学术论坛报告:Professor Judy Jin——Data Fusion Research for Improving Manufacturing Systems Quality



学术论坛通知:本期学术论坛由The University of MichiganProfessor Judy Jin主讲

题目:Data Fusion Research for Improving Manufacturing Systems Quality 

报告人:Professor Judy Jin

时间: 20181228日,14:00-15:30




Industrial big data are widely available through connected cyber-physical systems, distributed sensing and the Internet of Things, which provide unprecedented opportunities for real time information sharing and integrative decision making for smart manufacturing. Meanwhile, it also brings data analysis challenges due to massive high dimensional data with spatial and temporal heterogeneity and complex functional dependencies. This talk will firstly present the research opportunities and challenges of data analytics for smart manufacturing. Examples of ongoing research on methodological developments and their applications will be discussed with the emphasis on information integration for data driven optimal decision making. Some discussions will also be given on how to explore research topics for students to do graduate study. 


Jionghua (Judy) Jin is currently a professor in the Department of Industrial and Operations Engineering and the Director of Manufacturing Program at the University of Michigan. Dr. Jin’s research focuses on developing new data fusion methodologies with broad applications in both manufacturing and service industries.  She has received numerous awards including the prestigious NSF CAREER Award in 2002 and the presidential PECASE Award in 2004, respectively and 12Best Paper Awards since 2000 from the conferences and journals in her research filed.  She is currently the Editor of Quality and Reliability Engineering for IISE Transactions. She was also the former Vice President of INFORMS in 2010~2013 and the President of Quality Control and Reliability Engineering Division in IIE in 2007~2008. She is an elected Fellow of IISE and ASME, an elected senior member of ISI, and a senior member of ASQ.

She received her BS and MS in Mechanical Engineering at Southeast University, Nanjing, China in 1984 and 1987, and her PhD in Industrial and Operations Engineering at the University of Michigan in 1999, respectively.


