
学术论坛报告:Dr. Yanliang Zhang——Thermal transport and thermoelectric energy conversion- AdvancedMaterials, Manufacturing and Systems


本期学术论坛由Boise State UniversityDr. Yanliang Zhang主讲

题目:Thermal transport and thermoelectric energy conversion- AdvancedMaterials, Manufacturing and Systems

报告人:Dr. Yanliang Zhang 

时间: 512上午10:00



Advancedmanufacturing methods have led to many scientific and technology advancementsin new materials and devices for thermal transport and energy conversion applications.This presentation will discuss additive manufacturing and scalablenanomanufacturing methods to fabricate novel materials and devices and control thermaland thermoelectric transport properties with broad applications in thermalenergy conversion and thermal management.

Thispresentation will cover three important topics. First, I will present our fundamentalstudy on thermal and thermoelectric transport properties in nanostructuredmaterials fabricated using scalable nanomanufacturing methods, which have ledto significant increases in thermoelectric figure of merit ZT. Second, I willdiscuss novel additive manufacturing and interface engineering methods tofabricate efficient and flexible thermoelectric generator devices usingcolloidal nanocrystals which resulted in unprecedented high power density and ultralowcost. Finally, I will talk about the design, modeling and manufacturing of high-performancenanostructured thermoelectric generator systems for thermal energy harvesting applications.The above research breakthroughs are on track to create a sustainable andcommercially viable technology for automotive, industrial, electronics, andpersonal energy harvesting and thermal management applications.


Yanliang Zhang is an assistant professor inthe Department of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering at Boise StateUniversity. He will join University of Notre Dame, and start a new facultyposition in the Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering on July 1st,2017.

Dr.Zhang received Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering from RensselaerPolytechnic Institute in 2011, and spent over one year in industry prior to hiscurrent faculty position. He is a recipient of the 2017 U.S. National ScienceFoundation (NSF) CAREER Award, an IBM fellowship award in 2008-2010, andmultiple best paper awards from international conferences. Dr. Zhang’s researchhas been sponsored by competitive funding awards from U.S. Department of Energyand National Science Foundation, and he has directed severalmulti-institutional research projects on advanced energy and sensor systemswith total funding exceeding $12 million. Dr.Zhang’s research work has been published on numerous scientific journals ofhigh impact including Nature Materials, Science Advances, AdvancedMaterials, Nano Letters, Scientific Reports, EnergyConversion and Management, Applied Physics Letters, etc.,and his publications have received over 600 citations in the past 6 years.
