. Development of Phase‑Field Modeling in MaterialsScience in China: A Review. Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters), 2023, 36:1749-1775. SCI WOS:

[3]   Bo Geng, Shilin Mao, Wei Chen, Dongke Sun*. Numerical modelingo f faceted crystal growth using a lattice Boltzmann- phase field model with a new interfacial energy function. ComputationalMaterials Science, 2023, 227: 112273. SCI WOS:

[4]   Chengjie Zhan, Zhenhua Chai*,Baochang Shi, PingJiang, Shaoning Geng and Dongke Sun**.A Diffuse-Interface Lattice Boltzmann Method for the Dendritic Growth with ThermosolutalConvection. Communications in Computational Physics, 2023,. 33(4): 1164-1188. SCIWOS:

[5]   Zhishan Yuan*, Cheng Zhang,Chujin Qin, DongkeSun**, Mingting Qiu, Haiyu Wang, Chengyong Wang**.Pre-wetting of sand for high speed oil-water separation. Journal of WaterProcess Engineering, 2022, 50: 103270. SCI WOS:

[6]   Yihao Wu, Hui Xing, QingyuZhang and DongkeSun*. Numerical Study on Dynamics of Blood CellMigration and Deformation in Atherosclerotic Vessels. Mathematics, 2022, 10:2022. SCI WOS:

[7]   Daoliang Chen, Wei Chen, YanfeiLiu and DongkeSun*. A Two-Relaxation-Time Lattice BoltzmannModel for Electron Beam Selective Melting Additive Manufacturing. Frontiers inMaterials. 2022, 9: 885481. SCIWOS:

[8]   Xuezhou Wang, Shilin Mao,Jincheng Wang, DongkeSun*. Numerical modelling of equiaxed dendriticgrowth with sedimentation in the melt of binary alloys by using an anisotropic latticeBoltzmann - phase field model. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2022,178: 107592. SCI WOS:

[9]   Shilin Mao, Xuezhou Wang, Dongke Sun*, Jincheng Wang. Numerical modeling of dendrite growth in a steady magneticfield using the  two relaxation times latticeBoltzmann - phase field model. Computational Materials Science, 2022, 204,111149. SCI WOS:

[10]            Yongping Huang, Dongcheng Cao, Dongke Sun, Xiangdong Liu*. Experimental and numerical studies on the heattransfer improvement of a latent heat storage unit using gradient tree-shapedfins. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2022, 182: 121920. SCI WOS:

[11]            Yuting Cao, Dongke Sun*, Hui Xing and Jincheng Wang. Modeling of crystal growth with density changeinduced flows by the anisotropic lattice Boltzmann scheme. Applied MathematicsLetters, 2021, 120: 107318. SCIWOS:

[12]            Hui Xing*, Xianglei Dong, Dongke Sun** and Yongsheng Han. Anisotropic lattice Boltzmann-phase-fieldmodeling of crystal growth with melt convection induced by solid-liquid densitychange. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2020, 57: 26–32. SCI WOS:000572537200003.

[13]            Qingyu Zhang*, Dongke Sun, Shunhu Zhang, Hui Wang and Mingfang Zhu**. Modelingof microporosity formation and hydrogen concentration evolution duringsolidification of an Al–Si alloy. Chin. Phys. B, 2020, 29(7): 078104. SCI WOS:000547008100001.

[14]            Xuezhou Wang, Dongke Sun*, HuiXing**, Yongsheng Han***,Yanfei Liu and Jincheng Wang. Numerical modeling of equiaxed crystal growth insolidification of binary alloys using a lattice Boltzmann-finite volume scheme.2020 November, 184: 109855. DOI: 10.1016/j.commatsci.2020.109855.SCI WOS: 000567372100006.

[15]            Jinyi Wu, Dongke Sun*, Jincheng Wang and Mingfang Zhu**.Modeling of free dendritic growth in a gravity environment by lattice Boltzmannmethod. Eur. Phys. J. E, 2020, 43: 30. DOI: 10.1140/epje/i2020-11958-7. SCI WOS:000538061300001.

