学术论坛报告:Dr. Wei Li——Controlling ThermalRadiation and Absorption for Energy Applications


本期学术论坛由Stanford UniversityDr. Wei Li 主讲

题目:Controlling ThermalRadiation and Absorption for Energy Applications

报告人:Dr. Wei Li 

时间: 2018425日,上午10:00-11:00




Thermal radiation represents a ubiquitous aspect of nature. Anyobject at finite temperatures emits thermal radiation due to thermally inducedmotion of particles and quasiparticles. The sun at 6000 K and the cold universeat 3 K, which represent the most important renewable energy resource and theultimate thermodynamic heat sink, are all accessible through thermalradiation. The ability tocontrol thermal radiation and absorption therefore plays a fundamentallyimportant role in controlling radiative heat and energy transfer and associatedapplications, such as solar energy harvesting, radiative cooling andthermophotovoltaics.

In this talk, I will discuss how we can judiciously design andengineer thermal radiation and absorption properties for a wide range ofthermal and energy applications, including generating and measuring highlylocalized thermal hot spot, enhancing hot carrier energy conversion efficiency,designing absorptivity/emissivity signature, as well as radiative cooling andthermal management techniques.


Dr. Wei Li is postdoctoral research associate workingwith Prof. Shanhui Fan at Edward L. Ginzton Laboratory, Stanford University. Hereceived his Bachelor’s degree in Thermal Energy and Power Engineering fromHarbin Institute of Technology in 2011 and Ph.D. degree in MechanicalEngineering from Vanderbilt University in 2016. His research interests mainlyfocus on thermal radiation control and associate energy applications, nanoscaleheat and energy transfer processes, nanoscale thermal imaging techniques andnano fabrications. Over the past 5 years, he has published over 10 journalpapers including 2 top 1% highly cited papers, receiving more than 500citations. He is the recipient of Chinese Government Award for OutstandingSelf-financed Students Abroad, Dissertation Enhancement Grant Award fromVanderbilt, and best poster awards from several conferences. He is a reviewerof over 20 journals and a member of ASME, MRS and OSA.


