


副教授;1976年生于中国山东省,1998年毕业于东南大学机械工程系并取得工学学士学位,并分别于2001年和2006年获得东南大学机械电子工程专业的硕士和博士学位。现于东南大学电磁环境效应研究中心(原电磁兼容研究室)从事科研教学工作。兼职:全国无线电干扰标准化技术委员会B分会委员、IEEE EMC协会会员。





是以下标准的主要完成人之一: GJB 72A《电磁兼容性术语》、GJB 5234-2004 《射频吸波材料吸波性能测试方法》、GJB158-2011《军用装备电磁材料电磁屏蔽性能数据手册》GJB/Z25A 《电子设备和设施的接地、搭接和屏蔽设计指南》。


was born in China in 1976. She receivedthe B.E. degree in mechanical engineering from Southeast University, Nanjing,China, in 1998, and she was awarded M.E. and Ph.D. degrees inelectronic-mechanical engineering in 2001 and 2006 respectively from SoutheastUniversity.

In 2001,she joined the Mechanical Engineering Department, Southeast University. Currentlyshe is an associate professor in Research Center for Electromagnetic EnvironmentalEffects of Southeast University.

From 2011 to 2012, she worked with MissouriUniversity of Science and Technology, Rolla as a visiting scholar. Her scientificinterests include microwave engineering, interaction of electromagnetic fieldwith ferrites and composite media, and application for electromagneticcompatibility, electronic packaging and thermal design.

She has authored and co-authored morethan 50 articles in the field of EMC in books, journals or at conferences. Sheis a major contributor of some national military standards in china one EMC,such as GJB 72A< Terminologyfor electromagnetic interference and electromagnetic compatibility >,GJB 5239-2004< Test methods for radio-frequency absorberperformance > etc.Besides the above activities, her research isalso focused on the conflict and coordination of EMC and thermal design for improvingthe reliability of electronic equipment in coarse environments.