[16]            Dongke Sun*. A discrete kinetic scheme to model anisotropic liquid-solid phasetransitions. Applied Mathematics Letters. 2020, 103: 106222. DOI:10.1016/j.aml.2020.106222. SCI WOS: 000517664700047.

[17]            Chongchen Xiang, Qingyu Zhang*, Dongke Sun, Shunhu Zhang,Mingfang Zhu and Markus Rettenmayr. European PhysicalJournal E. 2020, 43(1): 5. DOI: 10.1140/epje/i2020-11930-7. SCI WOS:000511948100001.

[18]            Zhaodong Zhang, Yuting Cao, Dongke Sun*, Hui Xin, JinchengWang and Zhonghua Ni. A numerical study on pattern selection in crystal growthby using anisotropic lattice Boltzmann-phase field method, Chin. Phys. B,2020(2): 028103. DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/AB6718. SCI WOS: 000526965800001.

[19]            Chengbin Zhang, Suchen Wu, Feng Yao andDongke Sun*.Numerical study on vaporliquid phasechange in an enclosed narrow space. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A:Applications, 2020, 77(2): 199–214. SCI WOS: 000494727500001.

[20]            Rui Du, Jincheng Wang andDongke Sun*.Lattice-Boltzmann Simulations of the Convection-Diffusion Equation withDifferent Reactive Boundary Conditions. Mathematics. 2020, 8 (1): 13. DOI:10.3390/math8010013. SCI WOS: 000515730100077.

[21]            Qingyu Zhang*, Dongke Sun, Shiyan Pan andMingfang Zhu*. Microporosity formation and dendrite growth duringsolidification of aluminum alloys: Modeling and experiment. InternationalJournal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2020, 146: 118838. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2019.118838.SCI WOS: 000500371700032.

[22]            Rui Du, Dongke Sun, Baochang Shi and Zhenhua Chai*. Lattice Boltzmannmodel for time sub-diffusion equation in Caputo sense. Applied Mathematics andComputation. 2019, 358: 80-90. DOI: 10.1016/J.AMC.2019.04.014. SCI WOS:000467907700007.

[23]            Xi Lin, Dongke Sun, Shuanglin Chen, Qi Zhu, Haiyan Leng and QianLi*. Numerical analysis on pulverization and self-densification for hydrogenstorage performance of a metal hydride tank. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019,161: 114129. DOI: 10.1016/J.APPLTHERMALENG.2019.114129. SCI WOS: 000488887200017.EI Accession number: 20193007224463.

[24]            Xiao Li, Kaibing Ren, Man Zhang, Wen Sang, Dongke Sun, TaoHu* and Zhonghua Ni**. Cobalt functionalized MoS2/carbon nanotubes scaffold forenzyme-free glucose detection with extremely low detection limit. DOI:10.1016/J.SNB.2019.04.137. Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical, 2019: 293:122-128. SCI WOS:000469021800017.

[25]            Qun Luo, Cong Zhai, Dongke Sun, Wei Chen and QianLi*. Interpolation and extrapolation with the CALPHAD method, Journal ofMaterials Science & Technology, 2019, 35, 21152120. SCI WOS: 000475870600029.

[26]            Dong An, Shuanglin Chen, Dongke Sun, Shiyan Pan, Bruce W.Krakauer and Mingfang Zhu*. A cellular automaton model integrated with CALPHAD-basedthermodynamic calculations for ferrite-austenite phase transformations inmulticomponent alloys. Computational Materials Science, 2019, 166:210-220. SCI WOS:000471870200024.

[27]            Tao Hu, Jian Xu, Yi Ye , Yu Han , Xiao Li, Zhen Wang, Dongke Sun*,Yunlong Zhou** and Zhonghua Ni***. Visual detection of mixed organophosphorouspesticide using QD-AChE aerogel based microfluidic arrays sensor. Biosensorsand Bioelectronics, 2019, 136: 112117. SCI WOS: WOS:000471081400015.

