


[1]. L. Han, etal, A study on   the key parameters of slit air nozzle for the coating process of Li-ion power   batteryApplied Mechanics and Materials, v 470, p 495-4982014 (EI)

[2]. L. Han, etal, A study on   the inspection technology of the electrode defects of Li-ion power battery   based on HALCONApplied Mechanics and Materials, v 470, p 617-620,2014(EI)

[3]. L. Han, etal, Design of   automatic production line for electrode defects inspection of Li-ion power   battery, Applied Mechanics and Materials, v 470, p 400-403, 2014(EI)

[4]. L. Han, etal, A study on   vibration measuring technique for vibratory feeding system,Advanced Materials   Research, v 765-767, p 2185-2188, 2013(EI)

[5]. L. Han, etal, The   analysis and research on the coating and drying method of electrode of the   Li-ion power battery, Advanced Materials Research, v 765-767, p 3184-3187,   2013(EI)

[6]. L. Han, etal, A study and   discussion on inspection method of electrode defects of the Li-ion power   battery, Advanced Materials Research, v 765-767, p 1916-1919, 2013(EI)

[7]. L. Han, etal, A study on   electrode coating technology of the Li-ion power battery, Advanced Materials   Research, v 765-767, p 3188-3191, 2013(EI)

[8]. L. Han, etal, A study and   discussion on defects classification of electrode coating of Li-ion power   battery, Applied Mechanics and Materials,v 380-384, p 4364-4367, 2013(EI)

[9]. L. Han, etal, A study on   key technology of automatic inspection equipment of electrode defects of   li-ion power battery, Applied Mechanics and Materials, v 380-384, p   1081-1084, 2013(EI)

[10]. L. Han, etal, The   research and practice of heated-wind circulating and shock drying method for   Li-ion power battery electrode, Applied Mechanics and Materials, v 380-384, p   4368-4371, 2013(EI)

[11]. L. Han, etal, A study on   double plus chain mechanism for Li-ion power battery formation equipment, Advanced   Materials Research, v 650, p 398-402, 2013(EI)

[12]. L. Han, etal, A study on   the testing system and method for Li-ion power battery, Advanced Materials   Research, v 650, p 426-430, 2013(EI)

[13]. L. Han, etal, A study on   process of modular li-ion power batteries, Applied Mechanics and Materials, v   273, p 153-156, 2013(EI)

[14]. L. Han, etal, A study on   Li-ion power battery formation energy recycling technology, Advanced   Materials Research, v 630, p 356-359, 2013(EI)

[15]. L. Han, etal, A study on   elevator of li-ion power battery formation equipment, Applied Mechanics and   Materials, v 273, p 111-114, 2013(EI)

[16]. L. Han, etal, A study on   the process of lithium battery formation manipulator, Advanced Materials   Research, v 630, p 352-355, 2013(EI)

[17]. L. Han, etal, An   experimental study on the driving system of vibratory feeding, Telkomnika -   Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering, v11, n 10, p 5851-5859, 2013(EI)

[18] L. Han, etal, The study of current and voltage needle for Li-ion battery   formation, Advanced Materials Research,Volume:650,2013   (EI)

[19] L. Han, etal, Easy tennis-serving machine for   teaching purpose, Advanced Materials Research, Volume:630, 2013 (EI)

[20]L. Han, etal, Development of the intelligent   tennis vehicle, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Volume:198-199, 2012 (EI)

[21] L. Han, etal, Design and study on the automatic   extrusion device for curved chassis of vibratory feeder, Applied Mechanics   and Materials, Volume:198-199, 2012 (EI)

[22] L. Han, etal, A study on the testing system and   method for Li-ion power battery, Advanced Materials Research, Volume:  650, 2013 (EI)

[23] L. Han, etal, A study on the process of lithium   battery formation manipulator, Advanced Materials Research, Volume:630, 2013 (EI)

[24] L. Han, etal, A study on the machine vision   assisted vibratory feeding system, Applied Mechanics and Materials,   Volume:220-223, 2012 (EI)

[25] L. Han, etal, A study on the automatic feeding   device for optical fiber adapter base, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Volume:215-216,   2012 (EI)

[26] L. Han, etal, A study on process of modular   li-ion power batteries, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Volume:273, 2013 (EI)

[27] L. Han, etal, A study on Li-ion power battery   formation energy recycling technology, Advanced Materials Research,   Volume:630, 2013 (EI

[28] L. Han, etal, A study on elevator of li-ion power   battery formation equipment, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Volume:  273, 2013 (EI)

[29] L. Han, etal, A study on double plus chain   mechanism for Li-ion power battery formation equipment, Advanced Materials   Research, Volume:650,2013 (EI)

[30] L. Han, etal, A study on a new method for   measuring positioning accuracy of multi-station turntable, Applied Mechanics   and Materials, Volume:198-199, 2012  (EI)

[31] L. Han, etal, A study on the teaching platform of   linear vibratory feeder, Applied Mechanics and Materialsvol.152-154,2012(EI)

