学术论坛报告:Dr. Yu Haoyong--Design and Evaluation of a Compliant Exoskeleton for Stroke Rehabilitation


本期学术论坛由National University of Singapore Dr. Yu Haoyong主讲

题目:Design and Evaluation of a Compliant Exoskeleton for Stroke Rehabilitation

报告人:Dr. Yu Haoyong

时间: 201663上午 10:00



Gait disability is common for survivors of stroke or patients with neurological conditions such as spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries and Parkinson’s disease. Robotic assisted gait rehabilitation has the potentials to reduce labor intensity for therapists, provide stimulating biofeedback to patients, provide quantitative measures to clinicians, and ultimately better functional outcome than conventional therapies. However, these potentials have far from being achieved with current complex and expensive robotic systems.

We are developing an intelligent compact compliant and modular powered knee-ankle-foot robot for chronic stroke patients to conduct gait rehabilitation at outpatient rehabilitation centers or at private homes. Most exoskeleton robots are built with conventional geared motor actuators which are stiff and bulky. Rehabilitation robots have direct physical interaction with human users, where intrinsic compliance is importance due to safety concern. Compliant actuators based on air muscle are not portable due to the need of compressed air supply. Series elastic actuators (SEA) have been widely adopted for rehab robot design. However, the performance of current SEA designs is limited by the choice of spring stiffness. We developed a novel compact compliant actuator and linkage mechanism to achieve light-weight and modular exoskeleton design.

In this talk, I will introduce the mechanical design and control and experimental results with this system.


Dr. Yu received his Bachelor’s Degree and Master’s Degree from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 1988 and 1991 respectively. He received his PhD in Mechanical Engineering from MIT in 2002. He worked in DSO National Laboratories of Singapore as a Principal Member of Technical Staff from 2002 to 2010. Dr. Yu joined Department of Biomedical Engineering of NUS as an Assistant Professor in September 2010. He is a Principal Investigator of the Singapore Institute of Neurotechnology (SiNAPSE) and the Advanced Robotic Center of NUS (ARC) of NUS. His current research focuses on medical robotics for surgery and neurorehabilitation.