[28]            Tao Lu, Wenke Chai, Ye Pan*, Ting Dai andDongke Sun.CoCrFeNi Multi-principal Element Alloy Prepared via Self-propagatingHigh-Temperature Synthesis Plus Investment Casting Method. Metallurgical andMaterials Transactions B, 2019, 50B: 32-35. SCI WOS: 000456070300006.

[29]            Jinming Wu, Yingxue Yao, Dongke Sun*, Zhonghua Ni** and MalinGoeteman. Numerical and Experimental Study of the Solo Duck Wave EnergyConverter. Energies 2019, 12, 1941; doi:10.3390/en12101941 SCI WOS:000471016700120.

[30]            Mengdan Hu, Qingyu Zhang, Dongke Sun andMingfang Zhu*. Three-dimensional lattice Boltzmann modeling of dropletcondensation on superhydrophobic nanostructured surfaces. Acta Physica Sinic A 2019,68, 3: 030501 DOI: 10.7498/aps.68.20181665. SCI WOS:000458164600009.

[31]            Dongke Sun*,Hui Xing, Xianglei Dong and Yongsheng Han. An anisotropiclattice Boltzmann - phase field scheme for numerical simulations of dendriticgrowth with melt convection. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2019, 133: 1240-1250. SCI WOS:000460710100108, EI Accession number: 20190306372113.

[32]            Dongke Sun*, Zhenhua Chai, Qian Li and Guanglin Lin. A lattice Boltzmanncellular automaton study on dendrite growthwith melt convection in solidification of ternary alloys. Chinese Physics B,2018, 27(8): 088105. SCI WOS:000442033100005, EI Accession number:20183405716754.

[33]            Dongke Sun*, Yong Wang, Hongyao Yu and Qingyou Han. A lattice Boltzmannstudy on dendritic growth of a binary alloy in the presence of melt convection.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018, 123: 213226. SCI WOS:000434887000018, EI Accessionnumber: 20181004860237.

[34]            Zhenhua Chai*, Dongke Sun, Huili Wang and BaochangShi. A comparative study of local and nonlocal Allen-Cahn equations with massconservation. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018, 122: 63142. SCI WOS: 000431933500055.

[35]            Tao Hu, Mengdan Hu, Sisi Zhou andDongke Sun*. AnImmersed Boundary-Lattice Boltzmann Prediction for Particle HydrodynamicFocusing in Annular Microchannels. Chinese Physics Letters, 2018, 35(10):108101. SCI WOS:000448135200021.

[36]            Tao Hu, Yi Ye, Ke Chen, Feifei Long, Wen Sang, Yunlong Zhou*, DongkeSun** and Zhonghua Ni**. Visual detection of glucose based on quantumdots aerogel in microfluidic chips, Anal. Methods, 2018, 10, 5749. SCI WOS: 000453243200001.

[37]            Qingyu Zhang, Dongke Sun and Mingfang Zhu*. Amulticomponent multiphase lattice Boltzmann model with large liquid-gas densityratios for simulations of wetting phenomena. Chinese Physics B, 2017, 26(8):084701. SCI WOS: 000407239300001, EI 20173304051709.

[38]            Dongke Sun*, Shiyan Pan, Qingyou Han and Baode Sun**. Numerical simulation ofdendritic growth in directional solidification of binary alloys using a latticeBoltzmann scheme. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2016, 103:821831. SCI WOS: 000368953400031.

[39]            Dongke Sun*, Yong Wang, Anping Dong and Baode Sun. A three-dimensionalquantitative study on the hydrodynamic focusing of particles with the immersedboundary-lattice Boltzmann method. International Journal of Heat and MassTransfer, 2016, 94: 306-315. SCI WOS: 000368953400031. EI 20155201712141.

