
学术论坛报告:Dr. Yong Wang——Biofluidics and Biomechanics: Bridging Physics, Biology and Medicine



本期学术论坛由Max PlanckInstitute for Dynamics and Self-Organization, Dr. Yong Wang 主讲


目:Biofluidics and Biomechanics: Bridging Physics, Biology and Medicine

报告人:Dr. Yong Wang(王勇)





Biofluidics and biomechanics include the studies offluid, structure and their functions inside living mammals, and act as a bridgebetween physics, biology and medicine. In Göttingen, we are a group ofphysicists, biologists and engineers who are interested in interdisciplinaryresearch especially biofluidics and biomechanics. In this talk, I will present ourefforts on two of the most important organs: brain and heart. Forthe brain, a temporospatial flow network of cerebrospinal fluid(CSF), induced by motile cilia in the ventricular system of mammalian brain, isfound and studied both experimentally and numerically. These studies aim atunderstanding to how this transport system is established and howcilia-mediated transport assists targeted delivery of CSF components tospecific brain regions. For the heart, we are investigating the heart muscle aswell as cardiac fiber both theoretically and experimentally. In silico modelsof the heart are then used for personalized therapies for heart regeneration,such as implantation of engineered heart muscle.



Dr. Yong Wang is a Junior Faculty/GroupLeader at the Department of Fluid Physics, Pattern Formation, andBiocomplexity, in the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization(MPIDS). He is also an associate faculty at the Göttingen Graduate School forNeurosciences, Biophysics, and Molecular Biosciences (GGNB), University ofGöttingen. He received his dual bachelor degrees (2004) and Ph.D degree (withdistinction, 2010) from Xi’an Jiaotong University, Shaanxi, China (supervisor:Prof. Yaling He, Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences). Prior to joiningMPIDS, he worked with Distinguished Prof. Said Elghobashi (Member of theNational Academy of Engineering) as a postdoctoral researcher at University ofCalifornia, Irvine, USA. Dr. Wang’s current research interests includebiofluidics and biomechanics, such as heart regeneration, cilia coordinatedflow, nonlinear soft matter, turbulent airflow in human upper airway, MRI flowimaging and flow stability. He is a DZHK (German Centre for CardiovascularResearch) scientist and member of American Physical Society. He is an Editor ofJournal of Hydrodynamics, an Academic Editor of PLOS ONE, as well as referee ofmore than 20 international journals.

