



1.     Chen, L;Liao, X;Xia, GF;Sun, BB;Zhou, Y . Variable-potential bistable nonlinear energy sink for enhanced vibration suppression and energy harvesting. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCES. 2023242

2.     Zhou, Y;Pan, Y;Chen, L;Gao, Q;Sun, BB. Study on the Bending Behaviors of a Novel Flexible Re-Entrant Honeycomb. JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME. 20231454

3.     Zhou, Y;Pan, Y;Gao, Q;Sun, BB. In-Plane Quasi-Static Crushing Behaviors of a Novel Reentrant Combined-Wall Honeycomb. JOURNAL OF APPLIED MECHANICS-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME. 2023905

4.     Ibrahim, DS;Sun, BB;Jibia, AU;Oluseyi, OA;Sharif, U;Abdullahi, AY. Optimal strain-deflection analyses of a wedge edged beam for enhanced vibration energy scavenging in patch-like harvester. MECHANICS BASED DESIGN OF STRUCTURES AND MACHINES. 2023515):2435-2457

5.     Pan, Y;Zhou, Y;Wang, M;Gao, Q;Sun, BB. A novel reinforced cylindrical negative stiffness metamaterial for shock isolation: Analysis and application. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOLIDS AND STRUCTURES. 2023279

6.     Xu, YD;Yan, XA;Feng, K;Zhang, YC;Zhao, XL;Sun, BB;Liu, Z. Global contextual multiscale fusion networks for machine health state identification under noisy and imbalanced conditions. RELIABILITY ENGINEERING & SYSTEM SAFETY, 2023231

7.     Xu, YD;Feng, K;Yan, XA;Yan, RQ;Ni, Q;Sun, BB;Lei, ZH;Zhang, YC;Liu, Z. CFCNN: A novel convolutional fusion framework for collaborative fault identification of rotating machinery. INFORMATION FUSION. 202395.1-16

8.     Ibrahim, DS;Sun, BB;Oluseyi, OA;Peng, Z;Sharif, U. Nonlinear dynamic analysis of a reciprocative magnetic coupling on performance of piezoelectric energy harvester interfaced with DC circuit. MECHANICS OF ADVANCED MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES, 2022, 29(26): 5488-5500.

9.     Sharif, U;Chen, L;Sun, BB;Ibrahim, DS;Adewale, OO;Tariq, N. An experimental study on dynamic behaviour of a sandwich beam with 3D printed hexagonal honeycomb core filled with magnetorheological elastomer (MRE). SMART MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES. 2022, 31(5). 

10.   Xu, YD;Yan, XA;Sun, BB;Zhai, JH;Liu, Z. Multireceptive Field Denoising Residual Convolutional Networks for Fault Diagnosis. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS. 2022, 69(11): 11686-11696.

11.   Xu, YD;Yan, XA;Sun, BB;Liu, Z. Hierarchical Multiscale Dense Networks for Intelligent Fault Diagnosis of Electromechanical Systems. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT, 2022, 71. 

12.   Xu, YD;Yan, XA;Sun, BB;Liu, Z. Global contextual residual convolutional neural networks for motor fault diagnosis under variable-speed conditions. RELIABILITY ENGINEERING & SYSTEM SAFETY. 2022, 225.

13.   Xu, Yadong ; Yan, Xiaoan ; Sun, Beibei ; Liu, Zheng. Dually attentive multiscale networks for health state recognition of rotating machinery. Reliability Engineering and System Safety. 2022, 225.

14.   Xu, YD;Yan, XA;Sun, BB;Liu, Z. Deep Coupled Visual Perceptual Networks for Motor Fault Diagnosis Under Nonstationary Conditions. IEEE-ASME TRANSACTIONS ON MECHATRONICS. 2022, 27(6): 4840-4850.

15.   Xu, YD;Yan, XA;Feng, K;Sheng, X;Sun, BB;Liu, Z. Attention-based multiscale denoising residual convolutional neural networks for fault diagnosis of rotating machinery. RELIABILITY ENGINEERING & SYSTEM SAFETY. 2022, 226. 

16.   Chen, L;Liao, X;Sun, BB;Zhang, N;Wu, JW. A numerical-experimental dynamic analysis of high-efficiency and broadband bistable energy harvester with self-decreasing potential barrier effect. APPLIED ENERGY. 2022,317.

