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2.Zhang, X., et al., A general strategy for designing two-dimensional high-efficiency layered thermoelectric materials. Energy & Environmental Science, 2021. 14(7): p. 4059-4066.

3.Yang, L., et al., Observation of superdiffusive phonon transport in aligned atomic chains. Nature Nanotechnology, 2021. 16(7): p. 764-+.

4.Tao, Y., et al., Non-monotonic boundary resistivity for electron transport in metal nanowires. Applied Physics Letters, 2021. 118(15).

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9.Zhao, Y., et al., Experimental measurement of thermal conductivity along different crystallographic planes in graphite. Journal of Applied Physics, 2020. 128(4).

10.Zhang, Y., et al., Electroosmotic Facilitated Protein Capture and Transport through Solid-State Nanopores with Diameter Larger than Length. Small Methods, 2020. 4(11).

11.Zhang, X.W., et al., High ZT 2D Thermoelectrics by Design: Strong Interlayer Vibration and Complete Band-Extrema Alignment. Advanced Functional Materials, 2020. 30(22).

12.Wu, C., et al., Anomalous layer thickness dependent thermal conductivity of Td-WTe2 through first-principles calculation. Physics Letters A, 2020. 384(30).

13.Wei, Z.Y., et al., Significant enhancement of thermal boundary conductance in graphite/Al interface by ion intercalation. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2020. 157.

14.Wei, Z.Y., et al., Phonon energy dissipation in friction between graphene/graphene interface. Journal of Applied Physics, 2020. 127(1).

15.Tao, Y., et al., The enhancement of heat conduction across the metal/graphite interface treated with a focused ion beam. Nanoscale, 2020. 12(27): p. 14838-14846.

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18.Si, W., et al., Detergent-Assisted Braking of Peptide Translocation through a Single-Layer Molybdenum Disulfide Nanopore. Small Methods, 2020. 4(11).

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20.Mo, J.W., et al., Fluid release pressure for micro-/nanoscale rectangular channels. Journal of Applied Physics, 2020. 127(11).

21.Luo, J., Investigation on the origin of friction and superlubricity. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2020. 65(27): p. 2967-2978.

22.Lin, K.B., et al., Charge Inversion and Calcium Gating in Mixtures of Ions in Nanopores. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2020. 142(6): p. 2925-2934.

23.Li, Z.W., et al., Strong Differential Monovalent Anion Selectivity in Narrow Diameter Carbon Nanotube Porins. Acs Nano, 2020. 14(5): p. 6269-6275.

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25.Kan, Y.J., et al., Diminishing Cohesion of Chitosan Films in Acidic Solution by Multivalent Metal Cations. Langmuir, 2020. 36(18): p. 4964-4974.