
Prof. John Bell: Education and Research in the School of Chemistry, Physics and Mechanical Engineering at QUT




本期学术论坛由澳大利亚昆士兰科技大学John Bell教授主讲


题目: Education and Research in the School of Chemistry, Physics and Mechanical Engineering at QUT

报告人:Prof. John Bell

时间:20150528星期四 13:30-14:30




The seminar will cover both undergraduate and postgraduate programs, particularly in the engineering disciplines, and will survey the full range of research activities in the School. Professor Bell will also focus on some recent research in one of our key areas of strength, computational science. Recent work in deformation of nanomaterials, both experimental work using in-situ transmission electron microscopy and vibration techniques will be presented, complement by advanced modelling of the systems.



Professor Bell is the Head of School of Chemistry, Physics and Mechanical Engineering at Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane.He has had long experience in leadership in Universities and research.He has worked for nearly 25 years on advanced materials with applications in energy generation, buildings, and electronics.He has held a Queensland Government Smart Futures Fellowship on the topic “Queensland’s Solar Future”, has published over 200 refereed papers, and secured over $18 million in research funding since 1990.

Professor Bell has had a long involvement with nanotechnology, and is currently Chair of the Engineers Australia Working Group on Nanoengineering, and was previously a member of the Board of the Australian Nanotechnology Alliance.