17.   Zhou, Y;Pan, Y;Chen, L;Gao, Q;Sun, BB. Mechanical behaviors of a novel auxetic honeycomb characterized by re-entrant combined-wall hierarchical substructures. MATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS. 2022, 9(11):

18.   Zhou, Y;He, Y;Wu, JW;Cui, C;Chen, ML;Sun, BB. A method of parameter estimation for cardiovascular hemodynamics based on deep learning and its application to personalize a reduced-order model. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL METHODS IN BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING, 2022, 38(1). 

19.   Wu, JW;Sun, BB;Huang, R;Peng, Z . Two-step modeling method for inverted pendulum considering Coulomb friction based on Lagrange equation and its model predictive control. CONTROL ENGINEERING AND APPLIED INFORMATICS. 2021. 23(3): 32-41 

20.   Ibrahim, DS;Sun, BB;Oluseyi, OA;Peng, Z;Sharif, U. Nonlinear dynamic analysis of a reciprocative magnetic coupling on performance of piezoelectric energy harvester interfaced with DC circuit. MECHANICS OF ADVANCED MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES  

21.   Xu, Yadong ; Yan, Xiaoan ; Sun, Beibei ; Zhai, Jinhui ; Liu, Zheng.  Multireceptive Field Denoising Residual Convolutional Networks for Fault Diagnosis. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 2021 

22.   Sharif, Umer ; Sun, Beibei ; Hussain, Shahid ; Ibrahim, Dauda Sh. ; Adewale, Orelaja Oluseyi ; Ashraf, Sumaira ; Bashir, Farrukh. Dynamic behavior of sandwich structures with magnetorheological elastomer A review  . Materials, 2021, 14(22)

23.   Sharif Umer;Sun Bei Bei;Zhao Peng;Ibrahim Dauda Sh.;Adewale Orelaja Oluseyi;Zafar Aleena. Dynamic Behavior Analysis of the Sandwich Beam Structure with Magnetorheological Honeycomb Core under Different Magnetic Intensities: A Numerical Approach. Materials Science Forum, 2021,6270

24.   Zhou, Y;He, Y;Wu, JW;Cui, C;Chen, ML;Sun, BB. A method of parameter estimation for cardiovascular hemodynamics based on deep learning and its application to personalize a reduced-order model. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL METHODS IN BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING, 2021 

25.   Ibrahim, DS;Sun, BB;Jibia, AU;Oluseyi, OA;Sharif, U;Abdullahi, AY. Optimal strain-deflection analyses of a wedge edged beam for enhanced vibration energy scavenging in patch-like harvester. MECHANICS BASED DESIGN OF STRUCTURES AND MACHINES, 2021 

26.   Ibrahim, DS;Sun, BB;Fatai, S;Oluseyi, OA;Sharif, U. Numerical and experimental study of a gauge-shaped beam for improved performance of piezoelectric energy harvester. MICROSYSTEM TECHNOLOGIES-MICRO-AND NANOSYSTEMS-INFORMATION STORAGE AND PROCESSING SYSTEMS,2021.

27.   Ibrahim, DS;Sun, BB;Oluseyi, OA;Peng, Z;Sharif, U. Nonlinear dynamic analysis of a reciprocative magnetic coupling on performance of piezoelectric energy harvester interfaced with DC circuit. MECHANICS OF ADVANCED MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES, 2021. 

28.   Zhou, Y;Sun, BB;Chen, ML;Cui, C . Research of flow dynamics and occlusion condition in roller pump systems used for ventricular assist. ARTIFICIAL ORGANS ;2020;

29.   Su, Liangwei ; Zhang, Yingjie ; Sun, Beibei*. Multi-objective optimization of deployable composite cylindrical thin-walled hinges with progressive damage[J]. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, :2020,61(2):803-817 

30.   Lingjian Shi, Beibei Sun, Ibrahim, et al. An active learning reliability method with multiple kernel functions based on radial basis function [J]. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2019, 60(1):211-229.

31.   Lie Li, Beibei Sun, Haitao Hua. Nonlinear system modeling and damping implementation of a boring bar [J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2019, 104(1-4):921-930.

32.   Fei Xue, Beibei Sun, Renqiang Jiao, Jiandong Chen. Numerical studies on the acoustic characteristics of the U-shaped corrugated pipes and application investigations [J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2019, 233(5):1136-1149.

33.   Fei Xue, Beibei Sun. Experimental study on the comprehensive performance of the application of U-shaped corrugated pipes into reactive mufflers [J]. Applied Acoustics, 2018, 141:362-370.

34.   Lingjian Shi, Beibei Sun. Modeling and optimization of vibration response characteristics of the orbital sander based on surrogate model [J]. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2018, 57(6):2259-2271.