[40]            Dongke Sun*, Mingfang Zhu, Jun Wang and Baode Sun. Lattice Boltzmann modeling ofbubble formation and dendritic growth in solidification of binary alloys.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2016, 94: 474-487. SCI WOS: 000368953400047.EI 20155101679631.

[41]            Qingyu Zhang, Dongke Sun, Youfa Zhang and Mingfang Zhu*.Numerical modeling of condensate droplet on superhydrophobic nanoarrays usingthe lattice Boltzmann method. Chinese Physics B, 2016, 25(6): 066401. SCI WOS: 000377876400043,EI 20162602538014.

[42]            Yuepeng Pang, Dongke Sun, Qinfen Gu, Kuo-Chih Chou, XunliWang and Qian Li*. Comprehensive determination of kinetic parameters insolid-state phase transitions: An extended Jonhson−Mehl−Avrami−Kolomogorovmodel with analytical solutions. Crystal Growth & Design, 2016, 16 (4):2404-2415. SCI WOS: 000373747700076, EI 20161802341016.

[43]            Shuang Qiu, Nai J. Ge, Dongke Sun, Sheng Zhao, JianfeiSun*, Zhao B. Guo, Ke Hu and Ning Gu. Synthesis and characterization ofmagnetic polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) hydrogel microspheres for the embolization ofblood vessel. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2016, 63(4):.730-736. SCI WOS: 000372983800005, EI 20161602270843.

[44]            Mingfang Zhu*, Qianyu Tang, Qingyu Zhang, Shiyan Pan and DongkeSun. Cellular AutomatonModeling of Micro-Structure Evolution During Alloy Solidification. ActaMetallurgica Sinica, 2016(10): 1297-1310. (in Chinese) DOI:10.11900/0412.1961.2016.00361, SCI WOS: 000390080900014.

[45]            Dongke Sun*, Qingyu Zhang, Weisheng Cao and Mingfang Zhu. Simulation of dendriticgrowth with melt convection in solidification of ternary alloys. ChinesePhysics Letters, 2015, 32 (6): 068103. SCI WOS: 000358597200043.

[46]            Dongke Sun, Zheng Bo*. Numerical simulation of hydrodynamic focusing of particlesin straight channel flows with the immersed boundary-lattice Boltzmann method.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2015, 80: 139-149. SCI WOS: 000345202100014,EI 20144200103906.

[47]            Wang Yong*, Dongke Sun, Yaling He and Wenquan Tao. LatticeBoltzmann study on thermoacoustic onset in a Rijke tube. The European PhysicalJournal Plus (2015) 130(1): 1-10. SCI WOS: 000348344300001.

[48]            Ke Chen, Yunlin Quan, Chunfeng Song, Nan Xiang, Di Jiang, DongkeSun, Juekuan Yang, Hong Yi and Zhonghua Ni*. Accurate controlof individual metallic nanowires by light-induced dielectrophoresis: Size-basedseparation and array-spacing regulation. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical,2015, 225: 139-147. SCI WOS: 000352666100018, EI 20151100639143.

[49]            Qingyu Zhang, Dongke Sun, Youfa Zhang and Mingfang Zhu*.Lattice Boltzmann modeling of droplet condensation on superhydrophobicnanoarrays. Langmuir, 2014, 30 (42), 12559-12569. SCI WOS: 000347744100013, EI 20144500154833.

[50]            Mingfang Zhu*, Dongke Sun, Shiyan Pan, Qingyu Zhang and RaabeD. Modelling of dendritic growth during alloy solidification under naturalconvection. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering,2014, 22: 034006. SCI WOS: 000335952900008, EI 20141717618173.

[51]            Nan Xiang, Ke Chen, Qing Dai, Di Jiang, Dongke Sun and ZhonghuaNi*. Inertia-induced focusing dynamics of microparticles throughout a curvedmicrofluidic channel. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 2014, 18: 29-39. SCI WOS:000348977700004, EI 20143600007197.

