



  1.  L. LiJ.W. Mo(co-first author), and Z.G. Li*, Nanofluidic diode for simple fluids without moving parts, Physical Review Letters, 115: 134503, 2015 (Editor’s Suggestion; Featured in Physics)

  2. J.W. Mo*, J.J. Sha, D.K. Li, Z.G. Li, and Y.F. Chen*, Fluid release pressure for nanochannels: The Young-Laplace equation using the effective contact angle, Nanoscale, 11: 8408, 2019

  3. J.W. Mo*, C. Wang, J.Y. Zeng, J.J. Sha, Z.G. Li, and Y.F. Chen*, Directional passive transport of nanodroplets on general axisymmetric surfaces, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 24:9727, 2022 

  4. J.Y. Zeng, T. Zhang, G. Liang, J.W. Mo*, J. Zhu, L. Qin, X.J. Liu*, and Z.H. Ni*, A "turn off-on" fluorescent sensor for detection of Cr(VI) based on upconversion nanoparticles and nanoporphyrin, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 311:124002, 2024

  5.  J.Y. Zeng, X.Y. Wang, Y. Jia, J.W. Mo*, R.L. Sun, T.S. Wu, Q. Xu, and H. Jin, A fluorescent sensor for daunorubicin determination using 808 nm-excited upconversion nanoparticles, Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials, 31(7): 2868-2876, 2021

  6. J.W. Mo*, Y.H. Ding, N. Xiang, S. Zhu, J.Y. Zeng, K.D. Bi, J. Ma, J.J. Sha, and Y.F. Chen*, Fluid release pressure for micro-/nanoscale rectangular channels, Journal of Applied Physics, 127: 114302, 2020

  7. J.W. Mo*, S. Wang, J.Y. Zeng, and X. Ding, Aptamer-based upconversion fluorescence sensor for doxorubicin detection, Journal of Fluorescence, 33(5): 1897-1905, 2023

  8. J.W. Mo*, Y.H. Ding, S. Zhu, P. Kuang, L. Shen, N. Xiang*, J.J. Sha, and Y.F. Chen*, Passive microscopic fluidic diodes using asymmetric channels, AIP advances, 9: 085117, 2019

  9. J.W. Mo*and Heng Ban*Measurements and theoretical modeling of effective thermal conductivity of particle beds under compression in air and vacuumCase studies in thermal engineering, 10: 423, 2017

  10. J.W. Mo, C. Li, L. Li, J. Wang, and Z.G. Li*Passive nanofluidic diode using non-uniform nanochannelsPhysics of fluids, 28:580, 2016

  11. J.W. Mo, L. Li, J. Wang, and Z.G. Li*, Passive fluidic diode for simple fluids using nested nanochannel structures, Physical Review E, 93:033101, 2016

  12. J.W. Mo, L. Li, J. Zhou, D. Xu, B. Huang, and Z.G. Li*, Fluid infiltration pressure for hydrophobic nanochannels, Physical Review E, 90: 033022, 2015

  13. J.W. MoD. Garrett, and H. Ban*, Anisotropic effective thermal conductivity of particle beds under uniaxial compression, International Journal of Thermophysics, 36: 2621-2637, 2015

  14. Z. Fei, S. Zhang, J.W. Mo, H. Yi, S.Z. Zhang, H.Y. Yu, K.B. Lin, J.J. Sha*, and Y.F. Chen*, Ion concentration effect on nanoscale electrospray modes, Small, 16:2000397, 2020

  15. Z. Zhao, Y. Qiu, S. Ji, Y. Yang, C. Yang, J.W. Mo, and J. Zhu*Machine learning-assistedwearable sensing for high-sensitivity gesture recognition. Sensors andActuators A: Physical,  365: 114877, 2024

  16. Y. Wang, J.W. Mo, S. Luo, Y. Zhang, B. Huang, and Z.G. Li*, Effects of convex surface roughness on heterogeneous ice nucleation, AIP Advances, 14:055214, 2024

  17. J. Ma*, Q.Y. Zeng, L.J. Zhan, J.W. Mo, Y. Zhang, and Z.H. Ni, Power generation from salinity gradient by reverse electrodialysis in silicon nitride nanopores , Nano, 15(11):2050148, 2020

  18. L. Zhou, K. Li, Z. Li, P. He, K. Lin, J.W. Mo, and J. Ma*, Detection of DNA homopolymer with graphene nanopore, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 37:061809, 2019

  19. J. Zhou*J.W. Mo, C. Shao, and Z.G. Li, Effects of magnetized walls on the particle structure and the yield stress of magnetorheological fluids, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 389: 124-129, 2015

  20. L. Li, J.W. Mo, and Z.G. Li*, Flow and slip transition in nanochannels, Physical Review E, 90: 033003, 2014

  21. X. Yao, H. Li, S. Wang, W. Xu, J. Ma, and J.W. Mo*Electrically Facilitated Transport of Proteins through Glass Nanopores: Electroosmosis versus Electrophoresis, IEEE 18th International Conference on NEMS, 2023: 193-196 (EI)

  22. C. Wang, J. Sha, H. Yi, J.W. Mo* and J. Ma, Onset voltage for electrospray from nanopores, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, 2022: 1-6 (EI)

  23. S. Wang, J.Y. Zeng, X. Yao, and J.W. Mo*An Nd3+-sensitized Upconversion Fluorescence Sensor Coupled with Microwell Device for the Ratiometric Detection of Doxorubicin,  IEEE 18th International Conference on NEMS, 2023: 170-173 (EI)

  24. H. Yan, P. Zhou, Z. Xu, Z. Chen, and J.W. Mo, CFD study on the flow characteristics in the filleted microchannels, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 103: 268-273, 2011 (EI)

  25. Q.Y. Zeng, J. Ma*J.W. Mo, Y. Zhang, Extracting salt energy difference with silicon nitride nanopore generator, 5th International Conference on Power and Renewable Energy, 2020, p165-169 (EI)


  1. J.W. Mo, J.J. Sha, Z.G. Li , and Y.F. Chen, Molecular dynamics simulation of fluid release from nanochannels, ICMFLOC, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, 2018

  2. J.W. Mo, J.J. Sha, Y.F. Chen, and Z.G. Li, Molecular dynamics simulation of passive nanofluidic diode using non-uniform nanochannels, The 33rd ITCC International Thermal Conductivity Conference, Utah State University, USA, May 2017

  3. J.W. Mo, and Z.G. Li, Molecular dynamics simulation of passive fluidic diode for simple fluids, The 20thAnnual Conference of HKSTAM, HKUST, Hong Kong, Apr. 2016

  4. J.W. Mo, L. Li, and Z.G. Li, Fluid infiltration pressure for hydrophobic nanochannels, Poster Session Presentation, Gordon Research Conference, Nano-Mechanical Interfaces, HKUST, Hong Kong, Jul. 2015

  5. J.W. Mo and Z.G. Li, On the fluid infiltration pressure for hydrophobic nanochannels, 19th Annual Conference of HKSTAM, HKUST, Hong Kong, Mar. 2015

  6. J.W. Mo, L. Li, and Z.G. Li, Molecular dynamics simulation of nanoscale fluid infiltration, ASME IMECE, Montreal, Canada, Nov. 2014

  7. J.W. Mo and Z.G. Li, Molecular dynamics simulation of nanoscale fluid infiltration into hydrophobic nanochannels, ASME 4th Micro/Nanoscale Heat & Mass Transfer, HKU, Hong Kong, Dec. 2013