[32] L. Han, etal, A study on the integrated modeling   of decoupled vibratory feeder, Applied Mechanics and Materialsvol.152-154,2012(EI)

[33] L. Han, C.B. Li, G.P. Hu, A Study on the   Vision-Based Flexible Vibratory Feeding System, Advanced Materials Research,   Vol. 279, 2011(EI)

[34] L. Han,etal, A Study on the Battery Parameter   Testing Equipment, Applied Mechanics and Materials, vol.148-149, 2011 (EI)

[35] L. Han,etal, Dynamic Analysis of Elbow Joint in   the Stroke of Tennis,  Advanced   Materials Research,  vol.279, 2011 (EI)

[36] L. Han,etal, Development of a Multi-Fingered   Massaging Robot Hand,  Advanced   Materials Research, vol.279, 2011 (EI)

[37] L. Han, etal, A study of the Automatic Formation   Line of Li-ion Power Batteries, Advanced Materials Research, vol.328-330,   2011 (EI)

[38] L. Han, etal,    A Study on The Modelling and Simulation of Part Motion in Vibratory   Feeding, Applied Mechanics and Materials, vol.34-35, 2010 (EI)

[39] L. Han, etal, Fuzzy Control of a Decoupled   Vibratory Feeding System, Proceedings - 2010 7th International Conference on   Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, FSKD 2010, v 2,2010 (EI)

[40] L. Han,etal, A Study on the Design and   Commercialization of Decoupled Vibratory Feeding System, 2010 International   Conference on Mechanic Automation and Control Engineering, MACE2010, 2010 (EI)

[41] L. Han and S. K. Tso, Mechatronic Design of a   Flexible Vibratory Feeding System, Journal of Engineering Manufacture,   IMechE, Vol. 217, 2003, pp. 837-842 SCIEI

[42] L. Han, W. L. Xu, S. K. Tso, Ultrasonically   Assisted and Piezoelectric Actuators Integrated Cutting Tool, Japanese   Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 37(1998) pp. 4616-4619

[43] L. Han. A Study on Decoupled Vibratory Feeder.   Proceedings of the2nd Asia International Symposium on Mechatronics(CD   version). Hong Kong, China. Dec.11-14, 2006

[44] L. Han and S. K. Tso, Prediction of Conveying   Velocity of a Flexible Vibratory Feeding System Using Artificial Neural   Networks, Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial   Intelligence, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, June 24-27,2002,pp174-180

[45] L. Han, S. K. Tso, Mechatronic Design and Control   of a Flexible Vibratory Feeding System, Proceedings - IEEE M2VIP, 2001,   pp.206-213

[46]   L. Han, W. L. Xu, S. K.   Tso, A Study on Vibratory Feeding, the 3rd    International Conference on Engineering Design and Automation, Hyatt   Regency, Vancouver, B. C., Canada, Aug. 1-4, 1999, pp. 870-876

[47]   L. Han, W. L. Xu, S. K.   Tso, Modelling of a Decoupled Vibratory Bowl Feeder, Proceedings of the 9th   International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing   (CD version), Tilburg University, June 23-25, 1999

[48] L. Han, W. L. Xu, S. K. Tso, Study of Driving   Signal for Decoupled Vibratory Bowl Feeder, Proceedings of the 9th   International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent   Manufacturing, Tilburg University, June 23-25, 1999 pp.337-346

[49] L. Han, W. L. Xu, A Novel Vibratory Bowl Feeder   for Automated Electronic Production, Proceedings of the 1998 Japan-USA   Symposium on Flexible Automation, Otsu, Japan, July 12-15, 1998, pp. 841-843

[50] L. Han, W. L. Xu, S. K. Tso, An Ultrasonically   Assisted Cutting Tool for Error    Compensation, Proceedings of the 1998 Japan-USA Symposium on Flexible   Automation, Otsu, Japan, July 12-15, 1998, pp. 247-254

[51] L. Han, W. L. Xu, S. K. Tso, Mechatronic Design   of a Novel Automated Printing Machine for Surge Arrester Production,   Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Engineering Design and   Automation (CD version), Maui, Hawaii, USA, Aug. 9-12, 1998

[52] L. Han, W. L. Xu, S. K. Tso, Physical Modelling   of a Piezoelectric Actuator for Active Error Compensation Control, 5th   International Conference on Mechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice,   Nanjing, China, Sept. 10-12, 1998, pp.299-304

[53]   L. Han, W. L. Xu, S. K.   Tso, Decoupled Vibratory Bowl Feeder 5th International Conference on   Mechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice, Nanjing, China, Sept. 10-12,   1998, pp.481-486

[54]韩良,凌少钦,颜凯歌圆盘解耦式振动料斗的机械结构设计与实验研究,电子工业专用设备,2013.4: 39~44

[55]韩良,张倩《电子专用设备原理与实现技术》课程教学改革与探索,教育教学论坛,2013.11: 29~30

[56]韩良,卞印航.   《机电系统创新设计与实用技术》课程教改探索与实践,教育教学论坛,2013.10: 245~246

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