[52]            Ke Chen, Nan Xiang, Yunlin Quan, Xiaolu Zhu, Dongke Sun,Hong Yi and Zhonghua Ni*. Directed transport and location-designated rotation ofnanowires using AC electric fields. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 2014, 16:237-246. SCI WOS: 000329406900024, EI 20141817652459.

[53]            Dongke Sun*, Yong Wang, Di Jiang, Nan Xiang, Ke Chen and Zhonghua Ni. Dynamicself-assembly of particles in an expanding channel flow. Applied PhysicsLetters, 2013, 103: 071905. SCI WOS: 000323769000020, EI 20133516662071.

[54]            Dongke Sun*, Nan Xiang, Di Jiang, Ke Chen, Hong Yi and Zhonghua Ni. Multirelaxation time lattice Boltzmann simulation of inertial secondary flow in acurved microchannel. Chinese Physics B, 2013, 22(11): 114704. SCI WOS: 000327485400047,EI 20134917055097.

[55]            Dongke Sun*, Di Jiang, Nan Xiang, Ke Chen and Zhonghua Ni. An immersed boundary -lattice Boltzmann simulation of particle hydrodynamic focusing in a straightmicrochannel. Chinese Physics Letters, 2013, 30(7): 074702. SCI WOS: 000321763700032.

[56]            Dongke Sun*, Nan Xiang, Ke Chen and Zhonghua Ni. Lattice Boltzmann modeling ofparticle inertial migration in a curved channel. Acta Physica Sinica, 2013,62(2): 024703. (in Chinese) SCI WOS: 000316815000050.

[57]            Nan Xiang, Ke Chen, Dongke Sun, Shanfang Wang, Hong Yi andZhonghua Ni*. Quantitative characterization of the focusing process and dynamicbehavior of differently sized microparticles in a spiral microchannel.Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 2013, 14: 89-99. SCI WOS: 000313798700008, EI 20132416407255.

[58]            Nan Xiang, Hong Yi, Ke Chen, Dongke Sun, Di Jiang, QingDai and Zhonghua Ni*. High-throughput inertial particle focusing in a curvedmicrochannel: Insights into the flow-rate regulation mechanism and processmodel. Biomicrofluidics, 2013, 7: 044116. SCI WOS: 000323907600018, EI 20133716726952.

[59]            Di Jiang, Dongke Sun, Nan Xiang, Ke Chen, Hong Yi andZhonghua Ni*. Lattice Boltzmann numerical simulation and experimental researchof dynamic flow in an expansion-contraction microchannel. Biomicrofluidics,2013, 7: 034113. SCI WOS: 000321145800014, EI 20132916517455.

[60]            Hainan Chen, Dongke Sun, Ting Dai and Mingfang Zhu*.Modeling of the interaction between solidification interface and bubble usingthe lattice Boltzmann method with large density ratio. Acta Physica Sinica,2013, 62(12): 120502. (in Chinese) SCI WOS: 000321185600007.

[61]            Jianfei Sun*, Jian Dong, Dongke Sun, Zhirui Guo and NingGu. Magnetically mediated vortexlike assembly of gold nanoshells. Langmuir,2012, 28(16): 6520-6526. SCI WOS: 000303091300002, EI 20121814977036.

[62]            Wei Wu, Mingfang Zhu*, Dongke Sun, Ting Dai, Qingyou Han andDierk Raabe. Modelling of dendritic growth and bubble formation. IOP ConfSeries: Materials Science and Engineering, 2012, 33: 012103. SCI WOS: 000307779900103,EI 20132116361118.

[63]            Wei Wu, Dongke Sun, Ting Dai and Mingfang Zhu*. Modellingof dendritic growth and bubble formation. Acta Physica Sinica, 2012, 61(15):3394-3401. (in Chinese) SCI WOS: 000309089100006.

[64]            Mingfang Zhu*, Shiyan Pan, Dongke Sun, Zhonglin Gui andFengmao Zhou. Numerical modeling of microstructure evolution in alloysolidification. Advances in Heterogeneous Material Mechanics, 2011: 643-650.SCI WOS: 000297713100159, EI 20124015499973.

[65]            Dongke Sun, Mingfang Zhu*, Shiyan Pan, Chaorong Yang and Dierk Raabe. LatticeBoltzmann modeling of dendritic growth in forced and natural convection.Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 2011, 61(12): 3585-3592. SCI WOS: 000292583300016,EI 20112514070927.

[66]            Dongke Sun, Mingfang Zhu*, Ting Dai, Weisheng Cao, Shuanglin Chen, Dierk Raabe andChun-Pyo Hong. Modelling of dendritic growth in ternary alloy solidificationwith melt convection. International Journal of Cast Metals Research, 2011, 24(3/4): 177-183. SCI WOS: 000293333900009, EI 20113114195046.

[67]            Fengmao Zhou, Dongke Sun and Mingfang Zhu*. LatticeBoltzmann modelling of liquid-liquid phase separation of monotectic alloys.Acta Physica Sinica 2010, 59(5): 3394-3401. (in Chinese) SCI WOS: 000277733700073.

[68]            Mingfang Zhu*, Shiyan Pan, Dongke Sun and Honglei Zhao.Numerical simulation of microstructure evolution during alloy solidification byusing cellular automaton method. ISIJ International 2010, 50 (12): 1851-1858.SCI WOS: 000285666400018, EI 20110913712196.

[69]            Chaorong Yang, Dongke Sun, Shiyan Pan, Ting Dai andMingfang Zhu*. CALBM model for the simulation ofdendritic growth under natural convection. Acta Metallurgica Sinica 2009,45(1): 43-50. (in Chinese) SCI WOS: 000263767800007, EI 20091111955815.

[70]            Honglei Zhao, Dongke Sun, Shiyan Pan, Ting Dai and MingfangZhu*. CA-LBM modeling of solutal dendritic growth with forced convection.Journal of Southeast University (Natural Science Edition), 2009, 39(2):255-261. (in Chinese) EI 20091812064354.

[71]            Dongke Sun, Mingfang Zhu*, Shiyan Pan and Dierk Raabe. Numerical modeling ofdendritic growth in alloy solidification with forced convection. InternationalJournal of Modern Physics B, 2009, 23(6/7): 1609-1614. SCI WOS: 000266134700137.

[72]            Dongke Sun, Mingfang Zhu*, Chaorong Yang, Shiyan Pan and Ting Dai. Modelling ofdendritic growth in forced and natural convections. Acta Physica Sinica, 2009,58: s285-s291. (in Chinese) SCI WOS: 000270312900047.

[73]            Dongke Sun, Mingfang Zhu*, Shiyan Pan and Dierk Raabe. Lattice Boltzmann modelingof dendritic growth in a forced melt convection. Acta Materialia, 2009, 57(6):1755-1767. SCI WOS: 000264677600006 , EI 20091011940525.

[74]            Dongke SunandMingfang Zhu*. Cellular automaton-lattice Boltzmann model for modeling ofdendritic growth in flowing melt. The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals,2007, 17(s1): 84-89. (in Chinese)

[75]            Dongke Sun, Mingfang Zhu*, Dierk Raabe and Chun-Pyo Hong. Cellular automaton -lattice Boltzmann model for the simulation of dendritic growth with meltconvection. Proceedings of the 7th Pacific Rim International Conference onModeling of Casting and Solidification Processes, Dalian University ofTechnology, Dalian, China, August 19-22, 2007.

[76]            Min Su, Dongke Sun and Mingfang Zhu*. Application oflattice Boltzmann method in modeling of dendritic growth. Materials forMechanical Engineering, 2007, 31(2): 75-78. (in Chinese)

[77]            Jianchun Wu, Yinsheng Dong*, Pinghua Lin, Dongke Sun and FengGao. Effects of cooling ways on microstructure of Zn-Cu peritectic alloy.Special Casting & Nonferrous Alloys, 2005, 25(6): 326-328. (in Chinese) EI 2005289209455.


Updated on December 07, 2023.